1.16: the letter

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Aurora finally tuned back into the conversation after being shown around a place she's already seen before. "Dot is responsible for all apocalypse matters. In fact, it was Dot here who first flagged your appearance in 2019."

"No hard feelings," The woman smiled brightly.

"Well, you certainly put us through the ringer. Outsmarting two of our so-called best temporal assassins. If that doesn't spell leadership material," The Handler raised her voice, making the entire room go silent. "I just don't know.

"I suspect you two like challenges, which is why I've given you a particularly complex first case. It's too bad Joseph Spah decided against sabotaging the fuel tank, it would've been so much easier. Anywho, if you have any questions..."

Aurora rolled her eyes and interrupted. "Yeah, we know where you'll be."

-MAJOR time skip-

After being caught by the Handler, stealing one of Dot's folders, and shoved into a bathroom stall with her best friend, Aurora tried to balance herself on the sides of the stall with her hands and feet. She was surprisingly tall enough to, so she didn't have to worry about extending her arms or legs. She watched the boy below her take out the folder and open it to find a huge smiley face staring back at him. The brunette above him snorted and muttered, "I told you so." The girl did warn him about the fake folders, but he didn't listen. He glared up at her and was about to reply when they heard the bathroom door open. They heard the clacking heels walk toward the stall on their left.

"So, how's your first day going?"

Aurora almost groaned aloud when she heard the woman's voice. Five replied, "Couldn't be better."

When the blonde started to use the bathroom, the curly haired girl tried her hardest to tune the deafening sound out. She vaguely heard her boss say, "I burned my rugae. Ever burn your rugae?" Her voice started to fade as the tan skinned girl focused on the sound of her breath. She still heard the woman she loathed speaking, but she could barely process the words. Aurora had learned how to do this when she was ten.

She was broken out of her concentration as the Handler purposefully shook the stall wall, making the brunette fall with a slight gasp. The boy below her quickly grabbed onto her before she could make a lot of noise, but failed to grab her feet as they slammed into the wall. Both teens stared at each other with wide eyes before turning their attention back to the clacking of high heels.

"I'm feeling peckish," The Handler said, washing her hands in the sink. "Have you had your lunch?"

"Not yet," Five answered, trying to hold in a groan of annoyance.

"Great. How would you like to lunch with me in my office? You can eat solid foods, and I can live vicariously..." The blonde woman peeked her head over the stall door and tried not to laugh. "Through you."

"Sounds great," Aurora spoke in fake enthusiasm. Their superior nodded contently, stepping away from the stall and waiting by the door. The brunette scrambled off of the boy's lap, almost colliding with the wall as she did so. Five held in a laugh as he watched her swiftly open the door and act as if that never happened. He followed, trying to keep a straight face as he glanced at his red faced best friend.

"Let's go," The Handler smiled, opening the door and ushering them out.


Maya and Klaus were currently sitting in the bathroom in front of the toilet, the pair pouring small packs of drugs into it and flushing. Klaus had suddenly wanted to start his journey to sobriety, and the brunette was eager to help. The pair heard a knock at the door, to which the man responded with, "Busy."

The door opened and revealed Luther, who frowned for a moment but spoke regardless. "Oh, good. You're up. We need to talk. You, me, and the others. So meet me in the living room. Like now-ish."

"Yeah," Klaus replied. "That sounds like a real rager, but my schedule's already chock-full."

"We have no time for that, the world's ending in three days."

Maya scoffed. "Oh, now you guys want to care?" Luther frowned at her, but walked off nonetheless.

-time skip-

"The old bastard did mention the apocalypse, come to think of it..." Klaus said, sitting in front of the couch in between Maya's legs. "He just left out the part about how soon."

"But can we trust him? I don't know if you've noticed, but Five's a little..." Allison whistled at the end, which made Klaus mutter "our little psycho," which made the girl above him slap him on the head.

"We can," The brunette spoke up. "I'm living proof. If it weren't for Five, I wouldn't be here, and you guys would be absolutely clueless."

"Right. He was pretty convincing," Luther agreed with the girl. "If he wasn't trying to stop the apocalypse, those two lunatics wouldn't be chasing him."

"That's why they were after him?"

"I mean, yeah," Maya vocalized. "They were chasing after me for a year because of it. They only stopped because they got the assignment to attack Five and Aurora."

Allison frowned. "What did you guys even see?"

"Uh..." Luther tried to muster up a lie. "Apparently, we all fought together against whoever was responsible. Okay, so here's the plan. We go through Dad's--"

"Wait, what?"

"Wait," Klaus called out. "What actually happened the first time around?"

"Yeah, what are you not telling us? Come on, big boy. Spit it out."

Maya snorted. "You're gonna have to tell them eventually, just do it now. Do it or I will." Luther muttered something under his breath before sipping his coffee. "What was that?"

"Uh, we died." The tension in the room thickened, the silence becoming deafening. Out of nowhere, an umbrella fell onto the floor, which made Klaus yelp slightly. Everyone rolled their eyes at him before returning to the conversation.


Aurora stared at her box blankly, she hasn't touched it yet. Five, on the other hand, had already opened his and thanked the woman.

"Come on," The Handler cooed slightly. "Open up the box, Violet." The woman loved to call Aurora "darling" and her last name, "Violet," but she never called her by her actual name before. Reluctantly reaching for the box, the teen opened it to reveal a set of clothes just like Five's, and an envelope.

"What's this?"

"Read it." Five glanced at her and mouthed for her to stall, so she slowly opened the package and took out the slip of paper. She examined it to try and find a name, but failed to find one, so she opened the letter.

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