1.10: it can wait

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Aurora and Five watched as Klaus and some random girl with a sweater on running past the van. The girl flashed her face and made Aurora gape at the sight of her face. What made the teen gasp slightly was the fact that her favorite pack of candy engulfed in red chaos magic came flying into the window and in her lap. She picked the candy strips up and turned to Five, who had the same surprised expression.

"Maya," Aurora breathed with a smile. She turned back to lean against Five as she opened the package and handed a strip to the boy behind her.

"Alright," Luther sighed. The teen turned to him, candy stuffed in their mouths. "I'm going back to the academy."

"Bye," Five replied, waving at his brother as he shut the van door and walked away. Aurora got up to move back to the passenger seat, the boy frowning as she did so. He quickly shook it off as the girl sat down with a grunt. "Your leg still hurting?"

"Not really," The brunette answered. "Grace did wonders on it. I only feel pain when I run." The boy nodded, turning back to the Meritech building.

-at the academy-

"I mean," Vanya started, staring at the TV. "Do you really think Mom would hurt Dad?"

"You haven't been home in a long time, Vanya. Maybe you don't know Grace anymore," Luther answered.

Maya spoke up from her spot on the couch. "Well... to be fair, you haven't been home either. You know, seeing as you were on the moon."

The man turned to the brunette with a glare, "You're not even a part of this family, so I don't know why you're even here."

"Hey," Klaus exclaimed. "Leave Emmy alone!"

Number One rolled his eyes and turned back to the screen.

Diego remarked, "If he was poisoned, it would've shown in the coroner's report."

"I don't need a report to tell me what I can see with my own eyes," Luther retorted.

"Maybe all that low gravity in space messed with your vision," Diego spoke, walking towards the TV. "Look closer. Dad has his monocle. Mom stands up, monocle's gone."

"Oh yeah," Klaus chortled slightly. Maya internally groaned.

"This is gonna take a while," She mumbled, closing her eyes in irritation.

-in the van-

"Five," Aurora said. "What are we even doing? There are six days left, and we're just sitting here."

The boy slowly turned towards the teen beside him. "You know, you don't have to tell me that. I know there are only six days left."

"We're not even doing anything," The girl groaned.

"You got a better idea?" He was met with silence, so he scoffed and muttered to himself.

Aurora folded her arms and turned toward him. "You know, I don't appreciate your bitchy attitude lately--"

"Look, there's our guy." The curly-haired teen looked across the street, seeing Lance walk out of the building with a duffel bag and stand near the curb. A car pulled up and the doctor rushed over to shove the bag into the car and hurry down the street. Five jumped out of the car and stood in the place the car recently was, searching around for anything Lance could've dropped.

"There's nothing!" Aurora heard her best friend shout. He jumped back into the van and groaned angrily. The brunette beside him placed a hand on his shoulder and squeezed it slightly. The boy turned towards the girl and huffed before climbing into the back.

"What are you doing?"

"I need to lay down."

"I thought you weren't gonna rest until the apocalypse was over," Aurora joked, following and sitting down next to him.

"I'll rest when I'm dead."

"Oh, god. That means I have to deal with you being cranky for the rest of my life?"

"Fuck off."

"Nope, you're stuck with me."

Five suddenly sat up and turned to his best friend. Without any reason or warning, he pulled the girl into a hug. She instantly hugged back, letting the boy bury his face into her neck. The teen hugged tighter as he tried to fight back the tears in his eyes.

"I don't know what to do," he whispered.

"Five, it's okay. We'll figure it out. We always do," Aurora replied.

Not knowing what to do while the boy in her arms was in this state, she just continued to hug him. The teen has never seen the boy like this. He pulled away for a moment to wipe his eyes, which made the brunette take his hands away from his face.

"It's okay to cry," The girl assured him. "Don't hold it in, dude, you're on the verge of a mental breakdown."

Five shook his head violently, going towards the door. "No, no. We don't have time for that. The world's ending. We have to--"

Aurora yanked him away from the handle. "Five, look at me." He turned around. "It can wait. You may not think this, but your mental health is more important right now."

"Everyone's about to die," The boy raised his voice. "It doesn't matter how I'm doing."

"Think about it! If you keep this up, you're going to have a panic attack! And that's definitely not going to help save the world."

"I'm fine, okay?" Five yelled slightly, his voice cracking at the end.

Aurora sat there, shocked at his outburst. After a moment of silence, the boy swiftly turned around and exited the van, slamming the sliding door shut after himself. The teenage girl didn't follow after him like he expected her to, she just sat there, wondering what she did wrong.

The brunette groaned in frustration. "Why is it so hard to let someone take care of him?" She ran her hands through her hair, finding a wet spot where the boy was laying his head on. But the substance felt different, which made the girl gag.

"Did this son of a bitch just get snot in my hair?!"

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