1.12: drunk as a skunk

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Aurora woke up to find Five laying in between her legs, his head on her shoulder. Her head was pounding as if she had gotten hit in the head with a brick continuously. She heard whispering and laughing all around her, but she couldn't see anything past Five's head because the lights were too bright. She groaned and tried to move but the boy laying on her groaned back and held onto her tighter than before. When her eyes finally adjusted to the lights, she found Diego and Luther walking over toward her.

"Is he..?" Luther trailed off and pointed at his brother.

"What are you referring to? The fact that he's drunk as a skunk, or that he's clinging to me like a koala bear?" Aurora groaned, finally able to sit up as Luther pried him off of her. The brunette stood up and stretched, her bones cracking loudly. She noticed that they were in the library, hence the marathon of snickering that woke her up.

She quickly gathered the things that Five was working on, stuffing them into the duffel bag they had brought and stumbling towards Diego.

"Woah," The man warned, catching her before she fell. "Easy, Aurora."

"I'm surprised you remembered my name," The brunette retorted as he balanced her. "Thanks."

"It's hard to forget, considering you're the first girl... besides our sisters, I've ever seen him with."

Luther was about to add to what his brother said when Five mumbled something. "What?"

"Where's Rora?" The boy said louder.

Aurora rolled her eyes. "Dude, I'm literally right next to your head."

He tried to turn his head to look at her, but moaned in defeat as he couldn't do so. "Can you carry me?"

"What? Why?"

"Because I want you to."

Luther and Diego glanced between the teens in confusion. The shapeshifter ignored their stares and replied with, "But Luther is already carrying you, and I don't have a stable leg."

Five attempted to turn toward her again. "Please?"

"If I do, will you shut up?"

"I can't guarantee that, but I'll try."

Aurora muttered profanities she's never said before in her life, closing her eyes and focusing on gaining Luther's strength without shifting into him. She opened her eyes and gestured for the man to hand him over, hoping it worked. As soon as Five was placed in her arms, she barely felt his weight.

"Isn't he heavy?" Diego slightly joked.

"No," Aurora replied blankly. "I'm a shapeshifter. I can make my muscles stronger without having to physically change my appearance."

"That's a cool power," Number Two complimented. The teen bid him a 'thank you' as Five wrapped his arms around her neck.

"Can we go?" Luther asked impatiently.

Both Diego and Aurora nodded, following Number One out of the library building.

-time skip-

After having Five wake up a few times on their way to Diego's house, the group arrived at a boxing gym. Following the Kraken down to the boiler room, Aurora placed a sleeping Five onto the provided bed. She sat down on the edge of it, avoiding the boy's arms so he wouldn't grab onto her in his sleep again. Luther and Diego walked over, staring down at their brother.

"Funny," Diego spoke up. "If I didn't know he was such a prick, I'd say he looks almost adorable in his sleep."

"You need to get your eyes checked," Aurora snorted to herself. "Knowing he's a prick, and he looks adorable to you? If you were stuck with him for 40 years, you would think he was a complete asshole, conscious or not."

Diego chortled quietly at her response as Luther said, "Don't worry. He'll sober up eventually, be back to his normal and unpleasant self."

Number Two replied with, "Yeah, I can't wait that long. I need to find out what his connection is with these lunatics before someone else dies. Speaking of, Aurora? Got any info, or is he shutting you out like he does everyone else?"

"Yeah," Luther added. "What did he mean about all that stuff he was saying before?" His brother shushed him before taking slow steps toward the door and taking out one of his knives. The footsteps outside of the room got louder, so Diego flung the door open and prepared to throw his weapon.

"You throw another one of those goddamn knives at me, I'm pressin' charges!" An old man yelled.

"What do you want, Al?"

Al entered the room. "I ain't your secretary." Diego mumbled a 'yeah' and walked away from the door. "Some lady called for you, said she needs your help."

Diego asked, "What lady?"

"I don't know," Al answered. "Some detective. I think she said her name was... Blotch or something."

"Patch?" The old man shrugged. "She needs my help."

"She needs you to meet her at that motel, a dump on Calhoun."


"About half an hour ago. She said she found your brother."

"What?" Aurora asked. "But he's..."

"Klaus," Luther and Diego spoke in unison. The Kraken raced out of the door.

"Go. I'll wait here with..." The man trailed off as his brother slammed the door. "Them."

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