1.20: harold jenkins is leonard peabody

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After bickering about who should sit in the front, Maya screamed at the group again, which made them come to the decision of having Aurora and Five share the passenger seat.

"I swear on my dead mother, if you guys don't share that goddamn seat... I will shove your shoes so far up your asses, even God won't give you the power to pull it out! And don't think I won't fucking do it!" The teens quickly scrambled into the car arguing back, afraid that their best friend was angry enough to actually do it. Aurora was sitting in Five's lap like they had done before in the van they stole to stalk Lance. Maya tends to have that effect on people.

"I know this Jenkins dude has to have a record. We just gotta get our hands on his file," Diego spoke, breaking the silence.

Allison chortled. "And your plan is to what? Waltz in there and just ask for it?"

"I know the station like the back of my hand, sis. I've spent a lot of time inside."

"Probably handcuffed for most of that time," Aurora muttered to herself, making Maya and Five snort to themselves. "I swear to god, Five, if you get snot in my hair again, I'll murder you with your own two hands."

"When will you stop embarrassing me in-- Wait," The boy frowned. "I've done that? When?"

"I don't think you'd want me to say," The girl laughed. "Considering you have this 'Stigma' vibe going on."

"Aw," Maya smiled. "You used one of my favorite songs as reference."

"Em, actually think about the song and apply it to this dumbass over here."

The girl paused in thought, but Allison gasped loudly and looked at the teen with her jaw dropped. "Holy shit, I thought he was physically incapable of that."

"Right," Aurora snickered.

"Okay, are you guys done with your tag teaming? We've got shit to do," Five snapped. All of the girls laughed at him. Maya and Allison exited the car after Diego.

"Diego," Maya yelled as he was walking away. "Car keys!" The man threw them behind him, the teen catching it with ease and locking Aurora and Five inside.

"Hey! You know, we can just blink out, right?"

"And you would do it," Maya gasped dramatically, gesturing to the people around her. "In front of all these people?"

Aurora flipped her best friend off while yelling, "Fuck you, Maya!"

"We'll let you lovebirds catch up," Allison laughed, pulling the girl along and taking the keys. "Bye!"

"Now, I'm starting to wish I stayed with my parents."

Five stared at the girl blankly. "You met them? In person?"

"Yep," Aurora grunted, moving towards the backseat and laying down. "I have their numbers, too." The boy turned around in his seat, still staring. The brunette just stared back in bewilderment.


"Oh, you want me to say something about them?"

"Uh, no shit."

"Okay, fine. No need to get bitchy with me," She raised her hands up in defeat as her best friend rolled his eyes. "Uh... one thing they told me was that my middle name is Aminah, if that matters to you."

"It does," Five gave the girl a small smile. "We're best friends. If it means something to you, it means something to me."

"Don't get all sappy with me," The seventeen year old girl chortled. What made the curly haired teen laugh harder was the fact that the boy didn't do anything except turn pink and flip her off. "What? You were getting sentimental, I had to say something!"

"Yeah? Well," He started, climbing over the seats into the back. "Maybe I wanna be."

"Okay," His best friend replied, moving her legs for him to sit.

"If I pulled you closer," Five whispered. "Would you mind?"

Aurora frowned, as she didn't hear him, and sat up to look at the boy before her. "What?"

Ignoring the question, the boy rushed forward, his lips colliding with hers. The teen was taken aback by his actions, but started to kiss back. Five placed his hands on her waist as the girl snaked her arms around his neck. The kiss quickly escalated, the teens' mouths moving in the same rhythm and the pair getting a bit more handsy. Aurora snapped her face away from Five's when she heard a click. She looked out the window behind him and turned bright red at the sight of Allison and Maya with their phones out, taking videos and pictures of the pair. Five turned his head towards the window and his face turned red as well, blinking the pair out.

Aurora stepped away from the boy and towards the girls. "If you don't delete those, so help me God, neither of you will ever live to even witness the apocalypse."

Maya stifled her laugh. "I already have, actually."

"You've seen the aftermath, not the actual thing."

"Okay," Allison said, dragging out the 'y.' She slowly pulled Maya away. "But you'll have to catch us first, without powers!" The girls ran off down the street, which made Five and Aurora glance at each other in annoyance before teleporting back into the car and waiting patiently for them to come back.

Diego walked around the corner, making the girls slam into him.

"Woah, woah, woah," He stopped them. "What're you guys doing?" The pair glanced behind them and saw the two getting closer.

"We gotta go," Maya panted, dragging the second Hargreeves along with her.

Diego frowned. "Why?"

"Because we took pictures of those two idiots back there making out. Now come on!"

"Wait, but I have Harold Jenkins' file!" That information caused the girls to stop. They retreated back to the car, unlocking it and slipping inside.

Five raised his hands up. "This doesn't have to be a big deal. Just give us the phones, and all will be forgiven."

No one moved an inch.

"Huh, smart. You fuckers knew I wouldn't forgive that heinous act."

"I'll murder the both of you in your sleep," Aurora grumbled to herself. "You sneaky little shits." Maya and Allison both started talking at the same time, saying 'you couldn't kill us even if you tried' and 'you wish.' That caused everyone to start arguing over who's killing who.

Diego spoke over the bickering that formed. "I got the file right here, if you guys wanna speed this up and open it."

Allison snatched the folder out of her brother's hands, opening it and letting her jaw drop. "Holy shit. Harold Jenkins is Leonard Peabody."

Yes, I used that meme in my story... how could I not? It was too funny lmao

hope you're enjoying this so far :)

~ cee cee <3

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