1.27: trapped

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"Vanya, we have to get out of here. Now," Aurora announced, standing up and walking towards the door. "I think that we could do it if you taught me how to use your powers."

"I don't know how," The woman stammered. "It just... happens."

"Alright, then I'll teach the both of us. Stand up." Vanya complied, stepping towards the curly haired brunette. "I think that your powers activate based off of your emotions, mainly anger. So, let's test that theory."


"Well, I want you to picture every horrible memory you've ever had, and try to channel all that pent up anger into your powers. Every mean thing everyone has said to you from the moment you were born, let the anger bubble up inside."

She let the woman think for a few minutes before the walls started to shake. Aurora snapped her head up and a small smile formed on her face.

"Alright, Vanya. Calm down, I personally don't want to die by your hand. We've just gotten to know each other."

The short woman breathed in deeply, stepping towards the teen before her. Her skin started to become even more pale, reaching out and clutching onto Aurora's hand.

"I've done it, now you do it. Think about all of the shitty stuff you've been put through," Vanya phrased. "Think about every horrible thing done to you, said to you, everything."

Aurora frowned as she thought about the Handler, being stuck in the apocalypse, and the frustration of not being able to be heard. She closed her eyes and let the rush of immense wrath flow through her. She felt herself absorbing the sounds around her, letting it build up along with her sudden engagement.

"I can feel it," The seventeen year old gasped.

"Now focus your attention on the door and let it out."

"It's too much," Aurora breathed. "I don't think I can."

Vanya tilted the girl's head up. "I do. I believe in you. Let it take over, embrace the power you have. Scream it out if you have to!"

The brunette panted, turning towards the window and staring down the hallway. She closed her eyes and opened her mouth. She did exactly that. Aurora screamed as loud as she could, the sound waves so powerful that it made the whole wall slam to the ground. She opened her eyes again, smiling to herself. The teenage girl turned to Vanya and practically jumped on her, giving her a giant hug. The woman hugged back.

"We're not done yet," She stated. "We still have things to do." Grabbing onto Aurora's head, the extremely pale woman let her power do the work. The brunette in her arms yelled out in pain, asking for her to stop.

Aurora cried out again. "What are you doing to me?"

"I'm helping you embrace what we are." Those words made the girl stop yelling, her eyes glazing over. Aurora smiled sinisterly, grabbing onto Vanya's hand. She tried to speak, but her mouth was etched into that evil smile. That's when the girl realized that she was trapped in her own body.

-Aurora's POV-

I was led up the elevator by Vanya, my face starting to hurt from smiling so widely. I tried to stop it, but it was like pins and needles were preventing me from doing so.

Vanya turned to me. "Stop smiling so much, this is a serious matter." Just like that, my face turned back to normal. I was under Vanya's control, but how? She manipulates sound waves, not people. I racked my brain, trying to figure out how the hell this woman took over my body. When the elevator dinged, we started walking in slow motion like we were in a movie. We walked down the hall, passing each sibling's bedroom. Vanya and I turned to Ben's room, in which we saw the young version of both him and Klaus, dressed in black spandex.

"To go on a mission, Vanya, you have to have a power." We turned away from the room, it exploding into pieces behind us. We then entered Diego's room, in which we saw the young version of him as well.

"Vanya, what do you want?"

I tried to reach over and touch the woman's shoulder, but my body wouldn't move. So, I just stood there, mimicking the actions she made and following her around like a lost puppy. Diego's room exploded too. We stepped into Allison's room, finding her and Luther, the younger versions of course, about to kiss.

"Just get out!" We strolled away from the rooms, the sounds around us resonating and destroying both Luther and Allison's room at the same time. I suddenly felt sympathy for Vanya, knowing that she didn't deserve the mean things said and done to her.

"Let's split up. It'll go faster that way," Vanya ordered, walking off somewhere else while I went downstairs.

I strolled around the rest of the mansion, destroying everything in my way. I ran into Diego and Klaus on the way down the stairs. They turned to me in relief.

"Oh, thank God! Let's..." Klaus trailed off as he made eye contact with me. I felt myself smile evilly.

"No, don't hurt them!" I yelled at my body, trying to stop my movements. "Run!"

The one time my body opens my mouth, it's not to tell them I'm not in control of myself. When I opened my mouth, all I said was, "Run."

And that's exactly what the men did. They took off, sprinting away from me as I casually walked after them. I screamed as loud as I could, hoping they'd hear me and realize that it's not me. I started to fight the urge to attack them, which thankfully, my body hesitated to. I concentrated harder on trying to take my body back, and it almost worked until Vanya appeared beside me.

"Don't fight it, Aurora. Embrace who you are," She spoke in monotone, an emotionless smile forming on her face.

"No," I groaned, clutching my head. "I won't let you control me!" I struggled to break free, my hands practically vibrating and my body moving how I want it to.

"Fine," The woman replied. "But you'll regret it." The pain in my head stopped, my body completely in my control again. I looked down in surprise, moving around to make sure that it was real. I smiled a smile of relief. But when I looked back up, Vanya was gone. I frowned, but tried not to think about it as I raced out of the house before it completely collapsed.

-back to normal-

Aurora sprinted towards the side of the house, hearing the screaming and yelling of Klaus and Diego. They turned to her loud footsteps and stepped back in fear.

"Guys, it's me! I'm back to normal," She panted, catching up to them. "Vanya was controlling me."

"How? Her only power is--"

"Sound waves, yeah I know," Aurora interrupted Diego. "But something happened to her in the basement. I don't know what she was going through, but it made her snap. I was trapped in my own body."

Klaus frowned. "Where's everyone else? What about Pogo?"

"He didn't make it," Luther announced, approaching the trio. He stopped slightly at the sight of the girl in between the men, but continued speaking. "Vanya killed him."

"And I'm going to kill you," Aurora spat, storming towards the man. "What the fuck was that, huh? Almost killing Vanya and sucker punching me, then locking us in that damn cage?!"

"I did what I had to," The large man snapped. "To protect the family that you're not even a part of."

"I risked my life coming back here with Five to save your entire family, I just might as well be! I'm more of a sibling than you ever will be, you piece of shit monkey man!"

"Guys," Five yelled, making everyone turn around. Aurora made eye contact with him and Maya and let out a loud sigh of relief. Maya sprinted toward her, and she did the same. The two best friends collided, hugging each other tightly.

"Oh, my god, I thought you were dead," Maya whispered.

Aurora chuckled in response. "Nah, just controlled by a not so ordinary Vanya." Her best friend pulled back in confusion. "I'll explain later." She turned to Five and swiftly embraced him, pressing a kiss to his cheek and looking down at the newspaper in his hand. She snatched it away from him and stared in disbelief.

"Yeah," Maya sighed. "The world's still ending."

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