1.09: hey dickwad

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Aurora hadn't even realized she had fallen asleep until she heard someone talking. She opened her eyes to find Five staring intensely at the windshield, saying 'no' over and over again. The girl shot up instantly and shook his arms to make him snap out of it. He was imagining being stuck in the apocalypse alone again. This has happened a few times before, but Aurora still didn't know what to do.

"Five," She said, shaking his body and waving her hands in his face. She was about to give up when someone knocked on the passenger window, making her jump. She glared at Luther as he continued knocking. The girl didn't realize that Five had snapped out of it because he also scared her by reaching over and opening the door.

"Why does everybody want to freak me out today?" She muttered as Five pulled away from her side. "What are you doing here, Luther?"

"Family business," The large man replied, gesturing towards the back of the van. Aurora sat there, unfazed. "Excuse me."

"There's plenty of space in the back, spaceboy."

Grumbling to himself, Luther backed out of the door. Before he could close it, Five spoke up.

"You're not supposed to be mean to my siblings, Aura. That's my job." He patted the space he made in his seat. Rolling her eyes, the curly-haired girl complied and climbed over to sit in between Five's legs, huffing as she leaned back and crossed her arms. "You're very dramatic, you know that?"

Aurora shot back, "You're a control freak, you know that?"

"So, Luther, how did you find us?"

"Oh," Luther stammered, pointing to the back of the van.

Both Five and Aurora turned to find Klaus messing around with the things in Five's duffel bag.

The boy angrily started throwing things at the man as he screamed. "Get out! You can't be here! We're in the middle of something."

The man climbed up to the seats of the van and asked, "Any luck finding your one-eyed man?"

"No," Aurora whispered back.

Luther frowned. "What's he talking about?"

"Does it matter? It's Klaus," Five retorted.

The brunette sitting in front of him slapped his knee and murmured, "Play nice. You don't want this to be their last memory of you if we can't do what we need to do."

The boy sighed in response. "What do you want, Luther?"

"Grace may have had something to do with Dad's death," Number One started. "So I need you to come back to the academy, all right? It's important."

Aurora and Five scoffed simultaneously. The boy proceeded to say, "It's important. You have no concept of what's important."

"Hey," Klaus suddenly burst out. "Did I ever tell you guys about the time I waxed my ass with chocolate pudding? It was so painful." Both of the teens on his left turned away to snicker to themselves.

Luther obviously didn't find it funny. "What are you still doing here?"

"What? I need an excuse to hang out with my family and Five's lady friend?"

"Hey," Five interjected as Aurora shifted uncomfortably. "This 'lady friend' has a name."

"We're trying to have a serious conversation," Spaceboy replied, ignoring Five's comment.

"What, and I'm incapable of being serious? Is that what you're saying?" Number Four retorted.

"Yeah, Luther's got a point. You should get out."

"What?" The drug addict exclaimed. Both Five and Luther nodded. "Fine!"

-With Klaus, in the corner store-

Klaus waltzed into the store after getting kicked out of the van by his siblings, looking around for a familiar brunette. Once he spotted her, he smiled and walked over to the girl with his arms wide.

"Emmy," The dark-haired man exclaimed. "Long time no see!"

Maya turned around with a smile, happily wrapping her arms around the man's waist. She looked up at him and spoke, "I see you found them."

"Yeah," He replied. "Speaking of, why didn't you come? You were right behind Luther and I. And, they're your best friends!"

"I know, but when it came down to the moment... I chickened out. I haven't seen them in a year, and they haven't seen me in four days. I've changed, and even though what they're doing is important... I don't want to rush into things and leave my current life behind."

Klaus sighed and pulled the girl back into the hug. "Well, if you don't want to see them, don't. But do you want to get stuff from here?"

"When you say get stuff," Maya started. "Do you mean stealing?"


"Klaus, no! I have a job, and I don't want to get fired over petty theft."

The curly-haired man looked down sadly and pulled out of the hug. "Fine. Be that way." The man walked away, knowing that the teen would feel guilty.

The brunette sighed deeply. "If I get caught, I'm putting all of the blame on you."

Klaus cheered happily and started grabbing things that he wanted, while Maya looked out for the security guard as she did the same. The young officer caught onto what the pair was doing quickly and started towards them.

"Hey, número cuatro? We've gotta go," The girl with red streaks in her hair warned, taking off after Klaus as he started to run.

The man cheered as he burst out the door and Maya started to cheer with him as they ran down the street. As they ran, the teen saw that Five and Aurora were staring at them and sent a pack of candy soaring through the open window with her powers. She stopped briefly and saluted them, Klaus yelling a greeting at the same time. Continuing on, she used her chaos magic to pick up the things that Klaus had dropped.

"Out of the way, asshole!" Maya looked up to find Klaus running past a taxi with the security guard hot on his heels. Laughing at the man, she picked up her pace to try and get rid of the officer after her friend.

"Hey dickwad," The brunette yelled, gaining the man's attention. "Eat this!" Sending a pack of her least favorite candy at the man's face, Maya used her powers to shorten her distance between her and Klaus. The pair laughed like maniacs as they ran all the way back to the Hargreeves mansion.

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