1.24: rescuing allison

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"Look," Klaus said, gaining the attention of his brothers. They all walked toward Luther as he sat alone at his table, looking as depressed as ever. "Trying a little hair of the dog, are we?"

"Leave me alone."

"Give us a minute," Diego ordered.

"Diego," Aurora complained slightly. "If you're gonna do this, make it quick."

"I will, Violet."

The brunette narrowed her eyes. "Don't call me that. I don't walk around calling you Dora."

"Jesus Christ, fine. Whatever," The man replied, muttering 'Violet' under his breath.

"If you don't quit it, I will use the power Jesus invested in me to kick your ass. Don't test me, knife boy." Klaus and Five snorted, following the girl as she walked away.

"Don't brood yourselves to death," Klaus teased as they made their way to wait by the door. The trio stood silently, waiting for Diego to finish his conversation. Out of nowhere, Luther started yelling.

"You should've led with that! Jesus Christ." The man practically darted towards the door, the rest of the group following behind.

-time skip-

It was starting to get dark out, which unusually made the wait even more unbearable. Aurora was sitting in between Klaus' legs in the front, not wanting to get smashed in between Numbers One and Two in the backseat. Suddenly, Luther lurched forward toward Five, who was driving, and asked him to speed up.

"Ask me again, and I'll burn you with a cigarette lighter."

"Seriously Five," Aurora stated. "Drive faster, traffic rules really don't matter right now." The boy didn't reply, he just pressed his foot harder on the gas. Luther leaned forward to tap the girl on the shoulder, mouthing a 'thank you.' The brunette just gave the man a small smile before turning back to the road.

When they arrived at the house, they found the lights on, but not a sound was heard. Aurora shoved past everyone and ran up to the door, kicking it open and looking around. When her eyes settled onto Allison, she had to lean on the door so her knees wouldn't give out. The teen choked on a sob and looked back at the group. Luther saw her teary eyes and ran into the room.

"Allison," He yelled, dropping before her. "No!"

The rest of the brothers came rushing in, stopping short at the sight of their sister laying on the floor with a puddle of blood around her. Since Diego was the closest, Aurora turned to lean into him with a small whimper. Since the man had grown fond of the sarcastic teenager, he hugged back to comfort her.

"Hey, AV," He muttered. "Are you okay? No panic attacks?" The curly haired girl shook her head no, pulling back to look at him.

"Not yet."

The man dressed in black pulled something out of his pocket. "Well, if it happens again, call anytime, I'll be there."

"Thank you," Aurora smiled sadly, stepping away to grab onto Five's hand. "Guys we have to go, or else she's really going to die."

-time skip-

After rushing to get Allison home, the Hargreeves family, plus Aurora, burst through the doors of the mansion. Fear, anxiety and sadness radiated off of each individual as they rushed to find Grace.

"She's suffered a severe laceration to her larynx," The woman spoke. "One of you will need to give blood."

Everyone chorused, "I will."

"I'm doing it," Luther forced, but stopped when Pogo told him that his blood wouldn't help.

Klaus reassured his brother, smacking his inner elbow. "Hey, don't sweat it. I got this, big guy. I love needles."

"Master Klaus. Your blood is..." Pogo trailed off. "How shall I say this? Too polluted."

"Then have Diego do it," Aurora rushed out, making the man nod in agreement. He walked up to his mother and made eye contact with the needle in her hand, passing out with a small sigh. The brunette above him rolled her eyes and turned to the blonde woman in front of her. "How can I help? I studied to be a doctor, but obviously it didn't turn out well."

Grace shook her head. "No, you go rest. I've got this." The teen reluctantly nodded, walking out of the room behind the Hargreeves men.

"Well," The shapeshifter sighed, grabbing onto Klaus. "We're out of here."

The man stumbled after her. "We are?"

Five frowned. "Wait, where are you even going?"

The curly haired teen replied, "To get Maya. At this point, we need all the help we can get."

"I still don't understand," Klaus uttered. "Why exactly are you bringing me?"

"Because if I leave you here," Aurora answered, stopping to look at him. "I'll be worrying for your safety. If you haven't noticed, your brothers aren't very cuddly with you. Plus, you might be able to convince Maya to actually leave her house."

"Thank God Five hasn't rubbed off on you," The newly sober man chuckled. The seventeen year old rolled her eyes in response, teleporting him right outside Maya's apartment door.

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