1.23: klaus conjured dad

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"Here we go," Klaus cooed at his brother, pouring a cup of coffee for Luther. "This'll fix ya." As soon as the man picked it up, Five wandered over and took the cup from his hands. Klaus just slid another cup over and poured the caffeine in it.

"Here you go, a decent cup of coffee."

Five grimaced. "Jesus, who do I gotta kill to get a decent cup of coffee?"

"A cup of coffee." Aurora took the cup from him, taking a sip and mimicking the boy's expression.

"I don't even think this is coffee," The girl muttered.

"A cup of something."

"Klaus--" The teen was cut off by Luther.

"Can we get started?"

"Anyone seen any of the others? Diego? Allison? No? All right, then, this is the closest thing to a quorum..." The man smacked a metal spatula on the table, making Number One groan. "That we are gonna get. Now, listening up. There's no easy way to say this, so I'm just gonna spit it out."

The man paused before saying, "Yeah."

Luther was starting to get impatient. "Klaus."

"I conjured Dad last night." Everyone sitting at the table exchanged unfazed glances.

"I thought you said you haven't been able to conjure anyone in years."

"Ah, yes, I know, but I'm sober. Ta-da! Maya helped me get clean, yesterday, to talk to someone special, and then ended up having this... conversation with dear old Daddy himself."

The room was silent until Luther spoke again. "Has anyone got some aspirin?"

Aurora perked up at this. "Oh. Top shelf, next to the crackers."

Five frowned. "How did you--"

"I couldn't sleep, and I was curious to see what you dysfunctional idiots had in your cabinets."

"Weirdo," The boy murmured, making the girl smack him in the back of his head as he drank his coffee. "Ow."

"Suck it up, buttercup," The brunette retorted, taking his cup again and gulping the rest down. "Well, I obviously don't need... or want to be here. Klaus, congratulations on getting sober. And I'm sorry you couldn't speak to your special someone. I'm going to lay down."

"Thanks for believing in me!" Klaus called out as the girl strolled out of the room.

"No need, I'm not an asshole who doesn't listen to what you have to say. And I'm especially not a Hargreeves. As long as you don't lie to me, we're good!" After replying to the former drug addict, she teleported back into Five's room and shut the door. As soon as she flopped onto the soft bed, she fell asleep.

-time skip-

Aurora was shaken awake, her dream of a very large flower bed fading from her sight and evaporating in her mind. She sleepily turned to the person in front of her, rubbing her eyes and getting out of the bed. As soon as she made eye contact with the boy before her, he smashed his lips onto hers passionately, his breath tasting of the disgusting coffee Klaus had made. The girl kissed back, stumbling back onto the bed behind her.

Five pulled away with a smile. "Hi."

"Hey," Aurora breathed. "Is that all you woke me up for?"

"No. And I really wish this could've played out differently, but we've got a world to save and no time to spare," The boy sighed, pulling the brunette up and into his arms again. "So, Aurora Aminah Violet..."

He waltzed around the room with her for a bit, before twirling her around and dipping her. "Will you be my girlfriend?"

The girl smiled brightly. "Obviously, my answer's yes."

"I'm glad." The teens slowly leaned in, sharing a more gentle, yet just as passionate kiss. He lifted her up and broke away to pull her into a hug.

"Now, let's go stop the apocalypse."

-slight time skip-

Aurora, Five and Klaus exited Klaus' room to find Diego running down the hall. They all frowned and asked where the man had been.

"Jail," The Kraken replied. "Long story. Where's Luther?"

"Haven't seen him since breakfast," Five answered.

"Yeah," Klaus added. "Two days until the world ends, he picks a great time to drop off the grid."

Diego looked at his brothers. "Shit."

"What's going on, Diego?" Aurora frowned at his swift movements.

"Allison is in danger." The trio glanced at each other before taking off to find Number One.

Sorry, but I had to use that meme too. And I'm really sorry that this is hella short

~ cee cee <3

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