1.26: locked up with vanya

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Since Vanya didn't want to be alone, Aurora spent the night, but not before calling Diego to let him and everyone else know that she was alright. They woke up early the next morning, and traveled back to the mansion. The girls clasped each other's hands tightly together as they walked up the steps.

Aurora turned to the woman she was holding hands with. "You ready?" She nodded and opened the door to the building. "Hello? Anyone home?"

"Vanya," Luther emerged from the top of the stairs. "What happened?"

"We got in an argument," The woman replied. "And things got out of control. I didn't mean to hurt her. Please, you have to believe me! Aurora does."

"I do."

"It was an accident. And I was... I was angry, and it just happened."

"Luther," Aurora interjected. "Can we see her?"

"She's resting right now. Maybe later."

Vanya nodded. "Is it okay if we wait here for a bit?"

"Of course, this is your home." Number One raised his arms and took Number Seven in, causing Aurora to let go of her hand.

"I'm sorry," The pale woman sobbed. "I didn't mean it..."

"I can see that, Vanya." The man hugged tighter, which made his sister gasp. The brunette frowned.

"Luther, you're hurting her!" She stepped forward to try and pry his hands off, but the man punched her in the face, effectively knocking the girl out with his enhanced strength.

-time skip-

Aurora was roused from her sleep from someone screaming, and groaned loudly. The person stopped yelling and rushed toward her, their footsteps pounding against the floor.

"Aurora," The person breathed. She recognized the voice as Vanya. "Aurora get up!"

She opened her eyes and let the woman help her stand. "Where the hell are we?"

"Luther locked us in here!"

"What?!" Aurora shrieked, wide awake. The brunette rushed toward the window, pounding on it and yelling. "Let us out of here, you fucking piece of shit!"

She saw Diego's face shift from concern to anger. The man stood up and started yelling, and so did Klaus. She could vaguely hear their words.

"...Aurora... locked up! What... wrong with you?...be helping them, not..."

"Let... out! They... to be... we should... has to say!"

"Let us out," Aurora kept yelling. She tried to focus on using her powers, but it became harder for her to breathe. "I don't sit well with small spaces, guys! Open the door!"

Vanya touched the girl's shoulder. "Aurora, are you okay? You're panting really hard."

"I... I think it's happening again."

"What's happening?"

"I can't breathe," The curly haired girl replied. She tried to slow her breathing, but everything she tried wasn't working.

"Whenever this happens, just focus on your breathing and count, okay?"

Vanya started to panic. "How can I help you?"

"Counting, I have to start counting to ten."

"Okay, do you want me to start?" Aurora nodded furiously, sliding onto the floor. "One, two, three, four..."

"Four, five, six, seven..."

"Eight, nine, ten. Let's do it again," Vanya suggested. "You start this time."

"Okay, okay. One, two, three, four, five..."

"Six, seven, eight, nine..."

The pair simultaneously ended on the last number. "Ten." They turned back to the window to find Diego waving his hands around to gain their attention. He raised his eyebrows and pointed his thumb up, asking if the girls were okay. Aurora nodded before placing her hand on the glass. The man placed his own in the exact same place, giving them a sad smile.

"Oh, my god. Allison's awake," Vanya breathed, starting to pound on the glass again. "Allison! Allison, help us! Please!"

The woman seemed to get the message because she wrote vigorously on her notepad. 'Let them go,' it said. Aurora stood up and nodded, smacking the window along with the woman beside her. They watched Luther speak, and Allison trying to get past him. He kept holding her back, making her hit him in retaliation.

"Goddamn it," Aurora screamed as everyone walked away. "Don't leave us here!"


Five and Maya walked into the mansion side by side, strolling into the kitchen to find Diego and Grace in there together. The teenagers both frowned.

"Where is everyone?" Maya asked.

"Yeah," Five agreed. "And where's Aurora?"

"Locked up in the basement with Vanya," Diego grumbled back.

"We don't have a basement, Diego."

The Kraken pointed at the shelves on the wall. "Then what's that unnecessary cupboard over there for?"

Maya's frown deepened as she walked toward it and pulled on it. To her surprise, it opened. She looked at her best friend in confusion, him matching her expression. They raced towards the elevator, pressing the only button there was.

The chaos manipulator cleared her throat. "Why would Vanya and Aurora be locked up?"

"I don't know," Five replied. The doors opened and the pair jogged down the hall, frowning at the room they approached. They saw Aurora and Vanya in the middle of the window, and went for the door. "What the hell is this place?"

"Let's just get the door open," Maya replied, attempting to twist the handle.

The girls locked inside the room began pounding on the door in relief, pointing at the door and yelling. The teens outside of the room frowned as they couldn't hear what they were trying to say, but continued to try and open the door.

"I think Luther locked them in," Five grunted. "Because no door would be this heavy!" The boy looked back up and saw his sister and his girlfriend pointing behind him, he turned to find Luther standing there with a gun in his hand.

"Get away from the door, Five."

"I will," He replied. "When I get my sister and my girlfriend out."

"They're staying put," Luther disagreed.

Maya swiftly turned around. "Why are they locked in there in the first place?"

"Aurora murdered Harold Jenkins, and Vanya cut Allison's throat."

"She doesn't deserve to be locked up over murdering the one man we were trying to kill," Five retorted. "And Vanya would never hurt anybody, let alone our sister."

"I'm not going to argue with you two over this. They are staying in there, and that's that."

Maya walked over to the man and spat, "Whatever."

"Fine." The teens walked away, knowing that they'd be back later.

I know this is really different from the show, but I had to alter it a bit so it would work out.

~ cee cee <3

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