1.15: the handler

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Maya and Aurora arrived at the apartment complex, walking up the stairs and toward the door across from Vanya's. Aurora pointed this out, and her best friend muttered 'a coincidence' in reply. They entered the apartment, walking into the kitchen.

"Judah," Maya yelled. "Babe, are you here?"

She heard him reply, "Yeah, hold on."

The girls sat on the stools in the kitchen and made small talk, waiting patiently for the boy to enter the room. After a few minutes, Judah came jogging in, his hair messy and damp.

"Hey," He smiled, walking over to his girlfriend and giving her a side hug while pressing a kiss on her head. "Is this Aurora?"

"Yeah," The girl frowned slightly with a small smile. "And I assume you're Judah?" The tall boy nodded, sticking his hand out for the girl to shake. Aurora shook his hand to be polite. "Well... as much as I would like to stay, I have to meet someone somewhere in a few minutes."

Maya smirked. "Yeah, about that. I need to talk to you. Jude, can you...?"

"Yeah, of course. I'll be in our room if you need me." The girl nodded and watched as her boyfriend exited the kitchen. Whipping her head back to her best friend, Maya's smirk got even wider.

"I know you like him."

"Who, Judah? Yeah, he seems like a good person--"

"Aura, you know who I'm talking about."

The curly haired girl frowned for a moment before turning slightly pink. "Oh."

"See? I knew it," Maya cheered. "When are you gonna man up and do something?"

"I'm a woman, Em."

"You know what I mean!"

"Ugh, I don't know. We don't have time for that. You know this."

The brunette huffed. "Fine."

"Now, I know he's waiting for me. I've gotta go," Aurora announced, pulling her best friend into a hug. "I'll see you when I get back, alright?" Maya nodded and they separated, the tan skinned girl teleporting away. Running to the door and acting like the girl left the normal way, the teen opened the door and shut it.


Aurora landed near the window next to Luther, which came to be a big mistake. The man had grabbed her by the neck, making her yelp in surprise before getting shoved out of the window.

"You're not going anywhere," Number One called to his brother. Five turned around and instantly aimed his gun at the large man.

"Put her down," The boy seethed.

"Put the gun down, you're not killing anyone. I know she's important to you, so--"

Aurora enhanced her muscles again, pounding on the man's arm. "Let me go!" She could tell she was hurting him, because he started to loosen his grip on her.

After a few seconds, Luther unexpectedly let her go. She gasped a bit, grabbing onto the railing she was just thrown over. Her body slammed against the metal balcony, making her groan in pain. Five appeared in front of her and helped her back up and into his room again.

"Asshole," The girl spat, glaring at the man. The brunette in front of her protectively wrapped his arms around her, also glaring at his brother.

"I know you're still a good person, Five. Otherwise, you wouldn't have risked everything coming back here to save us all. But you don't just have Aurora and Maya anymore," Luther said softly, stepping towards the pair.

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