Chapter 3

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There is silence between us but it isn't uncomfortable. We travel through winding roads headed to an unknown destination. It looks like we are headed through the canyons up in the mountains.

I realize that he could easily take me up here to kill me and hide my body.

I glance over at the handsome God sitting next to me "You have a shovel in the back?"

He looks at me confused "what? No?" he says

"Ok just double-checking," I say looking over my shoulder towards the back of his car.

He realizes what I meant and smirks "Relax little one. I would never hurt you. I only want to help you"

"No offense Greyson but why would you want to help me? I mean you haven't spoken one word to me like ever and to be honest I didn't even think you knew I existed." I look out the passenger window not wanting to see what his reaction to my snarky attitude was.

"Because, Cutie, I know what you're going through more than anyone else in your life," he explains

I look over at him now and he is just staring straight ahead with a straight face, still driving and heading further up the mountain. "How would you know anything about me? We don't hang with the same crowd, you're bad and I'm, well, good. So please explain to me, PLEASE, how the hell do you know what I'm going through? If this is just your sad attempt to get into my pants then I say think again mister, you have another thing coming" I say with my voice raised

He glances over at me and smiles "I mean that wasn't my first thought, but I see it, Alissa. I see the pain, you're hurting just like I am and you lost someone close to you just like I did. Not many can understand that pain. But I can." he says in an even voice

My eyes widen and my mouth opens a little. I want to say something, but I get the feeling that he doesn't want to talk about his loss. So I stay silent as we slow down and pull into the destination. 

The car comes to a stop and Greyson exits the car. I sit in silence for a minute pondering everything he just said to me. I wonder if he really understands my level of grief. I wonder what he has gone through and if it is the reason he is angry every day of his life. 

I get out of the passenger side and walk to the front of the car where he is standing, sitting slightly on the front of the car. I glance at him and he has his arms folded staring out over the vastness in front of him.

I walk to where he is looking and realize I am standing on the edge of the mountainside. directly below us is a huge drop-off. Hundreds of feet down you can see the bottom. All it would take is one wrong step and you would fall to your death. I get a little dizzy and my toes tingle staring over the edge of the cliff. 

It is a little frightening but more than anything I appreciate the beauty. Behind us and to our sides are big beautiful green trees. Somewhere in the distance, you can hear a stream. You can smell nothing but nature and you can hear nothing but nature. 

It is silent. It is peaceful. It is heavenly.

I hold my arms out and close my eyes while standing just a foot or so from the edge. I feel the wind blow through my long golden blonde locks. I take a deep breath and just enjoy this silent peace. 

Suddenly I hear the crunching of the dirt behind me and I open my eyes to see Greyson standing next to me mimicking my movements. 

For a while neither of us speak, we just stand there enjoying this moment together. Trying to memorize these feelings of joy and peace, something I haven't felt since Abby died. 

It's like no one else exists in the world right now. Only us, in the here and the now. 

The feeling I get standing on the edge of this cliff surrounded by the beautiful things God has created is indescribable. It gives me goosebumps and brings tears to the surface of my closed eyelids. 

Is this what heaven is like? Does Abby get to see and feel this every day? I wonder how she is doing and if she's ok. Does she miss me as I miss her? 

Somehow standing here I feel closer to her. Maybe If I spoke here she could hear me. I feel closer to her, closer to heaven. 

Eventually, I open my eyes and step back away from the edge and he does the same. I look over at Greyson "Thanks for this" I say and offer him a smile

"Anytime," he remarks with a grin. Somehow he knew I needed this. I don't even know how but this did make me feel better. Even if it was only for a moment, it was a moment I will never forget. 

"Let's get you home," he says as he steps towards the car and opens the passenger door for me. Something I'm not used to. 

How is it that this hard ass bad boy who gets in fights almost daily, who never smiles, did something so nice for me today? Something to try and make me feel better. 

I climb in the car and wait for the ride home, I give him my address and we head out. The car ride is silent. I'm still relishing in the high I got from feeling one with nature, while he keeps stealing glances at me. I start to wonder if I have something on my face and look in the mirror but see nothing. I shrug it off as we are pulling up to my house. 

When the car comes to a stop he holds his hand up and says "wait right there" he gets out and heads to the passenger side and opens the door for me. I climb out while he's still holding onto the top of the door and brush past his chest. 

"Thanks again, you have no idea how much I needed that today." I smile

"I think I have an idea" he winks "And that's only the beginning" 

My heart flutters at his words. Beginning? Does that mean he wants to see me again? I thought this was a one time pity invite or something. The thought makes me blush.

"here, hand me your phone" he demands. I slide my phone out of my pocket and hand it to him. he types something and his phone beeps. "There, I sent myself a text and now I have your number and you have mine. Call me when you need me" he says with confidence and I take my phone from his hand

"Thanks," I say still blushing, and head towards my front door. A thought just dawned on me that he said WHEN I need him not IF I need him. I wonder what that was about. I turn to give him one last smile before I head back inside. He's leaning against his car with his arms folding grinning at me. 

I almost melt from his smile and hurry and shut the door behind me. 

I head upstairs to get ready for bed. Really hoping and wishing that I will get to see my Abby again in my dreams tonight. 

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