Chapter 12

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Walking into school I see Lara standing there by the entrance waiting for me. I guess It's time I get this over with.

Greyson grabs my hand and gives it a squeeze as we approach her. As soon as we get close he stops and turns to me.

"I'll see you in class ok?" he says before he leans in and gives me a peck on the cheek and walks into the school.

Blushing, I walk towards Lara to confront her about the whole Blake and Madison thing.

"Ok wow! It's only been a couple of days since we hung out and you went and got a boyfriend who just so happens to be the school's hottie!? I am impressed" she says with a smile

I give her a small smile back "He is not my boyfriend, I don't know what we are actually." I reply

"That's not what it looks like to me. Have you seen the way you look at each other? I am getting all hot and bothered just by seeing it!" she says

"Stop," I say with a giggle.

"Come, Let's talk," she says, pulling me to a bench nearby.

We sit and she turns her body towards me "Look Lissa. I did see them that night and I confronted them. I told him he HAD to tell you himself or I would." she says "Trust me, It's not like I saw it and just let it happen. I screamed at the both of them, called them some nasty names and I may or may not have thrown a lamp at his head." she giggles slightly at the thought.

I sit silently waiting for her to continue "I felt like it was his mistake and he should own up to it instead of hiding it or try to make me break the news to you. I know it may seem like I was hiding it from you but that wasn't my intention. He was supposed to tell you that night and not wait for school the next day but when you came to school and still didn't know, I confronted him. He was supposed to wait until after school as not to cause a scene or anything but I guess he wanted to sit with that bimbo during lunch and...I don't know. I'm just so sorry Alissa. That is not how I thought things were going to go in my head and I-I thought I was doing the right thing. I'm so sorry that I hurt you." she finishes looking sadly down at the ground now.

I feel bad that I stormed off and didn't let her explain before now. She is right, it was his mistake he should have been the one to tell me not her and I love her for trying to do what she thought was right for me. Wow, I am kind of a shitty friend.

I throw my arms around her neck roughly "I'm sorry that I gave you the silent treatment and didn't let you explain." I say and she hugs me back.

We break apart and are both now smiling. I feel like a weight was lifted off my shoulders. "We better get to class before we're late." She says standing up to head inside.

The lunch bell rings and I get to my locker to switch out some books and meet up with Lara for lunch like we usually do. I look down the hallway and see Lara and Greyson headed to my locker together.

"Ready to go to lunch? You're hungry." Greyson says

"How do you know I'm...oh yes. You're right though I am starved. I heard there's chocolate pudding today!" I say remembering he can probably sense or feel that I am in fact hungry and was just thinking about food. Or maybe he can actually hear my stomach growl. I look down at my stomach questionably.

Lara laughs "I swear girl if you could swim in chocolate pudding you would. Let's go" She says shaking her head, heading toward the cafeteria.

We are walking down the hall and I feel a warm hand in mine. Greyson links his fingers with mine and gives it a squeeze. I look up and him and he gives me another one of his panty-dropping smiles as we enter the cafeteria.

Walking hand in hand with Greyson we are getting a lot of looks and whispers. I hear someone say "I can't believe they are together." and "I can't believe he chose her, he turned me down so many times."

Are we together? Did he choose me? Or is he just acting this way to comfort me as a friend because he knows what I'm going through or does he just feel sorry for me? I don't even know anymore, we haven't had any sort of talk about us.

One table seems to have all their eyes on us as we stand in line to get our food. A table with the cheerleaders and football players seem to be glaring at us. Madison and Blake to be exact.

Madison is literally giving me the death stare. I think she is imagining literal lasers shooting out of her eyes at me and I honestly can almost feel these lasers.

Greyson leans down and whispers in my ear "If looks could kill huh." he says with a smirk

We eat lunch with a couple of other friends from the softball team and one of Greyson's friends join him. Greyson excuses himself to go to the bathroom and tells me he will meet me at my locker before the next class and leaves the cafeteria.

Lara leans over and says "I expect details after school about that." she says nodding towards the door Greyson just walked out of. "After school? Since I don't have practice today?" she finishes

"Ok, yeah. You can take me home. I have a lot to tell you actually." I say, standing up to go throw our trays away.

We walk down the hallway and turn the corner to head towards my locker when I see them.

Madison has her arms around Greyson's neck and she is leaned in pressing her lips to his.

I turn and run, I don't wait to see how that ended I just book it out to the parking lot leaving my bleeding heart back there in the hallway. I hear footsteps and think it might be Greyson but I don't think he knows I saw them.

"Jesus Liss wait up! You should like try out for the Olympics or some shit! You are fast as hell!." she says trying to make a joke to calm me down.

Tears begin to create a waterfall streaming out of my eyes and down my face as I follow Lara to her car and climb into the passenger seat.

"Are you ok?" Lara asks seeing as she saw the same thing as me.

My mind is racing. I don't know what to think I only know what I feel. I know what I saw looks bad but could Greyson really be that type to want to be with someone like Madison? It didn't look like he was fighting it to me even though I saw it for only a split second.

My heart hurts like I physically feel a stabbing in my chest and the pain is radiating to my stomach. I guess that's why they call it heartache.

Maybe Greyson isn't who I thought he was. I have only been speaking to him for a few days. I know what I felt but maybe he wasn't feeling the same way. The thought just tears me up inside and it only makes me cry harder.

"Let's get out of here," Lara says as she pulls out of the school parking lot and even though I shouldn't miss more school I don't protest. A broken heart is a good enough reason for a get out of jail free card.

My phone dings in my pocket and I pull it out hesitantly to see a text from Greyson:

Lissa? What's wrong? You're hurting. Please text me back. Please.

OF COURSE I'M HURTING YOU STUPID ASSHOLE YOU KISSED SOMEONE ELSE I think to myself. Then a thought dawns on me. He wasn't mine, to begin with. I have no right to be upset. His attention on me was clearly just pity and he prefers Devils instead. How could I have been so stupid, how did I not see it was unrequited love??

I decide to act like I don't care. I don't want him to make a fool of me so the best thing I can do is act like what he did, didn't bother me. I send him a text back:

I'm ok. Just going away with Lara to catch up! I'll see you tomorrow in school :)

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