Chapter 25

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My heart is breaking as I'm watching the ambulance pull away from my house headed to the hospital, with an unconscious Greyson in the back. 

I feel an arm around my shoulder and I look over to see my mom with a soft smile on her face. "He will be ok honey," she says "and once the police are done questioning you I will take you to the hospital to see him, ok?"

"If he's not ok mom, I don't know what I'll do, he has to be ok," I say trying to reassure myself.

After they take Chris away in the police car we head inside to answer questions. I give them all the SD cards and explain to them how I was able to find them based on what was on Abby's phone. I leave out all the dream details though. They took pictures of the bruises on me and my neck as well as the bruises on Madison.

They take all of our statements then leave, telling us to contact them if we need anything.

Madison's parents were on their way to get her since she is really shaken up about everything. "Madison, I don't know how to ever thank you," I say "I know you intended to try and save me and for that I am grateful. I am just sorry you were caught up in all this mess and hurt as well."

"I almost didn't turn my car around," she says "I mean, I saw you guys struggling on your front porch and I just figured it was a small family fight but then I heard your screams for help," she pauses for a moment "and-and I just couldn't live with myself if he did something to you."

"I am not going to lie I'm surprised you didn't enjoy watching him hurt me. I thought you hated me that much," I say

"I don't hate you, Alissa, I've just always been so jealous of you. You seemed to have this perfect life, always got anything you ever wanted and I wanted to be you basically," she explains

"Well if it makes you feel any better, I've always been jealous of you too," I say with a small smirk on my face. 

"Hey, do you think we can put everything behind us and, I don't know, be like friends or something?" she asks hesitantly 

"I'd really like that," I say with a big smile on my face now "friends it is."

I lean over and embrace her with a hug which she returns. As we pull away her parents arrive and my mother fills them in on the details and they leave to take Madison home.

My mom looks over at me as the front door closes "I'm so so sorry Alissa. This is all my fault," she says

How can she even say that? She didn't do any of this and it's because of her we were able to get out of that situation before he killed us. "No, mom, none of this was your fault," I say

"I married him, I brought him into this house. If I would have seen how fake he was none of this would have ever happened," she says

"You couldn't have known mom, Chris was really good at manipulating and being fake. He was clearly a psychopathic narcissist. You did nothing wrong, he did," I say "please don't blame yourself."

"I guess you're right," she says sadly as she looks at the ground. Probably still a little unsure if what I am saying is true.

"Let's go now mom," I say grabbing her by the hand

"Don't you think you need some rest or something? Maybe some food?" she asks

"What? NO! I can't sleep or eat knowing that Greyson is in the hospital fighting for his life right now!" I shout

"Ok, ok, you need to at least go change and brush your hair then. It looks like you haven't showered or changed in days," she says

I don't argue with her because she is right. My hair is all knotted and greasy, I have mascara all over my face with dark circles under my eyes. You can tell I haven't slept or eaten in I don't know how long. I've lost track. 

I race upstairs and throw some clothes and shoes on and brush my hair. After I wipe the smeared makeup from my face I run downstairs and tell my mom I'm ready.

Sitting in the car on the way to the hospital I am feeling very anxious. I'm scared about what I will find when I get there. What if he didn't make it? I shudder at the thought just as we pull up to the hospital. 

We get to the E.R. and the lady at the desk wouldn't give us any information because we aren't family. 

"What you mean you can tell us anything? Can you at least tell me if Greyson is alive!??" I shout

The lady just shakes her head. I go and sit down on a chair in the waiting room, feeling defeated. I just want to know if he is alive. I just need to know he is ok. I put my head in my hands and start to cry.

"Excuse me," I hear a soft voice above me. "You're asking about Greyson?"

I lift my head and look towards the voice. I see a woman standing in front of me with dark brown hair and familiar green eyes. Eyes very similar to Greyson's.

"Y-yes, do you know if he's ok??" I ask

"He is in surgery to repair a lacerated liver," she explains "Hi, I'm Roxanne, Greyson's mom. And you must be Alissa," she says as she puts her hand out for me to shake.

Her hand is tiny and boney in mine "Does he know you're here?" I ask surprised

"Yes, I was able to see him when he woke up, just as they were taking him back for surgery. He kept asking for an Alissa so I assumed that was you," she explains

"Please tell me he is going to be ok," I say "I can't lose him."

"He lost a lot of blood, the laceration was bad enough that they couldn't control the bleeding and took him straight back for surgery," she says with a shaky voice "but they are hopeful that after they repair it he will recover. He'll just be sore for a while but he'll be ok." she pauses "As long as he makes it through the surgery."

That last sentence felt like a stab to my heart. Greyson could die during the surgery.  

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