Chapter 9

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Greyson's point of view:

It physically hurt my heart to see her in pain.

I knew that Lara didn't have ill intentions and she just didn't want to hurt her friend which she ended up doing anyway, but she meant well. 

It still didn't make me happy to see Alissa hurt more than she already was. 

I'll need to let Lara explain it to Alissa herself, I don't want to freak her out by telling her that I can practically read minds these days.

I glance over at the beautiful girl sitting next to me and that flutter in my stomach returns. She makes me feel things I have never been able to feel before. 

Usually, I am too busy taking on everyone else's thoughts and feelings to actually feel any of my own besides anger. 

Not when I am with her.

 When I am with her I actually feel happy, and calm. Feeling no anger except when she is mad. 

I reach out and put my hand over the top of hers as I continue to drive to our destination. 

Just the feeling of her warm and tiny hand under mine sends shockwaves through my body. It's a feeling that I have started to become addicted to. I just want her closer to me, in every way shape, and form.

 I need Alissa more than she realizes and I will go to the ends of the earth for her. I will do anything to take this pain away from her.

Thankfully I am able to absorb some of her pain and sadness and take it on as my own instead. I wonder if she notices that her sadness and hurt have lessened a little. I hope it has taken some weight off of her shoulders, even though it has transferred to me. I will gladly take it all from her if that means she can feel a little happier and content with life. 

I so desperately want to heal this beautifully broken girl who came out of nowhere and stole my heart. 

Alissa's point of view:

A cemetery!? That's where he took me?? This seems like it might be a bad place to take someone who is already sad but I trust Greyson.

I look over and give him a small smile "A cemetery huh" I say

He looks over at me with his beautiful green eyes "I want to let you in on a piece of my life I don't share with many people, my trauma" he explains then he gets out of the car and comes over to open the passenger door for me. 

He takes my hand and I step out. He walks me through the cemetery over to a grave that's just towards the bottom of a grassy hill. He sits down on the hill facing the gravestone that's on the flat ground and I sit next to him.

He stares straight ahead and I look at him waiting with anticipation. He is going to open up to me and I feel a little nervous and scared about what he is going to say.

"2 years ago" he begins, "I lost my very best friend"

I don't recall ever hearing about someone from our school dying. I wait for him to finish his story.

"I had a best friend since Kindergarten Named Brent. We went to the same school until my family moved a few towns over right before seventh grade." he continues "We stayed close though and we still hung out every weekend. We did everything together and he was a very big part of my life."

I start to feel a little sad for him. Although it wasn't his sibling or twin it doesn't lessen his loss. It was someone that was still a big part of his life and important to him and now I understand that he does know what it feels like to lose someone. To have to figure out how to grieve and move on in your life without that person. 

He looks over at me "Don't be so sad for me. I haven't reached the part of the story where I tell you how it's all my fault. How I killed my best friend" He says before he looks away and back to the gravestone. 

Although the words he is telling me should scare me I know better. I don't think Greyson is capable of taking away the one person that meant the most to him in this world. Not intentionally anyway. 

He is holding his wrist with his other hand and has his arms hugged around his knees. I reach my hand out and gently touch his arm, giving him the silent words that it's ok to continue, that I am not going anywhere.

He looks over at me before he continues "We went to a party at a house that's in the town where I grew up. We were having a good time, we each just started out with one drink to fit in with the other high school kids that were all drinking. While I stopped at one drink he continued to have a few too many and I decided it was probably time to leave the party and get him home. He drove to the party so I snatched his keys from his hand and told him I had only had one drink, I would be ok to drive us home safely." He looks away and looks down at the ground shaking his head.

"Boy was I wrong," he says in a sad tone

he sighs and takes a deep breath before he continues "We were almost to his house when we were headed through an intersection and were broadsided on the passenger side by someone who ran a red light." he pauses for a second before finishing "Ironically we were hit by a drunk driver, killing Brent instantly."

I wait a moment before speaking to make sure he is finished. "That wasn't your fault Greyson," I say

he looks up at me with sad eyes "Don't you see, I was the one driving, I should have looked through the intersection before entering it. I would have seen the driver and avoided the crash! My best friend would still be here! But because I decided to have a drink my mind wasn't completely clear and I just absent-mindedly strolled through the intersection!" he says with his voice raised as he looks away.

"Grey, look at me," I say and he turns his face to meet mine

"Brent's death was not your fault. It was that drunk driver's fault and you shouldn't blame yourself like that." I say finding it hard to find the right words to comfort him. 

I want to tell him that sometimes certain things just happen and maybe they were meant to happen even though it's a tragedy. But that would be hypocritical of me to say because then I would have to feel that to be true about Abby's death and I don't feel that way. Abby shouldn't have died. She was supposed to live with me until we were old ladies.

He just continues to stare at me with a soft look in his eyes. I feel tears rising to the surface at the thought of Abby and I quickly look away. 

He puts his fingers on my chin and turns my face back towards him. He looks like he wants to say something but is unsure of how to continue but instead, he does something that I don't even see coming.

He leans over and lets his lips meet mine. It's soft and gentle and it feels like the swarms of butterflies are doing summersaults in my stomach. My whole body is enveloped in warmth. Every single thought or feeling is gone except for the feeling of pure bliss. 

He pulls away and smiles. A huge grin showing me his perfect teeth and says "I have been wanting to do that for the longest time and it was better than I could have ever thought." 

I blush and look down while biting my bottom lip. 

He lays back on the grassy hill and I look over at him. He's laying back with his hands behind his head staring up at the sky with a huge grin on his face. 

I lay back next to him and just enjoy this moment. I lay my hands across my stomach and I close my eyes to replay the event in my head. It makes me smile.

I just realized that the kiss completely washed away any sadness I was currently feeling. I feel nothing at this moment but happiness and I'm content. 

Greyson takes one hand out from beneath his head and reaches out and takes one of my hands in his as if he was reading my thoughts. 

We just lay like this for a while, talking about our lives. Our likes and dislikes, our favorite foods and movies. Before we both realize It's probably time for us to go home so we can prepare for the fun dinner we are about to endure. 

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