Chapter 16

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Walking into school hand and hand with my boyfriend, and with my best friend by my side, felt so good today. Looks like Madison didn't win this time. I was almost afraid to face her wrath but as long as I had these 2 I knew things would be alright. 

Instead of looks of pity and feelings of humiliation, I was welcomed with looks of envy and feelings of jubilation. 

Grey looks over at me with a smirk and squeezes my hand as we make our way down the hallway. As we approach my locker I see Blake leaning up against it. 

"Hey, uh do you think I could talk to you for a second Alissa?" He asked me

I look up to Greyson for a sign of what I should do. He leans down and whispers in my ear "He plans on trying to kiss you." 

I look back to Blake "I think you should go back to Madison ok," I say "I've moved on and I don't think it's appropriate for us to have private conversations anymore, I have nothing left to say."

He looks towards Greyson then back to me. He looks defeated and mad. But he did this to himself. He only nods and walks away, towards Madison who is standing down the hallway waiting for him. So now they are working together for their evil deeds. Nice. 

"Let's go off campus for lunch today," I tell Lara and Greyson "I need to tell you guys about my dream last night."

They give each other knowing looks and they both nod. 

Greyson leans in and gives me a soft slow peck on the lips, reaching up and caressing my cheek with his hand. "See you soon beautiful," he says

What did I ever do to deserve this guy? I think to myself before walking away and heading to class, getting heated glares from Madison on my way.

Lunchtime came pretty quick and we meet up in the hallway and make our way to Greyson's car. 

"Don't you have a date with that coffee shop guy tonight?" I ask Lara as I am buckling my seat belt. 

"Yes! He's taking me to dinner and to see some romantic comedy. I don't have the heart to tell him I prefer horror so I am just going with it." she replies "What about you two lovebirds? Have any fun plans tonight?" she asks

"Not really, I have some homework I need to catch up on because of those days of school I missed." I say "I was hoping Greyson would keep me company though." I say looking over to Greyson with a smile.

"Nothing would make me happier," he says with a smile "I was also going to ask you if you wanted to come to my house on Saturday to hang with me. I have to watch my brother and I'd love for you to meet him too." 

I feel a tinge of sadness when I realize that I didn't even know he had a brother. Some girlfriend I am. Everything is about me all the time and I don't even know a lot about Greyson's family and home life.

Sensing my feelings of self-doubt he continues "It's ok Liss, not many people know about my brother. I don't tell people about him because I want to protect him."

I wonder what he means by that but give him an answer "I'd love that," I say with a smile across my face.

We go into the fast-food restaurant and sit in a corner booth away from everyone. I explained to them the details of my new dream along with my weird experience with a tiny sleeping pill I have now named lucifer.

"So I think the best thing you could do is talk to your mom," Lara says "Don't tell her yet that you saw anything because you only really saw them walking into a hotel together and everything else was only seen in your dreams." she finishes.

"Yeah, I agree. Maybe just talk to her about why Chris is working so much lately. Tell her you think he is acting strange," Greyson says "We should somehow try to get more info on their little love affair but we need to do it in a safe way." 

Maybe I could go look around his office while he is away. I think to myself "I will for sure have that talk with my mom." I say

Since we are all in agreement we finish our lunch and head back to school to finish out our Friday. 

Greyson meets me at my locker after school. "You ready to head to your house gorgeous?" he asks

"Yeah, I am just grabbing all my books out of my locker since I need them to do my schoolwork," I tell him

After my bag is loaded he grabs it from me and slings it over his shoulder. "Let's get out of here," he says with a grin as he grabs my hand and intertwines our fingers. I love the feeling I get when he holds my hand. 

Just as we are about to head out the front doors he yanks me to the side hard. I look up at him to figure out what that was all about but before I can question him a garbage cans come rolling right past us right where I was standing. 

We look behind us and I see Madison with an annoyed scowl on her face. "She was trying to knock you over, Greyson says in a deep angry voice. "That girl will go to great lengths to hurt you and I don't see her stopping anytime soon. You need to stay on your toes in case she tries something when I am not around," he explains

I shake my head in disgust towards her and we continue on to his car.

We get into my house and I say "Have a seat on the couch, I'll go grab us something to drink from the kitchen"

As I walk in I hear a ding from my phone and I take it out to read a text from my mom:

Chris and I will be going straight from work to a charity event and we won't be back until late. If you are going to be home go ahead and order a pizza with my credit card on the counter. Love ya 

I feel a little relieved that I won't have to have any run-ins with Chris tonight. I grab the drinks and head back into the living room. "Looks like pizza is on my mom tonight," I say to Greyson with a smirk and sit on the couch next to him.

I work on my school work while he watches some action show on tv. Every once in awhile we glace at each other and smile. It's comfortable and feels nice. We don't have to be talking or thinking. It feels good just to be around him and I feel lucky to have him in my life. 

After a couple of hours, I am finished and his show has ended. I sit back against the couch with a sigh "Finally caught up," I tell him "I'll order the pizza now, want to watch a movie?" I ask as I reach for my phone to dial the pizza place.

"Sounds perfect," He says passing me the remote "You pick the movie though I am terrible at that."

I order a pizza then search through the movie choices. I decide to go with A Walk To Remember 

We start the movie and not long after the pizza arrives. After we are full and happy we settle into the couch together. He is laying on his side with his back pushed up against the back of the couch facing the tv and I am laying with my back to his chest also facing the tv. He has one arm under his head and his other arm is draped around my stomach. 

I have never been more comfortable in my life. I feel the steady rise and fall of his chest and his warm breath on my ear and neck. He is making it hard for me to concentrate on the movie.

Soon though I feel my eyelids getting heavy before I allow sleep to take over.   

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