Chapter 15

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Song in this chapter is Let's Eat (feat. Xperience) · Macklemore · Ryan Lewis · Xperience, click above to play the song

I am cruising down the street in my car alone with my favorite song blasting through my speakers "MY GIRL SHAPED LIKE A BOTTLE OF COKE, ME? I'M SHAPED LIKE A BOTTLE OF NOPE" I sing at the top of my lungs "I'D LIKE TO ORDER A HOT DOG, SOME BONBONS, A LARGE SODA, AND SOME TACOS TO GO." I continue to sing with a huge smile plastered across my face. It's amazing how happy food makes me.

I suddenly have a huge wave of deja vu wash over me as I'm pulling into the high school parking lot.

I walk towards the front of the school and I see a school bus loading what looks like the softball players into it. They must have an away game today I think to myself. 

I stop in my tracks when I see Abby laughing along with the other players loading into the bus as well. The strong feeling of deja vu washes over me again almost knocking me to the ground. I have been here before. I have already seen this happening but it can't be could it?

This exact scene has played out in front of me before. 

Somewhere in the back of my head something is telling me I need to follow the school bus. Follow Abby.

I run back over to my car and wait for the bus to pull out so I can follow behind it. What is even happening? Abby shouldn't be here, at school.

I follow the school bus who ends up a couple of towns over. We are heading down the main street and come to a stop at a stoplight. I look out the window as I recognize the area. I look to my right and see the hotel. Of course the same hotel. 

Just as the light turns green to go forward I see Chris and Kara standing outside of his car at the hotel in each other's embrace, kissing each other. My heart drops as I realize that anyone on that bus in front of me could have witnessed what I just saw. Abby saw them together. 

I drive forward with racing thoughts. Suddenly I am driving over the edge of a cliff and I am falling, falling falling. Just as I am about to hit the bottom my eyes fly open. 

The fall startles me out of my bed causing me to fall hard hitting my floor with a loud thud.

I groan in discomfort but I don't attempt to get up off the floor. Instead, I pull the comforter that fell with me to my body and I place part of it under my head. Looking out the window it is still dark and not time to get up yet so I just lay here replaying the dream over and over in my head. 

That didn't feel like the other dreams I've had. It felt like a scene played out for me on a movie screen. I know the first part of that dream movie had happened, does that mean the rest of it really happened too? Does that mean that Abby actually saw them together before? If so why didn't she say anything to me? 

In the silence, I hear my stomach grumble. Suddenly craving Bonbons and some tacos to go. I really need to stop going to bed without dinner. 

I pull myself off my floor and slowly creek my door open to head down to the kitchen to find some food.

I make my way to the fridge and decide on an apple to tide me over until morning. Although a hot dog sounds nice I don't think my stomach would agree with it in the middle of the night like this.

There are still 5 hours left until I have to be up for school and I don't know if I will be able to force myself back to sleep. I am actually a little scared to sleep. I'm afraid of what my next dream will reveal. 

Against my better judgment, I head to the medicine cabinet and pull out my mom's sleeping pills. Taking one won't hurt me and I will be able to feel more refreshed if I can get a few more hours of sleep.

I pop it in my mouth and swallow it down with a glass of water before heading back upstairs to my room. I lay there letting the heaviness take over, allowing my eyes to close and pretty soon I am surrounded by nothing but darkness. 

I wake up to the loud sound of my alarm on my phone ringing in my ear. Without opening my eyes I reach over and shut it off. My head is pounding, I feel like I'm hungover and I have an ache in my stomach. In all honesty, I feel like I have been hit by a bus. I groan loudly sounding like a cow giving birth. 

I sigh before opening my eyes to see the sunlight shining through my window. But that's not all I see as I look down at myself.  

I am surrounded by half-eaten food, wrappers, crumbs, and smears of chocolate all around my sheets and bedding. Why are there hot dogs, and Nutella, tortilla chips with a dish of salsa, dry cereal, half-eaten candy bars, and peeled bananas in my bed with me? 

I think back to last night, I remember waking up and taking a pill to help me sleep but it looks to me like I didn't sleep at all. And why do I still feel so groggy? 

I force myself out of bed and into the bathroom to shower hoping that it will wake me up a little. I stumble my way downstairs after getting ready and head into the kitchen where my mom is standing making some eggs. 

"ughh" I groan as I open the fridge to pull out a bottle of water.

"What the hell happened to you, Liss? You don't look so great" My mom says

"I couldn't sleep last night so I came down and took one of your sleeping pills to help me fall back to sleep but I think I took a few trips around the world instead of sleeping," I explain "I feel like I haven't slept in years, I'm so tired." 

"A WHOLE one??" She questions

"mhm," I answer as I take a swig of water.

"Oh crap! Liss! You're only supposed to take a quarter of one of those. They are very strong! I can barely handle a quarter of one!" she says panicked

"I'll live," I tell her as I take a Tylenol out of the medicine cabinet and swallow it with my water 

I hear a honk outside "Grey's here, I'll see you later mom, love you." I tell her before I lean over and kiss her on the cheek and head to the front door.

My sweet, sweet caring mom has no idea what her piece of crap husband is doing behind her back and my heart breaks for her. I will find a way to make this better. I will uncover the truth. 

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