Chapter 8

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Picture of Madison above

I should have known Greyson would be able to sense how mad I was. I guess I just didn't realize how much it would affect him.

"He didn't do anything to me really." I try to reassure him "He just says hurtful things to me. He is always so insensitive and it's always his way or the high way. I am just so tired of the way he treats me and my mom just lets him walk all over her all the time!" I shout out in anger. 

"They are also forcing me to be home to have dinner with his boss and his boss's wife! So now I get to sit through awkward adult conversation and stares all evening!" I explain

Greyson says nothing and just takes his hand and cups my face, looking into my eyes. It's almost as if he is looking into my soul. Just one look from him and I slowly feel my anger fading away. 

He is seriously so handsome I could stare at this face all day. 

I involuntary bite my bottom lip while daydreaming about kissing him and I suddenly realize he can feel what I am feeling at this moment. 

I quickly look away but it's too late as I see him smirk out of the corner of my eye.

"Don't worry, I feel it too all on my own. Even without your feelings that are showing," he says

I look back at him and realize he is blushing. Who would have ever thought I would see Greyson bad boy Smith blushing.

"Would you like me to go to the dinner with you?" he asks

I was frozen staring at his gorgeous chiseled face when his words snap me out of my daze "Oh uh you don't have to. I mean I'm sure you have better things to do with your time than hang out with me and a bunch of boring adults haha" I laugh nervously

"Don't be silly, as long as I am with you I don't care what we are doing" he says

My face heats up and I feel my cheeks turn red. I have never in my life had someone who could affect me so much with just a word, or a touch, or a look. I find myself wanting to be closer to him every time we are together. "O-ok yeah. Sounds like a plan" I say softly with a smile. 

"Great! We better get to school so we aren't late" He says as he drives off down the street.

We walk into the school together and head towards our lockers. I stop at mine and he motions towards his locker "I'll be back" he says which makes me get butterflies in my stomach. 

I smile and look back at my locker to open it. Just as I open it a hand quickly slams it shut.

I look up to meet eyes with the devil herself. With her grossly perfect straight blonde hair that is parted down the middle. Her plump lips are caked in lip gloss. Her piercing hazel eyes looking like they are about to shoot lasers out at me with the angry scowl sitting atop her angry eyes. 

"What the hell Madison!" I yell

"Just what do you think you're doing with Greyson? Hmm?? You know I have had a crush on him since like the seventh grade!" she says in an angry frustrated tone

"Oh, I'm sorry Madison, I thought girl code didn't exist in your world. You know ever since you went and slept with my boyfriend and all!?" I snap back "Also, aren't you like with Blake now or something? Does he know you're still pining over Greyson?" I ask

"Don't bring Blake into this. Just stay the hell away from Greyson or I will make your life a living hell!" she all but yells

"Isn't that what you already do? You're already like a little devil that follows me around all day finding new ways to torture me. I don't see how that would change." I say 

"It will get much worse trust me." she threatens 

"Oh for hell sakes Barbie, leave Liss alone already" a voice next to me suddenly sounds

I smile at the sight of my best friend stepping in. She is always there to defend me against Ursula here.

"Well well, Lara always coming to the rescue of pitiful little Alissa. Since she can never defend herself. Where was this best friend when you caught Blake and me together at that party that night!? Hmm?" Madison says with an evil smirk forming on her face.

My mouth drops open and I feel a knot forming in the pit of my stomach.

I look to my friend for answers "You KNEW about them!??" I shout at Lara who has a sad look on her face

"Liss please I can explain," she says in a desperate voice

"You saw them and knew what he had done yet you said nothing to me!!!" I am now yelling which is drawing in a crowd 

Madison is now leaned against the locker with her arms crossed proudly over her chest and a satisfied look on her face.


Tears begin to well up in Lara's eyes and she about to speak but before she can reply with one of her lame excuses I take off quickly almost running out the front doors as I feel tears of my own beginning to break the surface. 

I don't know where I am going seeing as my car is still sitting broken down in the parking lot when I hear footsteps behind me.

Thinking it's Lara running after me I shout "Go away! I don't need fake friends anymore!"

Suddenly I am stopped when there's a warm hand on my shoulder. 

I turn around to see Greyson. He looks down at me with sad eyes and just the sight of him releases the flood gates and the tears begin to pour out of my eyes.

He wraps his arms around me and pulls me to his chest into a tight hug. I feel his warmth surround me and I lose it. I break out in sobs now, soaking his hoodie. 

He is rubbing one hand on my back to soothe and comfort me. 

After a moment I pull my head away from his chest and wipe my tears from my face with my hand. "Sorry," I begin "I soaked the front of you. I am just so hurt and betrayed and.." 

"I know, It's ok" he cuts me off

"Come on, I want to take you somewhere." He says as he nods his head towards his car

I look towards the school and feel conflicted. I don't want to get behind in my classes but I also am not ready to face the humiliations and pity stares today. I just want to escape temporarily and I'll come back to face this mess tomorrow. Plus this means I get to spend more time with Greyson. 

I look towards Greyson who now has his hand extended. He reaches out and takes his hand in mine and offers me a small smile and we walk towards his car. I feel my phone going off in my pocket but I know it's just Lara so I pull my phone out and turn it off before climbing into the passenger seat of Greyson's car. 

I wonder where he is taking me this time, probably somewhere fun to get my mind off of things. I smile at the thought as we pull out of the parking lot. 

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