Chapter 10

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I return home to an empty house since mom and Chris are still at work for another hour. Greyson dropped me off and headed home to change for the dinner since my mom expects us to dress to impress.

I pull my phone out and power it back on to shoot my mom a quick text and let her know Greyson will be joining us for dinner.

Well, I didn't exactly tell her it was Greyson, I just told her a "friend" would be joining me. It's not my fault she just assumes it will be Lara coming. These are just minor details in my book.

I am tempted to take a quick nap but my naps aren't usually so quick. Most of the time I wake up hours later thinking I'm late for school and wondering what day and year it is.

I walk over to my closet to try and find something "presentable" to wear as my mother would say.

I decide to go with an off-white lace dress that goes mid-thigh and I pair it with some simple strappy black short heels.

I decide to go with an off-white lace dress that goes mid-thigh and I pair it with some simple strappy black short heels

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I curl my hair and put on some mascara and lip gloss and head downstairs to see if my mom is home.

I smell food cooking while I'm making my way down the stairs. It smells like Italian, my eyes widen when I realize what I am wearing and make a mental note not to devour dinner tonight and try to act more like a lady instead of a heathen.

I walk into the kitchen and my mom turns from draining the noodles in the sink and gives me a smile "You look nice Liss. Is Lara here yet?"

"It's not Lara coming tonight," I say as I pop an olive in my mouth from the vegetable try sitting on the kitchen counter.

"Oh? Who is it that will be joining us then?" she asks

"Greyson" I try to casually mention and walk over to the fridge and pull out water.

"Greyson? Wait what happened to Blake? That was kind of a fast switch don't you think?" she says.

"Not when your boyfriend cheats on you. Makes it kind of easy to forget about him." I tell her

"I'm sorry to hear that but you know how I feel about dating in high school anyway. Things aren't supposed to last. You're just supposed to gain dating experience that will help you later on in life. High school romance usually isn't real love." she says

I roll my eyes at yet another lecture from her. She can't just tell me she's sorry and hug me. She has to turn everything into a teaching moment.

The doorbell rings and I stride over to the front door to open it, hoping it's Greyson. I have already missed him so much even though it hasn't been long since the last time I saw him.

I open the door and my mouth drops to the floor. Greyson is standing there with his hands in his pockets looking smoking hot! He's wearing gray plaid pants, white Air Jordan's, and a white button-up shirt. He completely pulls off this look and I don't think I have seen anyone so attractive in my life. His hair is perfectly tasseled and his exquisite green eyes are staring back at me.

 His hair is perfectly tasseled and his exquisite green eyes are staring back at me

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He chuckles softly and says "Are you going to wipe your drool and invite me in?"

It snaps me out of my daze and I reply "Oh yeah uh sorry, you're just looking very dapper today. Kind of took my breath away for a moment." as I move aside to allow him to enter.

"Well, you look ravishing as well." He melts me

I blush slightly and grin, feeling the butterflies overtaking my stomach again I look down.

"Alissa, come in here and help me set the table before the guests arrive." my mom's words from the kitchen break the short silence.

"You ready to do this?" he asks

"Do I have a choice?" I ask and chuckle slightly before leading him into the kitchen.

"Mom, this is Greyson, Greyson, mom," I say quickly trying to get past the awkward introductions

She turns and gives him a small smile "Nice to meet you Greyson. Now put the silver wear out Liss."

Of course, her introductions are short. In her eyes, he won't or shouldn't be back next week. She just hopes he is only my flavor of the week.

Greyson helps me by laying out the plates and I start laying out the silver wear and napkins.

I hear the front door open and Chris's voice talking to another male and a female as they make their way into the kitchen.

"Is dinner almost ready dear?" Chris asks and I look up to meet the eyes of the guests.

I gasp and immediately drop all the forks and knives in my hand and they scatter all over the dishes and some onto the floor when I see who is standing in front of me.

My mom gasps and Chris just rolls his eyes clearly annoyed with what he thinks is just clumsiness.

I am still standing there staring at her with my eyes nearly popping out of my eye sockets. I'm in shock and speechless.

Chris introduces his boss and boss's wife as Mr. and Mrs. Anderson. Kara Anderson.

I try to give a fake smile and tell them it's nice to meet them and they respond the same.

Why is she acting like she's never seen me before? Maybe she doesn't remember? She does seem kind of ditsy.

Chris takes the guests towards the living room to wait for dinner and I look over to Greyson.

He has a concerned look on his face. It's not shock, instead, it looks more like anger maybe mixed with a little concern.

My mom goes over to rinse off the silver wear that I dropped so I grab Greyson's hand and pull him quickly to the stairs and up to my bedroom. I pull him inside and shut my door. I begin to pace. I am panicking.

I need to explain everything to Greyson as fast as possible. He only knows that I randomly went to this lady's house. He doesn't know the whole reason why.

"I-I this what..." I am not even making any sense. I don't know where to start so I just start to spit everything out in a mumbled mess.

"I keep having these dreams with Abby and she sent me to that lady's house. I didn't know why or even who she was. But she was with Chris in my dream." I say

He just stands there with his brows furrowed.

"I know this seems crazy that I randomly visited this stranger lady's house just because of a dream and she turned out to be Chris's boss's wife, but you have to believe me when I say something weird is going on! Her being here can't be a coincidence" I say in a panicked voice

"I believe you," he says as he pulls me in for a hug which calms me. "We will get to the bottom of it all. For now, we should probably head downstairs and get through this dinner," he says and kisses the top of my head.

I take a deep breath and we head down towards the kitchen. "Let's get this over with" I whisper to no one but myself.

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