Chapter 19

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Today is day 3 without Greyson. It will be the first day in weeks he hasn't picked me up for school. I feel empty and sad. I miss him so much and every day seems to get harder.

I haven't slept since the night he told me he was leaving and it is beginning to wear on me.

Lara came over yesterday and we laid on my bed and listened to sad music and ate way too many treats. It did ease the pain a little by hanging out with my best friend, but it isn't the same without him.

I just want him back here with me already.

School was exhausting. I was like a zombie going through the motions and I realize I should probably try to get some sleep tonight.

After school, I do my homework and wait for Greyson to facetime me at 5 which is when he will be waking up to do his online school there in Japan.

My phone rings and I smile with anticipation as I answer the call "Hey handsome," I say looking at my screen to see Greyson.

"Hey there beautiful," He says smiling back with tired eyes "how was the first day at school without me?" he asks with a yawn.

"Miserable," I say honestly "I wish I knew how many more of these days I have endure without you. How are you adjusting by the way?" I ask

"Jet lag is real," he says with a small laugh "My body is still on the American time zone and it sucks. I'm sure I'll adjust to this time zone just in time to come back home," he says and sighs

"You look tired love, have you not been sleeping?" he asks

"No, and I am beyond tired. I think I'll pass out early tonight, in case you try to get ahold of me I'll probably be sleeping." I tell him

"I think that's a good idea, you need rest." he says "Well, I miss you! and I can't wait to hug you again,"

"I miss you too," I say with a smile "I'll talk to you tomorrow?" I ask

"Yeah of course. Sleep well cutie" he says

"I will, have a good day, Bye" I reply and end the call

It feels so good to see his smiling face and he looks adorable when he first wakes up.

I lay down on my bed and toss and turn. I am so tired but I can't seem to shut my mind off to sleep. I can feel my body needs sleep though so I run downstairs and take a half of a sleeping pill. I feel like a quarter one won't do the trick and I want to sleep all through the night.

Soon sleep starts to take a hold of me and I drift off into dreamland.

I am in what looks like a hotel lobby. I'm a little confused about why I am here.

There is a monkey in a concierge outfit and I giggle at the sight. That's the cutest thing I think I've ever seen.

I look out the front doors of the hotel and I see Chris and Kara approaching the doors. I hurry and hide behind a tall plant in the hallway.

A few seconds after they pass me I see Abby walking in behind them. She keeps looking around her like she is paranoid.

I see Abby wait at the elevator that Chris got on and watched the numbers as the elevator stopped at the 5th floor. She hops into the other elevator and heads up to the 5th floor. I am frozen for a moment before I decide I should probably follow them up. I don't know if this is a dream or what but it feels more like I am watching a movie and I don't even think they can see me.

I grab an elevator to the 5th floor and when I exit I see Abby knocking and waiting in front of a door. Is it Chris's and Kara's room? At that thought, the door opens.

"What the hell are you doing here!?" Chris yells in an angry and confused tone.

"I was just going to ask you the same question!" Abby yells "How could you be doing this to my mom?" she asks just as the red-headed devil steps to the door.

"Get lost you brat, this is none of your business," Kara says

"Like hell it's none of my business! You guys are having an affair!" Abby yells

"Abby," he tries to say softly "you will not tell your mother what you saw here, can you imagine how much this will hurt her?" clearly trying a guilt approach

"I guess you should have thought about that before you fucked another woman!" Abby shouts

I hear a gasp come from Kara's mouth and I flinch.

Chris gets up in Abby's face now "Listen here you Bitch," Chris spits as he talks "Your mother will not find out about this unless you want to see what happens when you get in other peoples business" he threatens

"You've got another thing coming if you think I am just going to sit back and let this happen," she says as she motions a finger between Chris and Kara then turns and walks back to the elevator.

I stand there in shock. After a minute I hop on the other elevator and as the doors close it starts to fall hard and fast.

Suddenly my eyes fly open. I gasp for air and realize I am back in my room on my bed.

Another dream that felt like a movie being played out in front of me.

My throat feels dry and I can barely swallow.

My mind is reeling from my dream. I have so many questions circulating in my head.

Did Abby confront them in real life? or is my mind creating these scenarios for my dreams? I don't know what's real anymore.

If that really did happen then when did it happen? Could that have been a reason behind Abby's death?

The thought makes me sick to my stomach.

I look at my phone to check the time and my eyes open wide when I see that it's already 10 am. Why didn't anyone wake me for school?

There's no use getting ready and going now. Plus I need to find answers, and since no one is home now is the perfect time.

I slowly open the door to Chris's office and walk towards the cherry desk that sits in the far corner towards the window.

I'm not sure what I'm looking for so I just start searching through the drawers. The first one has just empty envelopes and stamps along with an address stamp. The second one is locked.

I reach over and grab the metal letter opener that is laying on the desk and try my hardest to pry the drawer open.

Suddenly an arm grabs onto mine roughly, I whirl around and come face to face with Chris.

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