Chapter 14

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"Call me if you need me, good luck!" Lara says before backing out of the driveway.

My heart is racing. I take a deep breath before I open the front door to my house.

I walk through the front door to see Greyson sitting on the couch with my mom. 

"There you are honey," my mom says "Greyson has been waiting here for a couple of hours for you. I told him I would have you call him but he insisted he wait here." 

I look over at Greyson and see a sad look in his eyes mixed with desperation. 

"I think I better let you guys talk." my mom says giving me a sympathetic smile before she stands up to head towards her room.

I try to suppress my hurt feelings, seeing as he can sense anything from me. I try to keep my mind blank and feelings at bay but it's useless. Seeing him sitting here only reminds me of the hurt that was caused earlier at school. 

I can't really be mad at him because we never defined what we were. I just figured that we were more than just friends because of the way I felt. I never really considered the way he felt. 

I sit down on the opposite end of the couch as him. "What do you want?" I say and it comes out a little harsher than I wanted.

He shifts his body so it is turned towards me "Lissa, you saw her kiss me, didn't you. I knew you were upset, I have felt it all day and it's been killing me not to see you. Please let me explain." he says 

"I'm listening," I say as he scoots so he is sitting right next to me, our knees touching slightly causing a warmth to spread through me. 

"Ok. I was in the hallway leaning against your locker waiting for you to come from lunch. I was looking down at my phone and I didn't even see her or sense her or anything." he says "It happened so fast I had no time to stop it or any time to react. She just kissed me!" 

He waits for a minute for some sort of sign or reaction from me but I just sit there with my hands clasped in my lap and my head looking down at the floor.

"I was shocked at first and it took me a second to realize what was happening but when I did realize I pushed her away from me. I swear I didn't kiss her back. I would never do that to you." he says

I sit for a moment before I say "Why should I even care? It's not like we were together. You're free to kiss or date anyone you want." 

"Liss you can't fool me. You and I both know that isn't true. You do care and I care a lot, about you. It might be my fault since I've never exactly told you how I felt because sometimes I forgot that others can't read my feelings like I can theirs" he says

He grabs my hand and moves it over and cradles it in hands causing me to look into his eyes "I care a lot about you Alissa. You are very important to me. I do want to be more than just friends with you." he finishes

"You, you do?" I ask sounding hopeful 

"Of course I do. I thought you knew that but I shouldn't just assume you can read my mind. It's easy for me to forget that you can't know what I am thinking or feeling like I can you." he says

"So Alissa, will you? Be my girlfriend?" he asks

My face heats up and my stomach does flip flops. Should I believe Greyson? I mean Madison is evil and I wouldn't put it past her to do something like that. And I only saw the kiss for a fraction of a second so it's a very real possibility that he is telling me the truth. I don't think he would hurt me like that and I care a lot about him. 

You could even say I am starting to fall in love with him even in just the short time we have spent together and I can't imagine my life without him now. 

I look into his eyes and smile before replying "Yeah, of course, you should already know my answer to that." 

He leans forward slowly still looking into my eyes like he is staring into my soul. Almost like he is searching my mind for permission for what he's about to do. I close my eyes in anticipation and am met with his warm lips on mine. 

The smell of mint and a hint of male cologne fills my nose. My heart is pounding out of my chest as he reaches his hand up and puts it through my hair on the back of my head. I lean in closer and melt into his touch. 

He breaks the kiss momentarily as his strong arms lift me and he pulls me onto his lap so my legs are draped over the side of his legs. I wrap my arm around his neck and lean in to meet his lips once again and he wraps his arms around my waist. 

The kiss is heated and full of passion as we are both hungrily devouring each other. I never want it to end. 

We hear a sound coming from upstairs and quickly break apart and I move to sit next to him on the couch. He has a giant grin plastered across his face and I reach my hands up to feel my now swollen lips remembering the feeling he gave me when his lips touched mine. 

I think it was a false alarm.

We both just sit in silence for a while just relishing the moment with each other.

He places his hand on my knee "I've missed you so much all day angel." he says

"I have missed you a lot as well. Lara tried to help me keep my mind off of everything but it didn't really work." I say which reminds me I need to catch him up on everything.

"We went on a stakeout," I say in a whisper and stifle a small laugh.

"I wish you would have let me come. I don't like the idea of you out there doing something that could get you hurt," he says with a lowered voice "What did you guys find though?"

"I think we were right. Chris and Kara met up and went to that hotel together. That's all we saw before we returned home. Where do we go from here?" I ask

"Good choice. I'm not sure you should get yourself involved Liss. I know that's not what you want to hear but I've told you before that they aren't good people and I feel like your life could be in danger if you continue." he says

"I can't just forget this all! My mom doesn't deserve this! Besides, Abby is sending me these messages for a reason. I can't just ignore it. I have to get to the bottom of this or I'll never be able to live with myself." I tell him.

He thinks for a moment before speaking "Ok fine but please let me be there to protect you if you go on any more stakeouts or anything. I don't know what I would do with myself if you ever got hurt." 

"Ok deal." I say "I better get to bed before Chris gets home. I don't know if I would be able to look him in his eyes today without giving anything away"

"Yeah it's getting late." he says and stands up and walks towards the front door "Pick you up for school tomorrow?" he asks

"Of course, I'd like that," I say with a smile before he leans in gives me a soft yet quick peck on the lips. 

"Sleep well cutie," he says with a smirk before walking out the front door. 

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