Chapter 6

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Picture of Greyson above 

After the shock wears off a little bit I look over to Greyson who is looking at me with an unreadable expression. 

At this point, I'm unable to form words or sentences. No wonder he is looking at me like that. Everything in my mind is so jumbled. 

I've never seen this house before this dream. I don't think so at least. I've never gone this way home since it's the long way. 

Maybe I saw it once before and that's why it showed up in my dream. I have heard that random people you saw at the grocery store can suddenly show up in your dream but you don't recognize or know them, it's just a weird thing our brains do. 

But why do I feel like this wasn't the case here? Was Abby trying to tell me something? and who's house is this? Maybe if I find out who lives here it will either give me answers or closure to my weird dream. 

Suddenly my feet are walking towards the front door. I don't know what the plan is, there is no plan. I desperately just want to see who is behind that front door. 

Greyson sees me moving and says nothing. Instead, he just follows me up to the front door, standing beside me giving me a sense of protection and comfort I didn't know I needed. 

I don't know why he isn't asking me questions. He is just being there for me. Maybe he can sense from my face that something is wrong and he just needed to let me do this.

Suddenly I feel a warm hand on mine, linking our fingers together. I look up to Greyson who's giving me an encouraging smile. Giving me the extra courage I need to knock. 

I knock on the door, still a little hesitant. 

After a few long and tense moments the door flies open.

A lady with fire red hair, super skinny with skin-tight clothes and a very unnatural looking bust open the door. 

"Can I help you?" she asks with her hand on her hip and an annoyed facial expression

Her makeup is almost clown looking causing me to give her a funny look.

"Hello?? Is there anything inside that dead brain of yours or can I get back to my shows? I have better things to do than sit and stare at two bratty teenagers." she says in a bitchy voice

Since I didn't have a plan I have to think on my feet "Is this the umm is this the uh Russell's?" I spit out

"No," she says with her eyebrows turned down "this is not the Russell's, this is the Andersons, Kara Anderson," she replies in a stuck up tone like I should feel lucky to even be speaking to her

"Oh oops my bad, wrong house, sorry ma'am!" I say as I rush away back to the car. Greyson just follows me and climbs in.

We drive back to the house in silence of course. What was I thinking? That solved nothing. Just another awkward encounter for this awkward teen girl. Another day in my life. 

Just as we are rounding the corner to my house I grab his arm "Can you not take me home yet?" I ask hesitantly 

He smirks and turns the car around headed back towards our spot in the mountains. 

We sit on the hood of his car for awhile looking out over the vast beauty.

"Why don't you ask me questions?" I ask curiously "What I mean to say is, how come you're just going with the flow of my craziness?"

He looks over at me with a soft look in his eyes and he looks forward again before speaking "I know you're hurting. Deep pain. I know that deep pain more than anyone you know and I just want to help you however that may be." he explains

"How do you know this deep pain Greyson? I mean not many people can relate to what I'm going through so what is it that makes you special above anyone else in my life to try and understand my pain? How can you understand my pain when we've barely spoken" I say a little harshly 

He looks over at me "Although I have experienced a great loss in my life, I don't need that loss to know what you're going through or to know what you're experiencing. So I don't need to ask questions to understand because I already do." he says

I sit there in silence for a moment collecting my thoughts. I'm a little confused about his words

"Besides, it's not like you have spoken to me either. I figured you just liked the silence," he says which pulls me out of my thoughts.

"You're right, I don't talk because I feel like it's pointless. No one really understands my thoughts or feelings." I try to explain

"What if I told you that I can and that I do?" he asks

"Care to explain what you mean then?" I ask

he sighs and takes a breath before he speaks. "I'm what they call a spiritual empath Alissa. I CAN feel what you're feeling. Almost as though I can experience your thoughts and feelings as well. I can FEEL your actual pain. Sometimes physically." he explains "but I also lost someone very close to me so that increases my ability to feel especially towards you." He continues 

My mind is searching through his words, trying to piece together this information to figure out exactly what he's trying to say. Spiritual empath. He's an empath. I've heard that word before but I guess I never really thought about what it meant exactly. He said he can actually FEEL what I feel but I don't know what that even means.

He sees the confused look on my face and continues "You see, empaths are people that can take on the feelings, emotions, and moods of other people around them, we have the ability to sense what other people around us are feeling or even thinking. I can sense different emotions or energies of others just by looking at them or being close to them. In addition to being aware of what others are feeling I can also easily tell what someone's intentions are and also when I am being lied to." 

He takes another deep breath before he continues and I just listen in silence "All these abilities only increased when I went through the trauma of losing my best friend. I started to have a heightened sixth sense, well all my senses were heightened really." he finishes before staring at me probably waiting for some sort of response. "Am I going to scare you away?" he asks sadly

"What? No. Never. I am just trying to process this all. I didn't even realize something like that existed. And now I'm feeling kind of naked with all my emotions showing." I say

"I know it's a lot. I'll give you some time to process it. But just know that I am here for the right reasons and that is to help you on this quest to find the truth." 

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