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I get myself together and prepare myself for what's about to happen. As I was about to walk in I get a text from Ashton. I thought he was long gone by now, the text said: "breathe".

The Phone's Point Of View:

Ashton: I see you ;)

Ciara: see this is what I mean...your so strange.

Ashton: I'm just checking on you as a good friend does, I see your face, you look worried.

Ciara: I'm fine, now leave.

Ashton: alright I'm leaving, but I will see you soon. right?

Ciara: hopefully :)

Ciara's Point Of View:

He checked up on me, No one has ever done that, except for my brother. Am I moving to fast? Because an hour ago he was talking about how he'd never leave me and how he's gonna be there every step of the way, but we just met. This one is gonna hurt. I then opened the door to my mom and my dad was staring at me from the living room. I looked at them with a disgusted look because I was reminded of their conversation that they had when they were talking about sending me away, and I just headed for the stairs.

"get down here, right now" my mom snapped

I then stop walking and slowly turn around towards them, I don't know if it was just my head messing with me but I was paying attention to the looks on their faces. They were looking at me the same way they would look at Landon. Disappointed, angry, and regretful. But I just stood there with a blank face and waited for them to say something and get it over with so I can go right back into my room.

"this behavior is unacceptable, I didn't want to mention this but me and your mom have been thinking and talking about this for a while. We want to bring you to a program where you can talk about your problems and get out what you need to, They'll be people there and you can even have your own room" My dad expressed excitingly.

He's trying to mask the fact that he's basically sending me to an institution full of people who really have problems.

"no." I bluntly replied

"well we weren't really asking" my mom outburst

"I'll do better, matter fact, I'll start talking to you, and I'll eat with you. Just please don't send me away. I stammer.

My dad and mom look at each other in unison with a shocked face on their face. I had to fake cry just for dramatic effects. I just needed to do anything to get them to reconsider.

"ok, fine. But this better not be one of those acts. I know you" my dad replied pointing his finger at me.

I then nod and smile and walk upstairs, when I got up to my room I closed my door and heavily exhaled in relief. My dad really had the nerve to say he knows me. He doesn't know me and neither does my mother. I swear once I'm 18 I'm leaving this dump and never looking back.

After 30 minutes went by I was In my room half asleep when I got a text from Ashton. My eyes instantly widened up and I unlocked my phone to see what he had said.

The Phone's Point Of View:

Ashton: Hey Ciara, How did it go?

Ciara: good I guess

Ashton: Why do you say you guess? did something happen?

Ciara: Well, the reason why you saw me at the skatepark was that I ran away.

Ashton: what? why?

Ciara: I walked in on my parents talking and they were thinking about sending me away to this group home full of teenagers that have problems.

Ashton: what? Why would they send their only kid away to a home where you have to talk to random people about your personal life? when all your parents have to do is put in the time and effort to come to you, sit and listen to you talk? I hate that so much, It makes no sense!

Ciara's Point Of View: At that moment I felt like Ashton said that off of something he might have experienced. Maybe with his mom or dad. I felt bad but I just ignored it and continued to answer his question

The Phone's Point Of View:

use they don't care for what I have to say.

Ashton: you don't know that. They just probably don't know how to approach you. Just give them a chance.

Ciara: I don't know. Hey, I have a question.

Ashton: go for it

Ciara: Why don't you like it when people call you by your full name?

Ashton: no reason, hey look, I have to go tuck my siblings in for the night. I'll talk to you later.

Ciara's point of view:

After that, he just logged off. I hope I didn't say anything wrong or overstepped. I should talk to him after school. I think that's the best Idea. I feel like he's mad at me. I really messed up. I texted him asking him to meet me at the skatepark around 2 pm if he could. He read the message but never responded back, so I don't know if that was a yes or a no. I'm going to go there anyway just in case. I just hope I didn't screw up anything.

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