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I woke up to my mom shouting at the doctors, telling them that I'm up and that my eyes were open. The doctors rushed over to me to check on me asking me if I'm ok. I tell them that I am and I ask them what happened because I was so confused why I ended up in the hospital. They told me that I had a panic attack, I knew I was having a panic attack in the classroom but usually they don't get that bad to cause me to pass out or let alone end up in the hospital. As I was laying there I asked my mom where my phone was and she told me that she had it, I asked her for it back so I can text Ashton. She gave it me and as soon as I turned the phone on, there was 25 messages coming from Ashton.

The Phone's Point Of View:

{at 10:45} Ashton: Are you okay?!?!

{at 10:52} Ashton: Ciara I swear if your dead

{at 11:02} Ashton: Ciara?

{at 11:10} Ashton: your mom texted me saying your gonna be okay, that's good.

{11:30} Ashton: by the way you left your books at school, since I clearly can't just come to your house, After you get out, stop by the school and I'll give it to you


[now at 1:24]

Ciara: hey Ash

Ashton: Ciara!! how are you feeling

Ciara: the same, It was just a panic attack, It happens when I'm in my room all the time, but I know how to control it, It just got blown out of proportion simply cause I was In a public area.

Ashton: Yea, but hey I am so busy right now with helping the teacher grade these papers so I'll text you later?

Ciara: oh yea, totally, I don't wanna distract you from your work Mr. Walker

Ashton: ha ha pretty funny

Ciara's Point Of View:

I really do fell lucky to have Ashton. Even if he is just my friend. I don't even care anymore that we can't be together. I don't even have feelings anymore. which is good. After we got out I asked my mom if she can drop me off to the school so I can get my books, she said yes so that's where we headed when we got out. 

When we got to the school my mom said she'll wait for me outside, I had said okay and headed into the school. I texted him saying I was inside the school and I got no response. I waited there for 10 minutes, so I just decided to go to the classroom and see if he's still in there. As I was getting closer to the classroom I was hearing a lot of ruckus going on, I wanted to see what was going on so I slowly walked closer to the door, I bent down that way if Ms. Patterson was in the room she wouldn't see me. When I got to the door I peek my head into the little window they had on the door and I couldn't believe what I saw. 

Ashton and Ms. Patterson are kissing! What the hell! Ashton and Ms. Patterson were on top of the desk just going at it, I couldn't look anymore, I am just so disgusted. At that point I crawled out the way of the door, stood up and ran out the door crying. I mean how low could Ash possibly get. Ms. Patterson hates me, and I know it.  When me and Ash started laughing together she was totally pissed! And when Ash tried to take me to the nurse when I was having my panic attack, SHE insisted she'd take me. And now Ash goes and does this. I get outside and my mom turns and sees me in tears, she comes running out her car towards me.

"hey! Hey! what happened baby, tell me" my mom said softly hugging me

"it's nothing, let's just go please" I stammered

When we pull up to my house 10 minutes later , I rush out the car and run in the house to and head to my room. When I get in there I just turned on some music and dig my face into my bed. A couple minutes later I get a text from Ash.

The Phone's Point Of View:

Ashton: Hey C! you can come to the school to get your stuff

Ciara: I'd rather starve

Ashton: what happened? did something happen to you, are you ok?

Ciara: Oh cut the crap, stop actin like you care.

Ashton: Did I do something to you?

Ciara: no nothing AT ALL, just leave me alone.

Ciara's Point Of View: 

I turned off my phone and went to sleep, Cause I knew if I went to sleep, I wouldn't have to think about it anymore. I never wanna see his face again.

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