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After he calmed me down, he picked me up and laid me down on my bed. I was a little confused as to why he didn't lay down next to me but I just ignored it. He then pulls out his phone to call someone.

"Hey Ellie, how's mommy? Ash says in a soft tone

"she's okay, She told me and Dylan to give her medicine to her and when we did, she started spitting out white stuff and then she fell asleep." I heard from Ashton's phone.

When I heard that I knew that this ending would not be pretty. Ashton slowly turns to me with his eyes widened, he then quickly opens my window and jumps out of it, he turns around and asks me to come and even though I know my parents have cameras and don't want me to leave the house, I couldn't leave him alone in this state. So I said yes and I jumped out and hopped in the car and he drove off. As he was driving he started crying and screaming, he kept punching his steering wheel causing the car to jerk.

"Ash stop! your mother will be okay, Just breath in and out and focus on getting to your house now!"

"this is all my fault ciara! do you not see that? I can't leave that drug addict in the house for 2 seconds, I hate her." Ash grunts

"Whether you like it or not, that is still a woman and that is still your mother. have some respect for her. Now just like you for me, I will be there to help you, your siblings, And you mom get better. Now please calm down and clear your head for now and drive so we can help your mom out Ashton!" I demanded.

Ash then stopped breathing so heavy and calmed down. 2 minutes later we get to his house and me and Ashton run to the door.

"when I get in watch the kids while I check on her, okay?" he quickly expressed

"yes, yes of course go go now!" I yell

When he opens the door he goes into his kitchen and grabs ice and runs into the room where his mom was in. When he opened the door all I saw was his mom on the floor, it reminded me of Landon when I saw him that night he died. But I couldn't cry, not in front of his siblings.

"mom come on come on wake up" ash yelled as he was quickly smacking the side of his mom's face

"come on you piece of crap! you helped destroy this family the least you can do to pay us back is be here, be here for Ellie, Dylan, and Max, be here for me mom. please." Ash cries

Ellie walked up to me crying and I picked her up and I was slowly swaying her back and forth telling her that everything was going to be okay. I then heard a big gasp coming from Ash's mother, she started breathing again, after that Ashton sat back and leaned his head against the door and sighed in relief.

"hey baby" his mother says in a weak voice

"you are unbelievable" Ash responds as he gets up and leaves.

he closes the door behind him and he walks into the room I am in. He sees me holding Ellie. I was resting my head on her head and moving back and forth still as she sleeps in my arms. Ash starts to laugh at me.

"what now jerk." I say grinning

"she likes you, I mean who can blame her" Ash says sarcastically

Ash then takes Ellie from me and puts her in the other room with her brothers and puts them all to bed. He comes back into the room and sits on the couch.

"can you sit with me?" he asks

"no. cause I'm still mad at you" I expressed bluntly

"sit next to me now," he demanded.

When I sat down he moved closer to me and just stared at me.

"is that the way you looked at Ms. Patterson before you went in on her?" I sarcastically asked.

"ha ha, you know you're so funny, wait. aren't you supposed to have like a bed time now?" he snapped back

"oh wo you wanna go there?" I said as I got up.

me and him started to play fight until he picked me up. I squealed in excitement as he kept me in mid air. He was staring at me and I was staring at him. He slowly put me back down and when I hit the ground me and him never broke eye contact. I began to back up only because I was scared of what might have happened if I stayed where I was. As I'm backing up Ashton then pulls me in and kisses me. I sadly gave in. After he kissed me he asked me to sit back down with him, I smiled and just said okay.

When we sat down he turned on the tv and got a blanket. When he sat back down, I lay on his chest and he put the blanket over us and wrapped his arms around me. He falls asleep 5 minutes later. I couldn't blame him. I mean he had to deal with all that mess with his mom earlier so I wouldn't be surprised if he was tired. I then ended up getting tired so I had to get up and leave the house to go back to mine. I opened my phone and searched my address in the GPS and I started walking to my house. It was 12 in the morning and I was mostly just scared of my parents seeing me come in late. When I got there it was 12:30 and luckily the camera's weren't on so I managed to get into my room and my parents were asleep when I got in the house. So I plugged my phone up and cleaned my room and by the time I finished It was 3:30 in the morning so I just texted Ashton asking if he can meet me around the corner in the morning for school tomorrow because I knew I was gonna be in a mood because I didn't get enough sleep. After that I turned off my light and went to sleep.

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