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I had woke up extra early for some reason. Maybe because school is today and the adrenaline is flowing through me. I spent 10 minutes washing my face and brushing my teeth and then I headed back to my room to see what I can wear. I was looking through the draws and I finally found the perfect outfit. It was white sweatpants with a grey crop top and some Nike black slides. And as you guys know I made that stupid agreement with my parents saying that I'll eat with them, but I guess it's not bad, It's better than going to that program they were talking about anyways.

Fast forward about 15 minutes I'm at the bus stop I walked to, waiting for the bus to arrive...obviously. But then the most weirdest thing happened, As I was waiting a grey car was driving by and as it was getting closer I noticed the person driving the car, It was Ashton! that means he must be 17, I should have asked him for his age when we first met. Oh well, I guess it's nothing big. The bus got here a few minutes after and I got on. I saw a lot of new faces but I guess that didn't really matter because I know that I'm not gonna be friends with any of them. We finally arrive to school and I'm the last one to get off. When I get off I was trying to find Ashton's car because he was heading for my school's direction when I saw him driving. Sadly I couldn't see his car.

I head into my first class and It was pretty calm, It's my English class. The teacher was just giving in introduction about her class and introduced herself as well. While she was talking, Ashton busts through the door!

"sorry I'm late, There was a lot of-" Ashton paused because he saw me in the back, And when he looked at me, He was so shocked and I was too. Ashton, a teacher? He has a lot of explaining to do.

"It's alright ash, I understand it happens" the teacher flirted. The teacher is a woman, and she's flirting with Ashton. In front of us. Gross! Ashton looks at her and sarcastically smiles and walks over to the teachers desk. Are teacher then started talking and Ashton was leaning on the teachers desk listening to what she was saying. If Ashton is a teacher, why isn't he the one speaking to? I just brush it off and I leave it alone. While the teacher continued to talk, I noticed that Ashton was staring at me, he kept drawing his eyes towards the door yo I guess signal me to leave the class. I then asked the teacher if I could you use the bathroom and she allowed me. When I left the classroom I was waiting by the bathroom for about 3 minutes until I see Ashton walk up to me.
"So when we're you gonna tell me that your still in high-school?!" Ashton aggressively whispered.
"You never asked, and when did you tell me your a teacher?!" I aggressive responded back

"I'm not, I'm just volunteering here, I tutor the disabled and also if they need me to, I step in classes with teachers that need some assistance" Ashton told me.
"So- how old are you" I ask nervously.
"I'm 19" he calmly responded.
I then sigh knowing that my chance was out the window. I just turned 16 a month ago, and Ashton is about to be 20! If he only knew how I felt about him. It's to late now.
"Hey. Did I upset you yesterday? I brought up a question to you and you kind of just ghosted me after that. If I made you upset, I apologize" I poured.
"I-I'll tell you later. At the skate park. Okay?" He asked
"Okay" I reply.
He heads back into the classroom first and I go back in a couple minutes later so It won't look like anything was going on between us, as I sat back down, Ashton was back in the same position at the desk looking at me again. But this time he smiled. He knows what he's doing at this point because every time he smiles I start to smile. But I just ignored it and continued to listen to the teacher.

So when school ended, I was thinking about walking home, because I know a short cut to the skate park. As I was walking I heard a loud honk coming from behind me. I turn around and I noticed it's Ashton. He pulls up in front of me and asks if I would like a ride. We were to far from the school for anyone to notice so I just hopped in the car.

"so can we talk about it now?" I asked.

"I want to show you something" he sighed

As Ashton is driving, I am just staring out the window. I see the skatepark so I started to get prepared to get out, except when Ashton was driving towards the skate park he made a turn. I looked at him with confusion as to why we didn't stop at the skate park.

"why did you turn Ashton?" I asked

"I said I wanted to show you something" he smirked.

I didn't know what that meant but I just hope he's not trying to kidnap me.

10 minutes go by and we finally made it to a destination.

"where here" Ashton expressed excitingly.

"what is this" I gasped

"I like to come here, to think you know?"

Ashton took me to this view of the ocean. There was a board walk and they also had a mini bakery next to it. We walked to the end of the bored walk and Ashton looked out into the distance as he leaned on the bars that protect us from falling in. I then slowly walked up next to him and stared at him. He looks at peace. He closes his eyes and when he opened his eyes he turned to me and then looked back at the ocean.

"My dad" Ashton whispered


"My dad, when I was younger, he used to beat on my mom. And when I would try to stand up for her, he'd beat me up. But I didn't care because I knew my mom wouldn't have to get hurt by him. He introduced my mom into drugs because he told her that she was to fat, that she needed to loose weight and the only way to do that fast is to take drugs. My mom was so in love with that man that he let her play with her mind and make her do things she didn't want to. And me and my dad? he ended up just beating me up instead of my mom, for fun he'd say. He named me Ashton and I hated my name because of him. So I changed it to Ash. when I was 11, I came home one day from school and my dad was gone." He sighed.

I then stood there in shock because I would have never guessed that that was the case.

I was guessing he wanted some time to think so I just didn't say anything and just waited until I felt like he was okay to want to talk.

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