Make Up Your Mind

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When I woke up I noticed it was the morning! Which means I was supposed to go home and I didn't. I was still laying on Ashton's chest. He had one of his arms wrapped around me and he was sleeping. 

"oh crap, Ashton wake up now!" I shout hitting his chest.

"ha, what happened?" Ashton asks as he jumps up.

"it's 5:00 in the morning genius!"

Ashton chuckles and pushes me off of him and goes to the bathroom.

I get up real fast and follow him into the bathroom.

"Ciara, I will take you home, just let me get ready." Ash chuckles.

Before he went inside the bathroom he had taken his shirt off and threw it at me and laughed and closed the door. You know sometimes I really hate that dude.

It has been 10 minutes and I was already packed up because I left all my stuff at my house. I checked my phone and I noticed I got no calls from my mom or my dad. I was confused but at the same time relieved because that means they haven't noticed I wasn't home yet. Ashton finally got out of the bathroom and he went to go into his room, but as he was walking to his room he looked at me and smirked, and closed his door.

"hurry up jerk!"

"don't rush perfection miss," Ashton says behind his door.

When Ashton gets out he asks me if I am ready. I wanted to punch him. But we get into the car and he drops me off on the corner. 

"ok, your home dork."

"thank you," I say as I try to get out.

Ash then grabbed my arm and brought me to him and kissed me on the cheek.

"Ash, you cannot keep doing this. If you don't like Rosie anymore, then break up with her."

"who said that?" Ash asked with a confused look.

"well, technically you did. You do things with me, that you should be doing with your girlfriend, It's not right."

"I do want to be with her."

"okay? I'll see you later then."

When I got out of the car, Ash drove off instantly. I guess he was mad again. I mean at this point it's annoying. We fight then we makeup and it just repeats. How can you have a girlfriend and then fool around with another female? it's not me, and I don't wanna be apart of this anymore. 

I climbed into the window of my room and put some comfortable clothes on and went to sleep.

The next morning when I got to school, I had seen Ashton, He looked like he was coming towards me. I started to walk faster into the building and I saw Eric at his locker. So I ran to him and hugged him. 

"Hey, what was that for?" Eric says as he plays with my hair.

"nothing. So get this, my mom said it's ok for you to come over to my house, so we can work on this project."

"oh really?" Eric says with a smirk.

"yea? but just for the project. Nothing else."

"right, well, see you in class," Eric responds as he kissed my cheek and walked away.

It feels more right when I'm with Eric. He doesn't hide anything and it doesn't feel wrong. Anyways, when we get into the classroom I notice Eric is staring at Ashton staring at me. Eric looks like he's gonna kill him. I tapped Eric on his shoulder and he snapped out of it and stared at me.

"Are you okay? What's wrong?"

"Is there something your not telling me Ciara?" Eric asks looking into my eyes.

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