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We were out there for about 20 minutes, I gave Ashton enough time to collect his thoughts because he seemed so messed up after he told me about his dad. And I thought I had it rough.

"Why do you trust me?" I blurted out

"what?" He said looking up at me

"I mean we met 24 hours ago and you're telling me about your dad, that's pretty big Ash" I expressed to him.

"Well you are the first person to understand me and not be so shocked at my past and how I grew up" he replied.

At that moment I started thinking, Maybe my brother sent me to him. Cause he was the only person I could talk to without him judging and once he died, I felt like there will never be a person like him to ever come into my life, but that's when I happen to bump into Ash. I don't know, sounds crazy I know. After we talked for a while, we went back into his car and he drove me to my house. My parents were at work still so they weren't gonna see him.

"thank you for bringing me there, and for telling me a little bit more about your past. I know it must have been hard" I tell him in a quiet tone.

"I feel like you and I will become very close, I can trust you with a lot and that's weird because I don't open up to anyone. It's like when I saw you, I felt like I've seen you before, and I knew you. weird right?" he asked

"no! I mean, no, not at all" I stammered.

That was really awkward so I just told him I'll text him later and he smiled and drove off. When I got into the house I went upstairs and played some music while I finished my homework. When I finished, I took a shower, made something to eat, Then sat on the bed and pulled out my phone. I was thinking about Ashton for some reason. I know we can't be together and it annoys me, and it especially annoys me more at the fact that he just wants to be friends and he has no idea how I really feel about him and frankly I don't think he ever will.

The Phone's Point Of View:

Ciara: Hey Ash

Ashton: Hey Ciara, What you up to?

Ciara: Nothing, I just finished my homework no to long ago

Ashton: Awww, what a good student you are

Ciara: whatever jerk, You know your real old but your still a child at heart

Ashton: and there's nothing wrong with it nerd

Ciara: whatever. You know I still can't get over the fact that the English teacher likes you

Ashton: what? What do you mean C?

Ciara: Ms. Patterson? you don't see it? cause me, and I'm sure the rest of the class can see the way that she looks at you.

Ashton: No, no way.

Ciara: we'll see about that when we get to school and were in class, and she's drooling over you

Ashton: yea whatever

Ciara: Oh and if I'm right, you have to drive me home every day for the rest of the school year, deal?

Ashton: deal

Ciara's Point Of View:

Once I got off the phone with that jerk, I heard the door close and that's when I knew my parents were home. I went downstairs to talk to them and tell them about my day. I know I don't normally do that but I'm starting to realize why they wanted me to go there, They want me to be their daughter again. I know I lost my way once Landon died and I was really distant, they just miss the old me, and I miss the old me too. I'm still searching for her but I feel I'm getting close. Plus, Ashton told me to give them a chance. So I guess that's part of the reason to.

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