He's Back

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The Phone's Point Of View:

Ashton: I'm at your house, where are you?

Ciara: I'll be there in a second.

Ciara's Point Of View:

"So, Maybe we can work on this more after school if I could come by your house and we can work on it there." Eric implied.

"Oh uh, I don't think that's a good idea."

"well of course not now, but maybe some other day?" Eric asks.

"um, yea maybe, oh well would you look at the time, I have to go."

"great, I could walk you to your house, well more like walk me." Eric chuckles

"um ye, yea okay"

I knew I messed up when I said that. If Ash sees me and Eric walking to my house together, he might react like he did when we were in school. When we got to the house Ashton was sitting on my steps that lead to my porch. When he saw me, he jumped up and smiled, until he saw Eric walk in front of me.

"Why is Mr.Walker at your house. It seems like he follows you everywhere."

"oh don't worry about it, he's just... really close to our family. Yea he's like a brother to me and I'm like a sister to him so he can get protective.

"oh, got it. Well, I'll see you at school" Eric says as he places his hand on my cheek.

Eric started to lean in and I panicked, because if he was trying to do what I think he was going to do, and Ash saw it, then I don't even know what might happen. So I just hugged him. I could feel he was confused.

"Or we can hug," Eric says laughing.

"I, I'm sorry. But yea, I'll see you at school...buddy" I say playfully punching his arm.

Eric looked at me with a confused face and started walking back in the direction of the skatepark.

When I walked up to ash, he looked at me and then just scoffed at me.

"what now Ash"

"So you lied," Ashton asks.

"ok first off, what has gotten into you?

"stop asking me that Ciara, There's nothing wrong with me okay," Ashton shouts.

Ashton then sits back down on the steps and brushes both of his hands through his hair. I was feeling really worried for him and concerned as to why he's acting like this. I sat down behind him and wrapped my hands around his waist and put my forehead on his shoulder. I wanted to comfort him because he seemed so upset.

"Ash, please just tell me"

After a couple of seconds, he turns around and looked at me.

"my dad, he's back."


"I had got a call from my mom while we were in class. And she told me that my dad had called her. He was saying how he was sorry and how he's coming home to start a new life with us and all that crap. And I got overwhelmed and just filled with rage and I hung up. And then I looked up to see you and Eric and I guess that just triggered me even more." Ash explained.

"Do you think It's safe to be here, I mean school ended like an hour ago and Your dad is probably at the house already."

"That's why I'm here. If I go to that house alone, I'm afraid of what I might do. So I need you to come with me and keep me calm. I just need you to be here for me right now Ciara, Please." Ash asks.

"Fine, cmon," I say as I roll my eyes.

When I got into the car, I pulled out my phone to call my mom.

"Hey mom, I just wanted to let you know that I might not be home until 4, Is that alright?"

"yea sure, and when you come back we need to talk about you getting a real job and how you need to prepare for your driver's test too."

"deal, I'll talk to you later. Oh, wait! So we have this project in English class, It's a Partner type of, And my friend who's also my partner for this project wants to know if he can come to the house and we can sit in the kitchen if you want us to, and finish this project.

"yea that's fine, Listen I'm really busy at work right now so I'll see you when you get home.

"ok, bye."

Ciara's point of view:

"finish the project? you two will be doing more than finish the project." Ash scoffs.

"eww, gross"

"I'm just saying." Ashton chuckles.


When we get to Ash's house we see that there was no car parked in front.

"he's not here, so your good."

"No, I'm not"


"when he up and left, he took my mom's car. She was supposed to pay the bills for the car not too long before he took it to leave. Later that day my mom got a call from the place she got her car from and they told her that the car has been taken back. This means he has no car, which means he's probably in there messing my mom's brain up again, which means Dylan, Ellie, And Max think they finally have a father. Ciara, This is not good." Ashton frantically responds.

"Hey, hey shh, relax," I say as I grab his face.

"breathe. Remember? That's what you told me the night we met. You told me to breathe because of how worried I looked. So now I'm telling you to do the same. Just relax, We'll go into it together and we'll figure this out ok?"

"give me your hand" Ash demanded.

I gave him my hand he held it real tight like he was scared. It's like I can feel everything he was trying to tell me just by the grip of his hands. Well, this should be exciting.

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