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Ciara's Point Of View: When I got to school and I was heading into the building I had seen Ashton and Ms. Patterson come out of the same car. He glanced at me and smiled and I looked away when he did. I hate that stupid smile and his stupid face. When I got into my class I couldn't help but look over at Ashton. He was staring me down while grinning. I pulled out my phone and texted him.

The Phone's Point Of View:

Ciara: quit it jerk

Ashton: what am I doing Ciara

Ciara: that's a good question Ashton what are you doing exactly?

Ashton: you should focus. Bye Ciara :)

Ciara's point of view:

Why was he acting like that? When Ms. Patterson was done writing what she was writing on the board, she turned around and saw Ashton looking at me and nudged him. He looked at her and mouthed "sorry" and got up in front of the class to announce something.

"ok class, today we have a new student, his name is Eric Offmen"

When Ashton said that Eric came into the classroom and when I tell you all the girl's faces were hilarious. They were totally crushing over him.

"Eric you can sit in the back next to Ms. Parker," Ms. Patterson says as she looks at me, I guess she wanted a reaction out of me, but she wasn't going to get one.

"hey," Eric says as he sits down.

"hi," I awkwardly respond.

"by any chance, do you have Mr. Donavon next period?" he asks.

"yea, he can be a bit annoying sometimes" I chuckle.

"you have a nice smile you know that right?" he says grinning.

oh no.

"thank you. uh s so, uh, you need help finding the class for next period?" I stammered

"yes, I could use your help, and I might need help finding my locker too" he chuckles

I start to laugh at what he said, he's pretty funny and cute. What am I saying? I can't do this. When I looked back forward I saw Ashton looking at me with a, almost jealous look. He then pulls out his phone, and I got a notification. Ms. Patterson left, I guess to use the bathroom so I was able to go on my phone.

The Phone's Point Of View:

Ashton: He's adorable :)

Ciara: ugh whatever, I thought I said was not friends.

Ashton: I know, but I didn't agree with those terms C.

Ciara: and what is with you giving me all these looks? especially when I was talking to Eric.

Ashton: I mean don't you think it's weird. He just comes in and you and he are already bonding, if you like him then just say that C. It's embarrassing."

Ciara: sounds like someone's jealous ;)

Ashton: I'm not, I have a girlfriend remember?

Ciara: She's the devil, not your girlfriend there's a difference.

Ashton: haha very funny. Ellie misses you.

Ciara: I miss her too. How's your mom?

Ashton: she's her usual self. Hey, I have a question.

Ciara: what's up.

Ashton: I know you think we're not friends, but I was wondering if you can stop by the house and just watch Ellie and Dylan and Max while I go to the store to get some stuff for the house? You know where my key is so If I'm not at the house you can let yourself in okay?

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