Make Up Your Mind Pt.2

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"I notice your mom's car is gone, you think we can talk for a second?" Ash asked looking around.

"Umm, I don't think this is the right time Ash."


"Eric is here."

Ash looks in the house and then grabs my hand. He grabbed me and pulled me out the door so quickly I wasn't able to fully close the door.

"Hey! Ash! Knock it off!"

"Why is he over here?"

"because we're working on a project your girlfriend assigned."

"oh please, don't give me that shit right now."

"what shit am I giving you Ash, ha?

"that your girlfriend bulshit."

"that's because she is your girlfriend, is she not?"


"look Ash, we can't do this anymore."

"do what exactly?"

"be friends with you. And you can't kiss me anymore, you can't do girlfriend things with me because if I'm being honest, this, us, will never be a thing."

"Why are you saying all of this?"

"you have a girlfriend! you don't want to break up with her, meaning you still like her!

"come on, let's go to my house and we'll talk about it more."

"Ash no, I said what I needed to say."

"But I didn't, so let's just at least talk in the car."

"Ash no."

"Ciara, come here," Eric demanded from the back of me.

I got my grip back and snatched it out of Ash's hand and went to Eric.

"Hey Mr.walker, can I call you Ash? cool, Ash, her mom or dad could be home any minute, so if you want to explain to them why your here, I suggest you leave." Eric said bluntly.

"Ciara, just talk to me. I can't lose you. What about Ellie, and max and Dylan. What if my dad comes back? I can't lose you."

I felt really bad because I never thought about what Ashton said. I was going to respond, I was interrupted because I saw Eric step down from the porch and got real close to Ash's face and looked down on him with a serious face.

"Is there a problem?" Ash says as he smirks.

"I'm asking you to leave, Ciara doesn't want you here, and neither do I."

"I didn't come here for you."

"Ciara, just come with me real quick," Ash asked.

Eric then turned to me and stared at me.

"I'm not gonna force you to leave or stay Ciara, but just know, by you leaving with him, it will just show how you truly feel, and that everything you said to me back there was all a lie," Eric says to me.

I just stood there, I wanted to move but my body wasn't letting me.

"What did you tell him earlier Ciara?" Ash asked.

"I-I" I stutter.

"She doesn't have to tell you."

"I was talking to Ciara," Ashton says as he purposely bumps his shoulder into Erics.

Eric then pulled Ashton back and punched him. I squealed out of shock because I was so surprised that Eric did that. Ash then pushed Eric to the ground and started punching him.

"Okay, get off of him Ash! Stop!"

"I like Eric! I want to be with him. But I can't if me and you remain friends. Whenever we are with each other we seem to not control ourselves, And I hope you and Rosie last. I think you should tell her the truth too, because even though she's a messed up person, no one deserves to get cheated on. Now please, leave."

Ash then looked at me and licked his teeth and smiled as he walked to his car and drove off.

Eric then had gotten up and walked over to me and stared at me for a second and then kissed me and then hugged me. I think I did the right thing, but I just don't feel right about it.

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