Ms. Patterson

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My school starts at 7:00 in the morning and we get out at 1:00 pm. So when I woke up it was 6:45. I was supposed to be out of the house already. I quickly get up and brush my teeth and get dressed and head out the door. When I leave I start walking to the bus stop, when Ashton pulled up.

"your late" Ashton blurted out.

"no kidding genius" I responded back.

"by the way, were not stopping at school just yet" he told me.

"what? why?" I said with slight attitude.

"Look at your hand grumpy" he said playfully.

When I looked down at my hand, there were a bunch of open wounds from me breaking my mirror. I completely forgot about it,

"but were gonna be late Ash" I said with a worried look on my face.

"It's ok. The day you went to the hospital, your mom came to the school to ask what happened, and if anyone who knew you could tell her what happened. I went up to her and told her I was close to you and that you got overwhelmed with the amount of attention you were getting, something simple and she then gave me her number and told me to contact her whenever its needed. So I told her that were going to the "library" for educational purposes" Ash explains as he bursts into laughter.

"smart move" I replied sarcastically

"okay then lets go before were really late nerd" he replies smirking

He drove us to the local store that was closest to the school and when I tried to gte out he stopped me.

"what why can't I go in" I whined making a pouting face

"because you don't need to" he said as he copying the face I was making.

He then walks inside and 2 minutes later he comes out with a whole first aid kit.

"you didn't have to do this for me" I said as he grabbed one of my hands.

"I always got you" he replied as he glanced at me and smiled.
He took some sort of spray and sprayed it on my cuts and it started burning and I got mad at the fact it was burning so I bald my hand up in a fist.

"You really got issues C, it's just to clean your wounds and to take away all the bacteria from the cuts. I'm almost done" he chuckles

"How come you know how to do this so well?" I asked in a flirty tone

"When my dad used beat me up, I would have a lot of cuts on my face and legs and hands and after a while they would really start to get painful. I would go to my mom and ask her what I could do to make the pain go away and she got a first aid kit and showed me how to use it. Whenever my dad would have his episodes with me, my mom would be there to wrap up my scars, but when she started to get worse with the drugs I had to learn how to wrap them up myself" he explained as he finished up with my hands.

"Ok let's get to school" he uttered

"Yea, cause I would love to sit in a class where I get to see Ms. Patterson drool over you" I sarcastically responded.

"It's only for an hour and then your off yo your other classes Ciara, don't act like that. It's not that serious" he explained rolling his eyes at me.

"Whatever" I bluntly told him.

When we got to school he dropped me off on the corner that way no one will see, and he went in first and I went in a few minutes later. When I impact and got my books I closed my locker. When I closed my locker I was approached by yours truly Ms. Patterson.

"Hi Ciara. Jones isn't it?" She asks ironically

"Yes Rosie. Patterson isn't it? What would you like?" I snapped back

"I would just like to inform you that you should stop obsessing over Ash, he's an adult and quite frankly it's highly inappropriate" she explains.

"Well thank you for that information I will definitely take that into consideration Ms. P" I tell her as I walk away.

We get into class and I sit in my chair and Ms. P comes in the room not to long before I did. She looked at me when she walked in and rolled her eyes. I could care less what she thinks if I'm being honest, but it was kinda annoying, not being able to tell her the truth and see how she reacts, but somethings are better left alone.

"So class, today we will be taking the time to learn a little bit about each other. You guys will be writing an essay about yourself. You will have to include hobbies, family, friends, siblings and etc to get full credit. This will be worth half your grade so make this one count, this will be due in 2 days and when we come to class in those 2 days you all will present your essays to the class." She loudly explained.

Me talk about my family and friends and siblings? I can't do that. I only have one friend that the teacher can't know about, my family's far as my parents are trash, and my sibling is dead. Why the hell would I put myself in that type of torture?
It was the end of class and I had to go up to Ms.Patterson and ask her if I can do some other assignment. Mind you Ashton was still in the room so this will be even more uncomfortable.

"Um Ms. Patterson" do you think I can do a different assignment?" I ask her

"Why?" She says with a nonchalant attitude

"Well, I don't feel comfortable writing and presenting an essay about my personal life" I stammered

"To bad, now get out of my class" she demanded

I then look at ash out of disbelief and the fact she just told me to get out. He looked at me and mouthed to calm down, I then close my eyes and breath in and out and then I smile and ask her again.

"May I please have a different assignment, I don't feel it's right to make me do something I don't feel comfortable doing." I calmly expressed.

"Yes it is especially when I'm the teacher, now like I said get out" she demanded with a slight aggressive tone.

"Why? So you and Ash can go at it again? I saw you and I got you on recording so what makes you think I won't expose you and have you lose everything including Ash? I am sick and tired of your grudge you have against me. I don't deserve it. Now you could just easily give me another assignment or I can simply not do it, and I really could care less if you fail me because I have nothing else to lose, you dirty, manipulative, disgusting, and humiliating skank." I aggressively blurted out.

I saw Ashton's face, he had his mouth opened and he was smiling almost like he wanted me to say that. I then walk out the classroom and go to my next class smiling out of relief that I finally got that off my chest.

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