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Ashton's Point Of View: 

I was searching for her all over until I came into my mom's room and I heard crying.

"Ciara, let me in."

when she opened the door, I saw black stuff come down her face.

"What is that black stuff C"

"It's mascara jerk" she hissed back.

I grabbed a towel and damped it with water and cleaned it off.

"there, now you look less hideous." 

"shut up." she chuckled

"Thanks for doing this. for me and my mom. She told me what you said to her, and how you were right about everything."

"I'm always right Ash" she snaps back.

"tell me what happened, why are you crying?"

"your girlfriend, she uh, when you left, she came out the kitchen and she wanted to have a talk, and she said she knew me and you are close but she's gonna get closer to the point where your not gonna want anything to do with me. And that didn't affect me until she brought the project that she assigned the class. She asked me why I didn't want to participate in it and I didn't say anything. And she said that she looked at my file and she saw that I had a sibling which you know is Landon. She told me she had Landon in her class and said how he was a loudmouth immature, and disrespectful kid and how I act just like him. I said he passed and how can she be so cruel and she looked at me and said that she doesn't care because I ruined her life. She said that it should have been me instead of my brother because he wasn't a homewrecker. So I hope you and her make it far in life and don't worry I'll back off, I know you don't like me that way and I need to accept that. But I'm so happy you and your mom and siblings are starting to et things back to normal." She explained as she wiped her tear away.

After that, I started questioning me and Rosie's relationship, and also about Ciara. Because even though Rosie talked to her like that, she still stayed. Ciara tried to get out of the bathroom but I stopped her midway and pulled her to me and kissed her. I know it was dumb but it seemed right.

"Why did you?-" 

"I like you okay? I do have feelings for you and I wanna be with Ciara"

She looked at me and then kissed me and I felt like everything was going to be okay, It felt right. 

"I want you to stay for dinner."

"what about Rosie," she asked.

"I don't know yet."

When we get out, I see Rosie and I was kinda hesitant to talk to her because of what she said to Ciara but I did anyway.

"hey babe, dinner is ready me and you're mom are just setting up the table. But is you know who gonna leave anytime soon?" she whispered.

"no, she's staying here for dinner." 

"wh- no"

"He said she's staying, If you don't like that I'll be so happy to show you the door." my mom snapped back.

Rosie just stood there with a constipated look as she was holding the plate. 10 minutes go by and everyone is at the table except for Rosie and Ciara. I noticed that Ciara went to grab everyone's drinks and when everyone had a drink, I signaled her to sit next to me. She smiled and when she went to go sit down Rosie pushed her and sat next to me. I looked at Ciara and she just smiled it off and sat down.

"I just wanna thank Ciara for everything, for helping out with Ellie and Dylan and Max when I didn't. I hope you still will help out though?" my mom asked her.

"of course, and thank you,"  Ciara responded.

"Can you braid my hair after we eat cc?" Ellie asked.

"of course, I promise!" Carrie said in a high pitched voice. 

I couldn't help but admire Ciara and how much of an amazing person she is. But I guess Rosie saw me looking and freaked out.

"Okay, I'm done." Rosie blurted out.

"What now?" my mom said slamming her fork on the plate.

"do you like Ciara or something?" Rosie asked me.

"where is this coming from?"

"I am just so tired of you always picking her over me. What does she have that I don't Ashton?!" Rosie shouted.

"First off lower your voice and do not call me by my full name."

"oh grow up. What man wants to be called Ash their whole life. You know what, I am sick of this!"

"stop screaming at him like that, he did nothing to you. You don't know anything about him Rosie, just calm down please!" Ciara shouted back.

"I am sick of you too, all you ever did was try to ruin things with me and Ash! and you, you allowed her to get in between this relationship, when are you going to be a man?

I was really getting angry because I just hate when situations get blown out of proportion, and people start to yell for no reason. Ciara got the kids and brought them into the room and stayed in there with them. 

"ok, it's time to leave, get the hell out of my house now!" My mom shouted.

"your house? from my understanding you were too drugged up to even stay awake!"

At that point, I got so mad that I hit her. She fell on the floor making a loud thump, causing Ciara to come out of the room. My mom gasped and looked at me like she was scared and when I turned to Ciara she was just standing there frozen. Ciara rushed to Rosie because she was holding her face crying. I couldn't handle seeing her like that so I left the house and got in my car and drove off.

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