Chapter 1

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"I walk beside you
Wherever you are
Whatever it takes
No matter how far
Through all that may come
And all that may go
I walk beside you
I walk beside you"

That was a song my mother used to sing for me when I was a little girl. It was the only good memory I have of her. As a child, life was so easy and simple. The only thing a child could think of is with whom they could play with and what their next meal is. Unfortunately, as they grow up, they start to realize what life truly is... A Bitch!


The metallic door to my sky box rattles, before it was swung open lightning up the darkness in my cell. I squinted, letting my eyes get used to the new bright light. Three buff guards stood by the entrance with their shoulders squared and heads held high. They hesitated for a second before they strode in. A feral smirk stretched across my face knowing that their tough act was just for show. They fear me; they should be afraid!

"Prisoner 139, please stand up and face the wall with your hands behind your head," Officer Mathews ordered in his usual snotty voice. I narrowed my eyes at them. There are three reasons for such orders: either a surprise inspection for any hidden "weapons", meal time, or they're sending me to my death. Since I know it was none of the first two options that could only leave one.

"So, our beloved Council members have finally decided to float me off," I chuckled, taking my sweet time as I slowly rose to my feet, "they took their damn time."

"Move your ass, kid. Come on, we don't have all day!"

I narrowed my eyes at him, not impressed with the tone he's just used on me. Slowly, I started lowering myself back to my bed, cocking my eyebrows challengingly at him. For once, Mathews didn't rise up to the challenge. He just glanced behind him at the two guards standing behind him and nodded. They stepped up with metal electronic batons in their hands.

Well, this's gonna hurt!

Suddenly I found myself convulsing on the metallic floor, a shocking pain shooting all over my body. As soon as the pain started, it stopped and I found myself panting heavily. A large hand reached over me to grab my left hand. I used what little energy I had left to close my mouth on that meaty hand and sunk my teeth in. A pained scream filled my skybox, as the guard cried out in pain. I removed my mouth and spat out the blood, hating the metallic taste of it in my mouth.

"For god's sake," Mathews growled. I felt him putting his weight on my back, his knee crushing upon my spine preventing my movement as he strapped something cold and metallic onto my left wrist. I felt a sharp pain, like a needle stabbing into my skin. The feeling soon subsided, but I could still feel the needle inside my flesh. Something leather-like was strapped around the lower art of my face, covering my whole mouth, before I was dragged back to my feet and pushed forwards.

We marched out to the holding cells' exit. Along the way, I couldn't help but notice that all the Skybox doors were open with no inmates inside. Things just got even more weirder.

After many turns, we finally arrived at our "destination." It was a drop ship; A drop ship full of all the Sky box's "criminals" of all ages.

Huh, so I was gonna be Floated, anyway!

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