Navena Aliyar-Explorer Note #19

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The Hunt of The Feathered Tyrant and His Horned Minions

After a week of watching how they hunt and what would've been the best strategy to hunt them with, they noticed that the Tyrant was in control. His roar boosted the aggression of the meat eating bulls and also that his roar was terrifying enough to send other predators running. Tomorrow they planned on hunting them officially.
It looks like they're off to hunt. I'm watching them march off at this very moment while Zulu's pups explore my satchel once again, well all but one, Wither is sleeping on my lap enjoying the scratches I am giving him. Zulu on the other hand, is watching them closely, staring out the window in anticipation, it seems like he wants to go as well.
I, out of my better judgment, allowed Zulu to go with them. If he wanted to defend his people or get vengeance, I wasn't going to deny him of it. He had every right too. I'm worried, barely able to write in this journal but I'll try to manage.

I couldn't do it, I couldn't let Zulu go on this hunt without me. We were a team and we would do this together. Chris is also on this hunt and he brought New Dog. Zulu isn't too happy about that, he got protective of both New Dog and me rather quickly. We are getting closer to the last sighting place of the feathered Tyrant, journals away, bows and spears out.
Once again, we were outdone by the creatures of the mountains. Once again Zulu has saved my life and others. Once again, a dear friend of mines was lost.

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