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you and suna were now walking around

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you and suna were now walking around. he had bought snacks for you both at a gas station.

you guys were just talking about memories from elementary school and stuff like that, music playing off of your phone, walking down the street. he was overall a really chill guy.

suddenly you spotted a huge lake in the distance. it looked so pretty with the moonlight reflecting against it. but more importantly, you saw a tall structure with stairs leading up to the top, over looking the pretty body of water.

you grabbed sunas wrist, smiling at him.

"come on, i wanna check something out!" you said excitedly, spinning around and leading him to the structure you had spotted out.

as you reached the staircase, you two began walking up the stairs.

"sunaaa! its so pretty!" you looked over over the railing and at the water.

but he wasn't even paying attention to the lake, his eyes were deadset on you.

as you guys reached the top, you sat on the edge. you let your legs dangle over the edge. suna sat next to you, looking over the water.

suna wasnt sober, like at all. not completely drunk where he couldn't walk or think correctly, but he was definitely feeling it.

you rolled up a blunt, pulling a lighter out of your bag and lighting it. you took a deep inhale of it, then blew out, your hair was blowing back in the soft wind. you passed the blunt to suna.

he gladly accepted it, taking a hit. you smiled as you watched him.

today was so weird.

you got in a fight, then got suspended, met suna after all these years, thought you would hate him, smoked with him on your roofs, went to a party, then beat up some adult man. realized suna was chill, then you ran from the cops, explored around a city at 2am with suna. now you're sitting on some structure over looking a pretty lake, high as hell, with a cross faded suna by your side.

though, you werent really complaining. you were having so much fun.

you laid your head on sunas shoulder, not really thinking about it too much. you lightly tapped your fingers against the concrete structure along the beat of the music.

"hey, y/n? he looked down at you, a small smile across his face.

"yeah?" you were still looking at the water.

"i wanna try something, i wanna see if it'll work." he said.

you looked up at him, he was taking a hit of the blunt. he turned to face you. he took your face delicately in his hands, which were still pretty beat up from earlier. you noticed how he had rings on, the way they made his fingers look even better and how the moonlight reflected against them.

you looked up from his hands, into his eyes, then down at his lips. he brought your face gently up to his, opening your mouth with his thumb. he blew the smoke into your mouth.

you were internally screaming. trying to play off what just happened casually, you looked up at the stars and blew the smoke out.

sweater weather was playing in the background.

"you know, i thought you were gonna kiss me or something." you laughed softly, your eyes were pink due to your high, your hands placed in your lap.

"what, are you implying you wanted me to?" he glanced at you, giving you a smirk. jackass.

"i never said that." you looked back up at him, glancing at his lips.

"oh, so you wouldn't kiss me? noted."


"it's fine, i wouldn't kiss you either."

"that's rude, didn't know i was that ugly."

"it's not that."

"then, what is it rinnie?"

his face turned serious, he looked down at you. his bright green eyes almost glowing against the night. he was so close. you felt your cheeks turning red.

"i don't want to kiss you because i wouldn't know how to stop." he fully let his drunk thoughts take over, his lips were slightly parted. he shook his head, looking back down at the water.


he hummed in response.

"fucking kiss me."

you pushed him down on his back. why were you doing this? you didn't really know. you were just so high, he was crossfaded, there was so much tension. you just wanted to kiss him.

you got on top of him, he looked up at you. damn it, he looked so attractive like that. the moonlight, the song, the way one of his hands was on your face, the other on your waist.

that was it. that did it for you. your lips crashed down onto his.

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