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sunday. it was pretty warm compared to the last few days, so you decided you and your friends could go swimming since there wasn't much going on, and the weather was going to be cooling off after today. so it was the last reasonable day to use the pretty damn nice pool you had. it was pretty large, it over looked the ocean and it had a jacuzzi.  plus, none of your family was home.

of course, they all agreed. most of the volleyball team and eri was coming. you texted suna, but he hasn't answered yet.

you were getting ready, throwing on your favorite bathing suit, and a big t-shirt you had stole from atsumu over it. the twins got there first, then eri, then kita, then aran, and everyone else.

you and eri were in the kitchen ordering pizza, the boys were already getting in the pool.

you and eri walked out, you set your things on the table and you pulled the shirt off, revealing your bathing suit.

"ohhh shit, y/n!"

"fuck off." you groaned, walking up to the edge of the pool. then someone tackled you from behind, slamming you into the water.

you quickly swam back up to see who had tackled you into the water. and of course..


you splashed the water at him, then swam up to him and pushed his head under the water. that was when osamu back flipped over you guys.

you squealed, "show off!"


about an hour later of messing around in the pool, suna still hasn't answered. maybe he was still sleeping. you spotted out his open window.

you smirked. "boys, follow me!"

you lead the group of boys up your stairs, and into your room. you opened your window, pointing to sunas window.

"that's sunas window. let's get him and throw him in the pool, pretty sure he's still asleep." you giggled.

the boys of course agreed. you all stepped out into your room, and carefully made your way over to his window.

you put a finger over your mouth, signaling the boys to be quiet. you stealthily walked over to sunas bed. yep. he was still asleep.

but aw. you sort of felt bad, he looked so at peace sleeping. you shook your head, too late to turn back now. you nodded your head at the boys.

they all picked up suna, who was still half asleep, confused as hell and begging to be put down as they marched with him out of the window.

you all made your ways back to your house roof, "throw him in, boys!" you rose up your arm, and on signal, the boys threw suna off the roof into the pool. you smirked.

as he swam back up, he was about ready to scream at everyone, but froze up as he saw you standing on the roof in your bathing suit.

because damn, you looked good.

then all of you jumped down, too, all splashing into the water. you popped right up next to suna. "hii, goodmorning rinnie!" you giggled, he looked pissed, but he was still flustered you were so close.

he sighed. "im literally just in my boxers, y/n. what the hell."

"OH UM-" you looked down at the water. yep. he was telling the truth. "sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry."

"you see, at first you were under the blankets so- then the boys were around you and i didn't even not-"

he cut you off by splashing you. you gasped, splashing him back. he spun you around, pushing you up against the pool wall, his arm holding onto the wall behind you.

you guys were having a little moment looking into each others eyes like that, well, until osamu ruined it.

"well dang, you guys got close after that party when you guys hung out . what, did you hook up or something?" osamu laughed, dipping under the water and dragging you to him.

"no, it's not like th-"

he swam under you, popping back up with you on his shoulders.

you screamed, looking around. "woah, guys i'm so tall!"

"whatever, once a shortie always a shortie." suna teased.

you frowned, splashing him with the water.


eri was off tanning, a few boys were still in the pool, some were eating pizza back inside, and a few playing with a volleyball they had found in your backyard. you and eris friends from karasuno even eventually came, yachi and kiyoko. they brought kageyama, hinata, tanaka, and nishinoya.

and someone luckily brought suna some swimming shorts.

you and suna were in the jacuzzi because it got sort of cold, the sun should be setting soon. you were sitting across from eachother.

suna pulled himself up out of the water, standing up to grab a water bottle. you couldn't help but stare at his body. damn. the way the water dripped down his face due to his wet hair, the water dripping down his abs. the way he chugged down the water bottle.

oh girl, everything about him was just so attractive.

you quickly looked away, watching the bubbles forming at the top of the jacuzzis surface.

eri suddenly walked up to you guys, a grin across her face. "we should all play truth or dare." she smirked.

omgggg, slightly spicy parts are coming 😏.

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