𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐟𝐨𝐮𝐫 / 𝑻𝒘𝒊𝒔𝒕 𝒐𝒇 𝒇𝒂𝒕𝒆

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{ Song: Talk by Kodaline }

── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ──

As I enter the room with Pansy, I look around in astonishment. Acting like walking through the Slytherin common room is something I do on a daily basis is not the easiest thing to do when I feel like I might burst with excitement at any moment.

Pansy, of course, walks ahead without a care in the world and I almost stumble over my feet when I try to keep up with her, unable to take my eyes off of the gorgeous interior of the room.

"Hey guys, look who I found in the Great Hall" she says loudly. A group of Slytherin students sitting around one of the fireplaces turn around and look in our direction as we approach them.

"No way!" Theodore, who I scripted to be my childhood best friend, exclaims. He jumps to his feet and almost runs toward me, picks me up effortlessly in a tight hug and spins me around a couple times.

"Hey Theo" I say and giggle. "God I've missed you"

"Of course you did" he says and grins at me as he puts me back down. "We've missed you too, it would've been great if you'd left a note though"

"Yeah, sorry about that..." I say and look around nervously as I sit down with Theo on one of the sofas. I look around at the other students sitting with us - Blaise, Tracey, Daphne and Draco.

When I look over at Draco my face gets uncomfortably warm despite the chilly air in the common room, and my mind goes completely blank. I can't think of anything to say, but even if I did I'm not sure it would come out of my mouth as actual words.

He's beautiful. No other words even begin to describe his appearance, his mere existence making it difficult to breathe or focus on anything but him. He's looking down at the floor, slightly turned away from me as my eyes linger on his face in admiration.

"Now, you have to tell us what your very sudden disappearing act was about" Blaise says and I snap out of my trance.

Everyone except Draco looks at me with great anticipation and my eyes flicker between him and the others as I remind myself to behave like a normal person, and not someone who's living the greatest lie of the century. Draco hasn't looked up once since I sat down.

"Uhm, I went to visit my grandmother" I say, "I thought you knew that?"

Repeating the same story, however short, over and over again is getting both dull and tiresome. I'm a good liar, but this is different. I don't usually live out other people's lies, and I always make sure that they make sense for this very reason.

"Yeah, but... We assumed that was just a cover up for something else" Daphne says.

"No offense, but aren't your parents dead?" Blaise asks.

At this point it's become clear that my parents in this reality are in fact dead, so it obviously doesn't make much sense that I suddenly have a dear and dying grandmother, as both Harry and Pansy have pointed out.

Since there's really no good explanation for it, I pretend to be annoyed by Blaise's question to avoid answering it.

"Seriously, not everyone has to point it out as if I didn't know that I don't have parents" I say and glare at him. He looks a bit embarrassed and it seems like my plan to avoid going deeper into the very fragile lie is working for now.

"It was just kind of weird" Blaise mumbles.

"Or selfish"

Draco's voice pierces through the conversation and everyone goes quiet. Even other groups around us quiet down and I look over at Theo who's staring awkwardly down at his hands. I glance around the group and see that everyone but Blaise are doing the same thing, looking as if they wished their hands were portkeys so that they could disappear this instant.

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