Nightmares and stuff

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I feel like I am giving out warnings in front of every chapter but...I can't help it, I am nuts and I enjoy writing intense stuff😂😂😂


My eyes opened to be greeted with a familiar environment. Which was quite strange considering the last time I remember I was in the room. There were many devices and doctors crowding around. Eddie was there as well, but he stood to the side, looking at me in pity. 

The place where I found myself now was green. Very green. And the smell of fresh air reminded me of home. The only home I ever knew, which was Glade. Looking around I spotted the familiar shacks and the watchtower I was fixing every goddamn month. Could it be that I am really here? That all that had happened was just a crazy dream? 

A content sigh escaped me as I stepped towards the center hoping to find someone to talk to. I made it almost towards the Homestead but couldn't find anyone. Not a single soul wandering around the Glade. Since when is this place so depopulated? 

My eyes fell on the opened walls of the maze. Still the same shucking feeling like every time shaking my body. I never had a good feeling about those walls. A rustle of someone walking through the ground caught my attention and I turned around to see a well-built figure of a man. Dark skin shining in the bright sunlight, the usual attire he always wore still hanging on him. It was Alby. 

Words couldn't even explain how delighted I was to see my old friend after what felt like ages of detachment. A smile found its way to my lips after such a long time. But with one blink of an eye, the peaceful picture filled with joy changed into one of my nightmares. 

Instead of my best friend there stood just an empty shell of him. His face pale and eyes darker than the night sky. Dangerous growls were escaping his lips. My eyes picked up on the scratched and bruises that littered his body along with the more than noticeable Griever sting from which dark blood seeped through the bandages that were around his torso. 

"Alby?" I asked carefully. Taking in the sight of him carefully. 

My heartbeat quickened just by seeing the image of my best friend. This picture was sure to hunt me for eternity. The real catch came when Alby let out a loud roar and charged at me. Tripping over my own feet I tried scurrying away. To outrun my former best friend. How did life become like this? I remember us being best friends, laughing together, teasing each other and now here we are with Alby chasing me around the Glady in attempts to kill me. 

"Help! Help!" I yelled for someone, anyone. But I guess there is no one to help me. My feet took me in a sprint towards the Med-hut. Just as I stumbled in through the door the scenery changed into the underground WICKED facility. 

The place was trashed just like I remembered it. Dead bodies of scientists lying on the ground, blood rushing through their wounds and onto the white, tile floor, staining it with the dark red color. A cracking sound from a broken screen was coming from the main room, some computers switching on and off as they pleased, creating a flashing illusion that hurt my eyes. 

I walked further into the room warily. My feet slipping along the tile floor. The only sound which was filling the room was my footsteps. Everything somehow grew quiet in a matter of seconds. No sound of running computers, no buzzing coming from the neon lights above me. Only me, my footsteps, and ragged breathing from the previous run.

My eyes caught the sight of a body on the ground. It would be nothing uncommon as this place was packed with dead bodies. But I was far too familiar with this one. The messy curls of hair spread on the cold floor. Without warning my feet brought me closer to the boy on the ground. His dark brown eyes wide open. Glossiness shading the always present curiosity his eyes once possessed. 

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