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I know that you may hate me for what I did in the last chapter...I am terribly sorry believe me. But since today is my birthday my gift to you is that today I will publish the rest of the book. Hope you will like it ❤❤❤ sorry for the sad vibe


I didn't want to open my eyes. Already suspecting what I will see if I do. And I didn't want it to be true. Silently praying in my head for a different fate. I want to press a rewind button to reverse my actions. 

The gun still in my hand. The metal suddenly burning my skin as if it were on fire. The rest of my body is frozen. Both in cold and in shock. Hands shaking, breath heavy. I forced myself to open my eyes. I turned my head back to where I last saw my sister laying. 

There I saw her. On the ground. Lying there lifelessly. Her eyes closed. A terrible ache attacked my heart at the image of my sister. The dark blood marks still running down her chin. Her cheek had one single tear running down it. Body not moving even an inch. There was no rising and falling of her chest. Just her head tilted to the side as a pool of blood was created around her. 

"No, no, no," I muttered, dropping the gun from my hands. My hands were shaking so much as I stared bewildered at the lifeless body of my sister. "No!" I screamed desperately. My throat hurting from how loud I yelled. 

I collapsed to my knees. My hands grabbing around my head in hysterics. Years of bottling up feelings. Years of not showing anything on the surface have been broken just now. The sight in front of me too much to bear. Sobs were wrecking my body as tears free-falling from my crystal blue eyes. A numbing pain that I felt was spreading through my whole body. How could I do this? 

The sounds of screams and explosions were tuned out by the screams in my head. An agonizing guild enveloping my body. And squeezing it tightly in what felt like a hug of death. Self-destructing thoughts racing through my brain until a sound of footsteps in front me woke me from the trance. I lifted my head to glance at the people that arrived at the scene. Knowing that I will have to look in the eyes of that one person and disappoint him with the heartbreaking news. Totally destroying his life right at the spot. 

With a teary face, I looked at Brenda, Minho, Gally, Fry, and surprisingly Eddie who stopped dead in their track when they saw me kneeling on the ground with a tear-stained face a body of my sister a few feet in front of me. I didn't want to look at the person that stopped next to Minho. Already imagining his shocked expression even without looking. 

I focused on Minho. His eyes finding mine. It took only one look and he understood, immediately turning to Newt who stood next to him to make sure he was okay. Forcing myself to at least look at the boy that I have disappointed so much I turned my head to be met with a pitiful sight. 

Newt stood frozen in his place. Clutching the small vial with a blue liquid in it. The serum. His face looked like he didn't yet process what exactly was happening. I couldn't tell what was going through his mind. But I knew one thing. He wasn't looking at me. His eyes were trained on the ground in front of me at the lying figure of what was supposed to be the girl he loved. 

"Newt I..." I tried to speak through the tears that were rushing down my face. But to Newt it was as if I wasn't even there. Dropping the flask with the serum to the ground he sprinted forward, sliding on the ground and next to the irresponsive girl on the ground.

He brushed her messy hair out of her face. Fingers tenderly touching the skin of her face, tracing over the tear lines that were already dry. I looked up from him to look at the reaction of the people there. Brenda had her hand over her mouth in an utter state of shock. A few tears glimmering in her eyes as she stared at Newt whose sobs were getting audible now. 

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