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Ok so this is going to start with Jeremy leaving yo hunt so this is all of season 6 then we end with merging them both so that how I'm starting this and this will be my last of the Jerbekah Trilogy at least trying to be canonically accurate and I'll take a break from TVDU Apart from season 2 of the legacy book I'm going to switch over to HP for a few after all they do take quite awhile to do anyways let's get this starting now that I've watched up to 3 full seasons worth I have enough to write for awhile. Im going to be doing some Hp specifically Harmony, Now time to start

Alaric gets Jeremy to the bus stop

" Ok these are a bunch of attacks if your sure "

" Im a hunter time to help the rest of the world with it "

" Ok you might want to make your art so someone will buy this story if Elena find out were dead  "

" Ok got it "

" Also Jeremy Elena need to know "

" she will "

" When "

" Let me figure it out "

" OK Kid goodbye "

Alaric hugs Jeremy and Jeremy start to leave 

" Her make sure to keep those hidden "

" You got it "

Gets on the bus and Alaric watches Jeremy leave 

" See you kid for now "

As Jeremy was on the bus he looked in the distance as he grove away from mystic Falls and thought 

" Well this is it your not going to be here for awhile and also Elena is going to kill you for dating a Mikaelson let alone planning on Marrying her, like she inmost likely going to want nothing to do with the family "

As he's thinking the bus stops and sees its his stop 

" well this is me its time "

Gets off and gives the driver the money 

" Thanks for the lift "

" Anytime anyway thats what im here for "

" Right "

" Good luck whatever your doing "

" Thank you "

Jeremy starts Walking into the forest so he can see if he can find something or anything to hunt killer or animal 

I he sits on a log with his axe that he had with him and looked down and thought how he was eventually going to tell his sister he was dating Rebekah 

" Hey Elena yeah remember Rebekah sister of Klaus Mikaelson well I know Caroline is friends with but im dating her so please don't hate me also is bonnie out yet also tell Liv im sorry I hit her with a knife so please don't kill me "

And then he sits down

" Oh. I know she's going to yell at me even more when I tell im going to marry her I not care I love her who cares '

Suddenly he hears something and he picks up his axe 

" Who's there "

A vampire comes from speed 

" Stupid human traveling alone "

" On him not stupid two im defiantly not human "

" then what and idiot "

" Well some would disagree but well see won't we "

" I guess we shall "

Vamp runs at Jeremy and gets caught 

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