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*Your Pov*

I stood on the roof staring down at the teenage boy walking down the alleyway, I chuckled saying "Alright, now it's time to make another kid bleed" as I ran towards the wall and jumped from one side to the other til I got to the ground.

{A/n: Kinda like Izuku did at his training with the Gran Torino on his internship}

After I landed i walked towards him and pretended that I was in trouble as I ran out to the kid making him look at me.

"Ahh! Please help me!" I cried out gripping the guys arms with tears in my eyes.

He looked at me fearfully and asked worried "Ehh!?! What's wrong!?!"

I cried into his chest "M-my friend....a v-villian.....dying! Please hurry this way!" I pulled his arm towards the alleyway with him on my heels.

I thought to myself "Hehehe, he is so clueless as to my true intentions....stupid kids like them are pathic thinking that they can become heros".

And when I let go of his hand I pointed to the corner which I clearly knew was a 'dead end' I said "S-she's around the corner there's s-so much blood I-I don't want t-to go back there".

He nodded and ran to the corner I put on my villain outfit that I had hidden beside the dumpster and walked around the corner where the kid was looking for the body.

{A/n: By the way you were wearing a school uniform for UA....that's why he was following you}.

I gave a psychotic grin and ran towards him using katana and stabbed him in his stomach and he spit his blood on the ground; but when I sliced his stomach open he fell to his knees.

"Y-your a v-villian!?!" He cried out looking at me I looked at his despair filled eyes and let out a laugh.

"Ahahahaha!, you look so pathic down there!" I continued laughing at his blood covered face but he glared at me but what he said made me laugh at him even more.

He said glaring at me "The heros will stop you".

I slammed my foot on his chest and said in a demonic voice which made his grow on fear "Heros? Hahaha, don't make me laugh! Your so-called heros are not even here to stop me! But I'll....." I paused and stopped laughing for a second.

He got a hopeful look in his grey eyes and asked "Are you.....gonna let me live?"

I slammed my katanas bloody blade in the ground next to his head causing his eyes to go with again and said "Live?!? Pft hahaha, hell nah, I'm gonna tell you my name and I'mma kill ya, stupid kid!"

I leaned down and said "My name is [your name] Shigaraki hello and goodbye" when I said my name to him I pulled my pistol out from under my cloak and I shot him in the forehead blood splattered on the wall.

I used my quirk and got to the roof and spit down on the ground and said "Tch....stupid wannabe heros, your nothing but vermin that need to be exterminated" and I walked down the roof to where my brothers hideout was.

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