I'm In Control

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*Dabi/Touya's Pov*

Before I had time to react this bitch had me face down on the ground with her knee in between my shoulders holding me there so I couldn't move; but damn for a girl she is pretty strong, I groaned as she pulled my arm behind my back so that it was by her foot.

I growled lowly saying "Fucking bitch, get off of me" but she didn't move she chuckled low her hot breath was on my ear making me shiver at the feeling.

I hate to say it; but....this was turning me on to be honest, something about this girls domanice and roughness was something that I liked.

*Your Pov*

I leaned down so that my mouth was merely centimeters from his ear I chuckled saying "Hehehe, you made the mistake of challenging me, never forget.....i'm in control".

I heard my brother say 'get off of him' so I did what I was asked and walked back to my place next to him with my arms crossed; but I couldn't shake the feeling that I was being watch by someone in the room......so I just ignored it.

"Tomura, I'm going to go to my room....call me when dinner is ready" and left the lobby going to my room to do my own thing because I was being stared at and it aggravated me so bad.

*Toga's Pov*

I watched [your name] as he pinned Dabi face down on the ground when handyman told her to let him up she walked away out of the room annoyed by something, I thought to myself "Why is she so aggravated? I think I'll ask her later" after that handyman asked our names.

*Third Person's Pov*

*Your Pov*

I stood in the doorway looking at my brother running towards the two teens I yelled "Kurogiri! Stop him before he kills them!"

My loud voice broke him out of his thoughts using a few warp gates to devert several of their attacks I rubbed my temple and said rolling my red eyes at this crap I had just gotten myself into "What the hell, Tomura.....if I can't kill them then neither can you".

He mumbled something under his breath, probably some curse words; but I didn't pay no mind to his arrogant words he had to say I grabbed me something to drink and walked back to my room to rest up before I had to go back out and do my job as a villian.

*Dabi/Touya's Pov*

"Did.....she just save us?" I thought as I watched [your name] disappear back down the hallway way with the glass she grabbed from the bar in her right hand; but watching her strut away out of sight something intrigued me, this girl is a mystery and I'm gonna find out all I can about her.

I asked looking at the guys in the room "So....... where are our rooms?"

The bartender looked at handyman and said "Hold on give me a second and let me grab, [your name] to show you to your rooms" and he used one of the warp gates and disappeared.

*Your Pov*

I was laying in my bed with my red eyes closed hoping to get some shuteye keyword 'hoping' when I something told me that someone was in my room watching I asked "Kurogiri, what is it?"

"Can you show Dabi and Toga to their rooms please?" He asked from his spot at the foot of my bed causing me to groan in annoyance.

I asked rubbing my temple with my hand "Why can't Tomura do it?"

His spoke in a matter of fact tone of voice "Do you not recall what you had walked in on not only just two minutes ago"

"Hmm, good point better or yet you know how bout you do it instead" I responded rather annoyed by the older gentlemen who was in my room.

"I have stuff to do" was all he said which bugged the hell outta me.

I thought even more aggravated then I was when Stain used his quirk on me and left me there not being able to move for three and a half hours "Dammit, why can't you just go the fuck away and let me freaking sleep".

I sat up and walked threw the gate; but before I did I said in a low threatening tone "I'm not happy about this and I better get something in return if not...."

I turned my head and gave a psychotic grin saying "You better sleep with one eye open or something might happen to you" and I walked thru the gate.

*Kurogiri's Pov*

I shuddered as I watched [your name] walk thru the warp gate; but once she was out of sight I spoke to noone in particular "She is so scary, she is definitely related to Tomura" and followed her thru the gate.

*Third Person's Pov*

Once [your name] showed Touya and Toga to their rooms, she looked at the time and took a small 30 minute nap and got ready to go out a kill people who were stupid enough to be out after dark.

I'm In Control-MHA [Dabi X Fem!Reader]Where stories live. Discover now