What Is Love?

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*Toga's Pov*

I can't believe [your name] actually wants me to go killing with her!! I'm so excited, she never wants to do this stuff with me; but I want to enjoy this time with her cause......she always ignores me like i'm never even there, [your name] hasn't tried to get me off of her, i'm gonna ask her what's wrong.

I cleared my throat, she ignored it I said "[Your name]?"

She hummed in response to me calling her name and asked "Yeah, what is it Toga?"

I asked still holding onto her arm "What's wrong? You look aggervated.....I mean like more then usual".

She looked over at me, then faced forward as we continuee walking in silence, I steped in front of her and said in a firm tone of voice "[Nickname] your ignoring my question, what's wrong?"

She sighed and grumbled a few curse words under her breath finally giving in to my questions as she came to a stop and growled lowly "Grrr, your infurating you know that-"

She pulled her hands out of her pockets, crossing her arms over her chest, she let a sigh and spoke "*sigh* But if I don't tell you, your just gonna keep on bugging me about it.....right?"

I nodded my head 'yes' saying "Yeah, you got that right.....so tell me what's wrong [your name]?"

She placed a hand on my throat saying with a dark look "But if you tell anyone, what I told you....I will end your life with my quirk, am I understood?"

I nodded my head saying "Yeah I got it, now tell me what is bothering you.......please" she finally let out another sigh and started to talk to me.

"Well i've been really frestrated by what I have been feeling for the past few days.....it only happens when I am around Dabi-"

I cut her off by yelling "OMG! [Your name] you have a crush!" she place a hand over my mouth so my screams were muffled.

She whisper yelled "Shut up! Your so fucking loud!"

She paused and calmed down, after a second she looked at me and spoke in a whisper tone "Now I am going to uncover your mouth, and your not going to start screaming again; but if you do I am going to knock your ass out, blink twice of you understand".

I did what I was told anf blinked twice, then uncovered my mouth and I said "I know what your feeling [nickname], your in love".

*Your Pov*

Wait what, i'm.......in love? I don't know anything about love, I asked Toga "Wait love? What is that?"

Toga smiled at me which I instantly regretted asking that cause she hugged me and started talking ninety to nothing, I covered her mouth and said "Talk a litlte bit slower this time, because I can't understand a word your saying".

I uncovered her mouth and she started taliking a little bit slower this time"So love is a feeling that you get when you devolpe feelings for a person close to you or you just met.....kinda like me and Izuku".

"I don't understand a damn word she is saying, man I am so clueless about this type of shit" I thought having pity on myself for being so clueless.

"I still don't understand Toga......I am still really confused about this" I said looking at the shorter famale.

I felt sad that I can't comprehend what she was saying, she let out a long a long sigh as if she was giving up; but she placed a hand on my shoulder and said "Then [your name] you will have to discover what lovebis on your own".

I sighed saying a little upset that she couldn't explain this mysterious feeling I was having for the past few days as we continued walking.

"*sigh* I guees your right Toga......let's get back to camp".

She pouted as she asked "Aww; but what about killing people?"

I looked at the ground and then back at her and said "I guess I should tell you the truth to be honest.....the only reason I called you is because.....well I called you becasue I wanted you say in what the I was felling".

She got lost in thought and smiled saying "Well, at least you wanted to ask me what you were feeling and not the guys.....wait a second; but why did you ask me anyway?"

I thought about it for a second trying to decide what to say; but finally said "I....I guess it's because that your.......because your the only other girl in the league, and I thought you could help me with this".

She hugged my again out of nowhere which clearly caught me off guard, I felt her face in my boobs causing me to cover my face with the back of my hand, she didn't notice that I was blushing; but to be honest I haven't had this kind of attention since I was younger I heard Toga say in my chest "Your the best sister I have ever had....."

"Wait, did she just.....call me sister? But she doesn't have any siblings" I thought as I looked down at the blonde haored female.

I raised my hand and slowly placed it on her head stuttering "T-Toga? Your the best s-sister to me as well".

She looked up to face me she had tears in her eyes, this shocked me cause I have never seen her cry before I thought "Why.....is she crying?"

I put my hand under her chin so that she was looking up at me, I smiled as I wiped her eyes and asked with a smile on my face "Toga, why are you crying?"

She gripped my hand and said with a small smile "~I'm just so happy to have someone like you as my sister~".

I thought "Umm, I never knew she was so soft when it came to this stuff it's scary; but.......it's kinda sweet actually too".

After a while of just standing there we made our way back to where everyone else is; but when we got there what I seen pissed me off.

*Third Person's Pov*

The students from the camp came bwck and took Bakugo [your name] glared at the kids rage and hatred in her eyes; but in reality she was realived she was thinking "Damn, it's about fucking time they came and got that Bakubitch outta this place".

When Allmight showed up and he and All for one stared fighting he got the league out of the area and got to another hideout; but Tomura and [your name] didn't want to leave; but Magne was forced to use his quirk and got them out of the area.

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