Please Don't Leave Me

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*Dabi/Touya's Pov*

I've been sitting at the bar counter with the same drink in my hand since 3am because of a stupid damn nightmare I had last night, I haven't moved once, I felt someones arms as they wrapped around my torso with their head on my shoulder; but I already knew it was before I even looked back at them.

"~Good morning *yawn* Touya~" yawned a very sleepy [your name] as she hugged me from behind.


I stayed silent not wanting to speak to her, the nightmare I had on loop in my head over and over, every bloody detail getting brighter and brighter the more it repeated inside my head; but when she spoke there was........worry in her voice.

"Babe.......*yawn* how long have you been up?"

I still didn't answer her, just took another drink of the beverage that rested inside the glass in my right hand.

*Your Pov*

Touya was just staring at nothing, he wasn't talking to me, he also wasn't even paying not even answering my questions, I sighed as I climbed in his lap, and kissed him softly, when I did that he pulled away from me shocking me.

"He has never done that before" I thought getting more and more worried about my boyfriend.

I reached out and started to scratch/rub his head, the only thing he did was try pulling away for me, I am presistant so I didn't give up; but when he spoke his voice it was something I had never heard before.........he sounded scared.

"Why are you doing this..........after all the thing that i've done?" He asked with a scared to of voice; but I gave a sad smile continuing rubbing his head.

"It's........*sigh* it's because of everything that was done to you Touya".

He gripped my wrist, like he was afraid that if I stopped touching him.......I would vanish out of thin air, I looked at his face; but when I did what I saw made me go wide eyed there was tears running down his face as he gripped my wrist for dear life.

I would vanish out of thin air, I looked at his face; but when I did what I saw made me go wide eyed there was tears running down his face as he gripped my wrist for dear life

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(Pretend that this is Dabi)

{A/n: I blurred out the face of this person to protect their Identity from being stolen; but only for the safety of the preson.......because I am a nice preson.}

I stood their staring at him unsure of what had gotten into him, i've never seen this side of Touya, out of the blue he wrapped his arms arond me and cried in my chest clenching my shirt like I was going to die in two days, though when he spoke, his words were muffled by the fabric on my shirt; but I heard every single that he spoke.

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