Operation- Kidnap Bakugou Is A Go

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*Third Person's Pov*

The villians were all over the training camp this put the heros Eraserhead, Vald King, Tiger, Ragdoll, Mandalay, and Pixie-Bob on alert......they were trying their best to keep the students safe; but since not a single hero new how many villians were there.

Magne and Spinner were facing off against Mandalay, Tiger, and Pixie-Bob; but while they were fighting the villians Ragdoll went off to help the students and hasn't been seen since.

*Your Pov*

I was walking through the wooded area of the training ground following the blue glow of Dabi's flames; but as I was walking I started thinking about the feelings that I have devolped for the scar covered black haired male.

"Wait? Why am I following his flames? What the hell do I think about him? Do I......love him?"

I thought as I finally came to a clearing where the glow was brighter and sure enough Dabi was there lighting the trees on fire making the forest glow a bright neon blue.

As I stepped out of the bushes saying with a grin "Well, at least I found someone on my team".

He looked up and smiled at me stopping using his quirk walking over to me with a smile.....or wait is that a smirk? I can't tell; but whatever that is it is so hot I thought "Why do I feel this way when i'm around you?"

Then I heard Twice's voice "I thought you weren't going to show up [your name]....."

He paused for a second as he switched to his other half adding "Or were you spending so fun with those UA kids?"

I glared at him as my eyes glowing red causing the male in front of me to coward down to me as I spoke "Twice do you want to repeat that....." I grabbed his throat and got right in his face as I continued to what I was saying speaking in deep voice that caught him off guard.

"Might I remind you that my brother is the head of the 'League of villians' and if anyone of you little shits piss me off or say some shit anger me....."

I paused pulling my gun sticking it to his head giving a pyschotic grin and continued " I can report you to him and you would be history".

The male shivered as I had my gun to his head as I cocked it about to pull the trigger; but I felt Dabi's hand on my shoulder as my shoulder eased down and my temper cooled off, Dabi said from behind me.

"[Your name] this isn't the time or place for this right now, so let him go and you can handle this when we get Bakugo.....alright?"

I groaned and dropped Twice on the ground and walked away; but before I left I looked at Twice from over my shoulder my eyes still glowing saying "This isn't over you two faced little shit" and left the male sitting the gripping his throat.

*Dabi/Touya's Pov*

Watching [your name] storm off into the trees I as soon as she was out of my view I heard Twice say "Thanks Dabi...."

I looked up at him when he added "She's a psychotic bitch, it turns me on".

I shot a glare at him and pointed to him saying as calm as I could "You do know that your gonna get it when we head back to HQ.....you know that right?"

He said as he got up off the ground saying "But I do think that she was just hanging out with those brats....."

"Don't ever question [your name]'s ablity to get the job done! She is the sister to the head of the 'League of villians' she is the only reason why we got into this damn camp without being noticed!" I yelled at him and went after [your name] to calm her down.

~Time Skip~

*Third Person's Pov*

After [your name] stormed off and Dabi went after her; but back with the other villians Toga had incountered Tsuyu Asui (Froppy) and Ocacko Uraraka (Urgravity) and inguried both of them colloecting their blood.

Muscular was took out by Izuku Midoriya by his quirk 'One For All' by going to 1,000,000% not going without getting damaged in the prosscess though.

Mustard who was spreading a toxic gas around a part of the forest was took down by two students from the hero class 1B TetsuTetsu TetsuTetsu and Itsuka Kendo both extrodenary students with amazing quirks.

So all who were left was Mr.Compress, Dabi, Toga, Twice, Magne, Spinner and [Your name] when [your name] made her way to the meeting point where the others were waiting.

*Your Pov*

Walking threw the tree arriving at the meeting point where I was met with everyone else I laughed saying "Well, seems that everyone is here, well....at least those of you the balls and common sense to stay outta of the heros grip....."

I was cut off by a famillar green haired males voice yelling "Give them back!!"

I looked over just in time to see them land on Mr.Compress; but I was standing next to Twice and Dabi when Twice yelled in a questioning tone "Who are they?!?!"

I groaned and hit him on tio of his head yelling "Shut up! God your such an idiot!"

I heard the green haired idiot say as he got to his feet looking at me with wide green eyes "S-Sofia? Is that you?"

I turned to face the Izuku the green haired idiot saying "Well well well well, little Izuku Midoriya seems that you know my secret...."

I looked over at the kid next to him and said "Oh seems that little Shoto Todoroki is here too....that's amazing so you both know who I am; but guess what?"

They looked at me shocked for a second as Todoroki asked "What?"

I pulled my gun out and shot Izuku in the arm and Todoroki blocked the bullet barely as I grinned saying "My name isn't Sofia Yukie dumbasses" and I rab at them with my blade and started fighting.

Izuku was glaring at me and asked "If your name is not Sofia Yukie.....then what is it?"

I grinned saying "If I tell you then......."

I paused my eyes glowing red as I spoke in a dark tone of voice "I will have to kill you"; but what he said next gave me a thrill.

"Then what is it? Cause you won't kill us, you won't be able to catch us even if you tried.....with both mine and Midoriya's quirks you will lose".

"I love a challange....." I charged at the and yelled "Now let's see if you can put your money where your mouth is!"

~45 minutes later~

*Third Person's Pov*

Todoroki Shouta (IcyHot) and Izuku Midoriya (Deku) were fighting against [your name]; but they were losing the battle.....since [your name] had more experince in battle cause she's a killer out for blood after 45 minutes or so Dabi finally said "[Your name], let's go it's time to leave" and Kurogiri made a warp gate.

I smiled and grinned and said "Alright Dabi...."

I pulled somerhing out of my pocket grinned at the two males in front of me saying "Now, as for you two....."

I tossed a little grenade that I had attached to my left hip after I had pulled the pin from the trigger and said with a smirk "I have a surprise for you kids.......Here catch" I walked threw the warp gate and we were back at HQ.

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