You Shouldn't Have Done That

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*Third Person's Pov*

After 'All For One' the man who helped [your name] and Tomura when those pro heros wouldn't, he is more of a father figure to them then 'Kotaro Shimura' ever was to them; but then again.........all he ever did was cause them pain and misery as kids.

*Your Pov*

I coughed over and over as I groaned wiping my mouth on my arm saying "That was some nasty-"

I was cut off by a males voice that for some reason.....I reconized when I looked up I seen 'him' the man that saved me and my brother when we kids as I looked up at him he had an hand made Oxygine mask on his face I "Hello Tomura and [your name]......"

I narrowed ny eyes at him confused and unsure if I was seeing things or not so I asked " really here? Are you 'him'? The man who saved me and my brother as kids".

He let out a light chuckle saying in a kind voice that made me smile "Yes [your name], I am".

I heard Bakugo's loud annoying voice that made me snap my head in his direction "Dammit, what the is big mouth bitch doing here!?!?"

I growled lowly as I confronted him "You know you shouldn't have done that now that those heros don't have my arms......your going to pay".

I went to grab him by the throat; but someone was holding me back I heard Dabi's voice speak from behind me getting my attention "[Your name], don't do that".

I looked over my shoulder at him angry that I couldn't return the favor after he punched me in the face back there I yelled "And why the hell not!?!"

He said his voice was low; but just loud enough to where I can hear him "Because....we still need him remember".

I sighed and said "*sigh* Fine I won't kill him".

He let go of my arm and when he did I went to walk away; but quickly turned around and knock him square in his jaw thus making him fall to the ground, evreryone looked at me in shock.

I dusted my hands off with a smirk on my face saying "You said 'I couldn't kill' never said that I couldn't punch him for what he did back there".

Spinner said with a grin "She really as a point there, you said she 'couldn't kill him'....."

Magne added to his sentence "Never said she couldn't punch back for what he did back there".

I walked away from the now bleeding Bakugo on the ground he mumbled 'bitch' under his breath I glared at him and went to go back over to him and knock his ass out; but Dabi grabbed my arm getting my attention.

"[Your name].......don't-" he started to say; but was cut off by Bakugo getting to his feet which made me furious.

Bakugo was know on his feet and went to hit me yelling "You really want to fight me......then come at me bitch!"

I turned around and yelled back "Gladly Bakubitch! Come at me!"

Spinner grabbed him as Dabi grabbed and me holding us both back so we didn't......well more like so I didn't kill him after a while I grunted and snarled "Your lucky that we still need you-"

I paused grabbing my gun out cocking, pointing it at the ground in front of his feet saying as I pulled the trigger "Or you would be dead".

I walked away to where Toga was at saying with a threating tone of voice "Toga come on, i'm going out killing or that Bakubrat is going to die".

She started jumping up and down like a child who just found out that was told they could stay home alone without a babysitter, I stuffed my hands in my pockets and started walking away annoyed.

She started yelling cheerfully "Yay, I get to go killing! I'm coming [nickname]!"

As she skipped up beside me clinging to my arm like a girl who's crush just asked them out, I grunted in annoyance; but I didn't push her off because I just wanted to have some company.....and another girls saying about what the hell I was feeling.

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