I Hate All You Pro's

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*Your Pov*

When we got back to HQ I grabbed Twice and when he didn't expect it and growled lowly in his ear "Did you think I forgot about what you said back there two faced little shit?"

"Y-yeah actually, I really did" he stumbled on his words as he spoke, this pissed me off as my grip on tightening causing him to gag at the pressure on his trachea.

He coughed saying through the pressure on his thoat "Let go *cough* of my *cough* throat bitch".

I growled threw my teeth "Your not gonna get outta here unharmed you two faced little shit" I grabbed him by the back of his neck towards thr back door to the alleyway.

~Time skip~

When I got to the alleyway, tossing him on the ground in the causing him to gasp in pain; but when he groaned as he hit the concrete floor thus making me laugh at his pain "Pff hahaha your so weak Twice......your mistake was questioning my strength and ablity to take you out with one move".

Once I said that he got a fearful look on his face I ran at him, punching him in his face sending him into the brick wall which made him spit blood out onto the concreate ground and he slid his body down the wall to the floor.

*Third Person's Pov*

Dabi was looking around for [your name], cause once tgey had gotten back to the hideout her and Twice both disappeared from sight; but he wasn't the only one who was looking for her Tomura was too Dabi thought back to what she had told Twice back at the camp 'This isn't over' that's when it hit him he walked tonthe back door that lead tonthe alleyway and that's when he found her standing over a blood covered Twice.

*Dabi/Touya's Pov*

When I had arrived to the alleyway the first thing that I noticed was Twice leaning against the brick wall of a building and a furious [your name] standing over him I thought "Holy shit, she did all that to him by herself.... damn that's kinda hot".

I closed the back door so that no one would have to see what the scene that I just walked into looks like, I leaned against the door frame and said with a smirk "Don't you thinl that he has had enough [your name]?"

She looked over her shoulder to see me leaninf against the door frame behind her, she letbout a sigh brushing her black hair outta her sweat covered face saying "Not really; but if I keep going on like I am......."

She paused and looked back over at Twice's beaten body saying "He just might be dead after this is all over and done with".

She walked to the door and said placing a blood covered hand on my shoulder said with a small grin on her face "Can you take care of the 'trash' for me Dabi?"

I patted her on the back and said with a grin "Yeah, I got this you go clean up"; but before I ealked away she kissed my cheek saying a quick 'thank you' and a 'your the best' then left.

I froze for a minute placing my hand on cheek a light blush on my cheeks as she walked away; but after a second I went over to see if he was still alive or if she had killed him.

~Time Skip~

*Your Pov*

I walked into my bedroom and cleaned myself up so it doesn't look like that I had killed someone just now; but when just then I heard the sound of my brother yelling and then my bedroom door busted open and a pro hero stood there and hands grabbed my arms pulling me to the main lobby.

~Time Skip~

I fought against the heros grip on my wrist, protesting "Hey, let me go you damn....." but when I seen a famillar number one hero that pissed me off.

I looked over at all the pros in the room (Kamui Woods, Allmight, Edgeshot, Gran Torino) I saw as the heros attacked all of my teammeates one by one; but it infurrated me so much, my black hair shadowed my red eyes.

"A-all you heros your all the same...." this caught all the heros attention, by the sound of my voice starting to crack.

"A-all you heros do is heroic shit!....But in reality your just trying to hide your sins with jesters of kindness!......" I yelled looking at them all getting there attention.

"You....you never were there when I needed your help when that bastard raped when I was younger or even when he beat my brother!......"

By this point I was crying my eyes as the memories of that day came rushing back to like a hurricane "Huh? Tell me where were you at?!?!"

Dabi eyes widen in shock under the grip of the Gran Torino he was staring at me with wide eyes as I contiuned yelling at the heros in rage and hatred.

"This....this is the exact reason why I hate you....I hate all you Pro's! All you do is make yourself feel good by making villians seem like the bad guys! But in reality.....all we want to is live our and make money!!"

I felt a pain my face I spit blood out on the floor as Bakugo said "Damn, you talk to much just shut up already".

Tomura snarled at him and yelled "Hey don't you fucking touch her!" thus getting the pros attention at how protective he is over me, then my commrades started coughing up black stuff and we were transported somewhere else.

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