Kotaro Shimura

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*Third Person's Pov*

More then three months have passed since Dabi and Toga have joined the League of villains; but I was out killing with Dabi on orders of Tomura and for some reason my past was coming back to me after years of it not being in my head.

No one around me knows about what happened as a kid except my brother since he was there and I've been suffering in silence all this time; but I could feel Dabi looking at me from behind I groaned rubbing my head saying "What the hell are you looking at?"

He looked away from me saying "Nothing it's.....just that you look amazing it the dark" I blushed and looked away from him.

I looked over back at him and said "You little shit nugget....pay and and get your head in the game or else 'your' gonna be the one to tell my brother that we failed".

He looked at the street pointing to a storage facility said in a questioning tone "Hey isn't that the place we were going to break into".

I smirked and said "Yup, sure is....." I reached out my hand and said "Give me your hand; but no matter what you do, don't let go or you will die".

He nodded and gripped my hand I used my quirk and got us to the other side of the street with out being seen.

*Dabi/Touya's Pov*

Woah....I have never seen that quirk before she got us to the other side of the street without us being seen after we got there I asked curiosity and amazement lacing my words "Woah, what quirk was that?"

She simply said pointing to the tattoos on her arms "Tattoo manipulation, now focus on the mission" as we jumped to street level and she kicked in the back door.

*Your Pov*

When I kicked the door open I seen no one there I asked myself "What the fuck? Where is everyone at?"

I heard the alarm go off then bullets started to fly I yelled "Dabi!, get down and stay low!" He nodded his head and we ran towards the front where the people who were shooting at us.

~Time Skip~

When we finally took out the gunmen who were shooting at us; but I new that 'he' would be here and I wasn't prepared to face him standing in the middle of a large room I lost sight of Dabi a few minutes ago.

I thought "Well shit, I'm not sure where the hell that kid went....this is not good at all; but I just hope that he doesn't get himself killed or else I'm in big trouble".

Just then I heard a familiar voice speak and the voice belonged to that man "[Your name] glad you could make it to the party".

"Where are you, you son of a bitch?!?!" I yelled looking around the room trying to find where that bastard was hiding at.

When he spoke again he was closer then I realized when his voice came from right behind me "Seems you look more like your mother now then when you were younger, [your name]".

I turned around quickly and looked at this man that was once my 'father' I spoke to him rage and hatred like venom in my voice as I spoke to him "Where is my comrade?"

"Oh sparky, he's fine just a little held up at the moment" he said with a creepy smile on his face.

I pulled out my small pistol and yelled "Kotaro, you will tell me where is Dabi is or else I will shoot you!"

He walked closer to me and put the guns barrel to his chest saying "Well then do it; but wait you can't or else you won't be able to live knowing that killed the only person who has ever seen your body".

I clenched my jaw tight my rage growing very slowly just then my arms were pulled behind back I struggled against the persons grip saying in a threatening tone "Why you son of a bitch, you are nothing to me..."

I paused and yelled out loud "Your nothing to me! Your the peice of shit that will never be a father to me!....." I was cut off by his lips on mine after a minute I bit into his lip until I tasted blood he ripped his lips back and I spit his blood on the ground.

I grinned at him as he wiped the blood that was running down his chin when he slapped me across the face making me bleed; but I spit the blood in his face and said "No wonder Mom was scared......it was you, your the one who made her afraid to be home".

I felt a sharp pain in my neck I looked over to a man I a hood with a grin on his face I looked back at Kotaro and my vision became blurry I growled lowly saying "What....did you do....to me" and I lost consciousness.

~Time Skip~

When I opened my eyes my head hurt so freaking bad I looked around I didn't have any clothes on, I tried to move my arms and legs; but I couldn't Kotaro's voice spoke from the shadows "My my my seems your awake".

I felt his hand touch my bare leg saying "You have such a nice body you know that".

I growled lowly mocking him by saying with a grin on my face "And your such a sicko did 'you' know that"

Using a scaple he started to cut my skin making me bleed; but I was screaming out in pain as I was screaming he was laughing at my pain.

*Dabi/Touya's Pov*

I lost track of [your name] hours ago, where the hell is she? I than ran into some trouble; but with my quirk I got rid of them easily without any problems, I continued to look for her when all of a sudden I heard a loud scream.

I heard a feminine voice cry out in pain and agony "Ahhh! It hurts stop it!"

Wait a minute, I know that voice i ran faster then I ever ran before; but when I got there I seen [your name] naked a metal table with some blueish grey haired sicko cutting her with a surgical scaple.

I chuckled saying "Hehehe, did you really think your minons could really hold me off, so you could do whatever you want to [your name]".

He turned to look at me and smirked saying "Well......I was kinda hoping that I wouldn't be interrupted; but seems.....that I'll have to put you down myself!!!"

As he charged at me I used my quirk and fought him for a good 10 maybe 11 minutes until I won by a long shot I ran over to [your name] untied her and seen that the cut on her leg would have to have stitches.

I looked at her and helped her sit up asked looking at her tear filled eyes "Hey [your name], you ok?"

I grabbed stuff to stitch up her wound and said "[your name]....the wound on your leg will need stitches; but it will hurt not gonna lie to you; but will you let me do it".

She weakly nodded her head saying "Y-yes, please do what you need to don't worry about me".

I did what she said to after disinfecting the wound and stitched it up; but her cries in pain broke my heart and after that I took off my jacket and covered her up with it picking her up bridal style and we left.

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