Hero Killer Stain Part 2

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[Your name] was out tryingbto cool off after Stain used his quirk on her then left with a stupid grin. But she was going on minding her own business she heard a voice.

*Your Pov*

I was walking down the back alleyways fuming with rage and hatred for that peice of crap hero killer Stain as I was walking I could hear a kid talking to someone in the alleyway.

"I am the brother to Ingenium, the hero who you took what he loved for good!" Said the boy i grew curious and walked with my kanata on my lower back and my pistol in my hand.

But what voice spoke next made my blood boil "He was in my way and he had to go cause he was not worthy of the name hero".

I pulled my hood on my head and walked to where the voice came from I smirked and said in a deep voice making them look at me "~There you are you bastard~".

Stain looked at me and smirked a saying "So the brat with a fool mouth decided to show herself again".

I growled pointing my gun at him and snarled at the bastard and said "I have score to settle with you you little peice of shit".

*Iida's pov*

Who is this person? And what is she talking about? I was confused by this person and why they are here for the hero killer.

Out of nowhere I heard the voice of Midoriya from behind me saying "Iida!" He looked at the girl in the cloak and asked "Hold on....who is that?"

I looked to the girl in the cloak and said "To be completely honest....I don't have the slightest idea".

*Your Pov*

I charged at Stain, saying "You made a big mistake by using your freaking quirk on me and leaving like that".

I pulled the trigger to the gun in my hand; by he used his blade and it ricoshaded off of it and came back at me I was lucky to dodge it by an inch.

After fighting with him for a while I finally got him down on the ground and finally he was bleeding I smirked and said "You bastard, burn in hell" and I walked away from them ignoring the calls from the three boys behind me.

~Time Skip~

"That damn 'hero killer' really pissed me off" I thought angrily as I arrived back at HQ after destroying that hero killer in the alleyway; but even though I at least made that 'bastard' bleed I am still pissed off.

I pushed open the back door heading to my room to drop off my weapons and change into something more comfortable after that I went to back where my brother was at.

Walking in the room no one was there I sighed a little bit relieved that it was at least quiet, I walked behind the bar and got a cup of 'Gold Slogger' a strong drink enough to make my throat burn.

After I got my drink I walked over to one of the couches and slung my arm over the back just enjoying the nice taste of my drink enjoying the nice and quiet bar.

~30 minutes later~

30 minutes pasted and I heard Tomura's voice say questioningly from behind me "Your back [your name], do you feel any better?"

I groaned lifting up my glass responding with a 'not really' and taking a drink of the beverage in my hand; but he said "Seems that they found a body belonging to a teenage boy a few hours ago".

"Black haired boy, grey eyes, stab wound to the stomach and gun shot to the head?" I asked taking another drink.

"Yeah, how did you know?" He asked his voice held curiosity in which made me let out a small chuckle taking a drink.

"Yup, that was me, I did it a few days ago, doing my usual thing acting like I'm in trouble, lead them to a dead end, wounding them, telling them my name and when they think their safe..."

I made a gun with my free hand and made a 'bang' sound with my mouth and saying "Shooting the in the head, then leave the scene without a trace".

He hummed in response enjoying the vivid image I had just given him of my latest killing a few days ago; but he turned on the news and the hero killer was on TV, I leaned forward watching the report and laughed my brother and Kurogiri looked at me curiously.

I mumbled under my breath "That peice of shit isn't even that big of a deal, I made that son of a bitch bleed and left and then they got the nerve to say the that the Pro Hero Endevor caught him....tch, pathic".

When I said that Kurogiri turned off the news and I walked over and placed the glass on the bar counter and went to my bedroom and stayed there for the rest of the night.

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