Touya's Little Mouse

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*Your Pov*

When I woke up Touya was still laying beside me his arm was still around my waist, I had my head on his chest, I wiggled out of his grip; but his grip on me became like a vice as he grinned with drowsy look in his turquoise eyes.

"~Where are you going Little Mouse?~"

I got a shocked expression on my face as I looked up at his burned and scared face as it stared back at me; but I stuttered out "T-Touya!?! Sorry did I wake you up?"

He smile grew bigger as he kissed my lips softly saying "No, I was just enjoying your resting face".

I blushed at his words, this caused him to chuckle at the effect hid words had on me, I looked away from him and he asked again "~Where are you going Little Mouse?~"

I still did not look at his turquoise eyes as I spoke "Just going to get a shower before going out to find something to eat".

He nodded his head, letting go of my waist, so that I could go do what I had to do, as I collected my clothes, undergarments, and other things that I would need to get a shower after I was done I walked to the bathroom.

~Time Skip~

Walking inside the bathroom I turned on the water to let it heat up, the bathroom was a half shower half bath so it wasn't small it could possibly fit two people in it; but to tell you the truth I wasn't going to test out that theory out.

I undressed and stared at my figure in the full body mirror, looking down at the scar on my left thigh I sighed thinking about what Kotaro had done to her that day; but as the bathroom filled uo with steam I climbed in the shower where the hot water was running.

I let out a realived sigh as the water ran across my body, grabbing my shampoo and conditioner starting to wash my hair off; but after a minute or two of just standing in the water as it ran over my body I heard the door open as a famillar male voice.

"Hehehe Little Mouse, can I join you in there?".

I blushed bright red as I peaked out from behind the curtain, as I looked at the famillar black haired male with burns on him face saying "T-Touya!?! What are you doing in here?!?"

I looked away as he took of his clothes and climbed in the shower with me causing me to blush bright red as he wrapped his arms around me from behind and kissed my neck causing me to shudder "~T-Touya~".

~Time Skip~

Walking into the lobby, I had a blush on my face as I tried to shake those damn thoughts out of my head "Dammit! I hope no one heard that" then I felt two hands on my shoulders and Toga's voice came from behind me.

"~Hey [nickname]~".

I looked over my shoulder to face the blonde haired girl who has become more of a sister to me then a commrade; but I didn't say anything this made her smile as she started to speak again; but this time in norr of a teasing tone really.

"~Seems like you anf Dabi had some fun in the bathroom~".

I blushed a bright shade of red and stuttered hidimg my face in my hands "S-shut up, Toga!"

She started giggling as I walked in the lobby all flustered, becaus of what she said about the 'fun' in the bathroom; but to tell you the truth....I really loved the things he did to me.

I seen Touya at bar drinking something, I blushed as he looked over at me with thay god damm smirk that I love so god damn much as he patted the seat next to him, I really wasn't going to sit next to him; but I felt someone's hands on my shoulders again and I was pushed foward landing on his lap which made a blushing mess.

"~Watch you step Little Mouse you might get hurt~"

He gripped my waist causing me to get all red and flustered, I looked at my lap and stuttered just loyd enough so that he can hear "S-sorry Touya, I didn't mean to".

{A/n: By the way, Dabi hasn't told them his real name yet; but I will probably let the League Of Villians find out his identity}

His grip on my waist at the sound of you saying his name......his real name in front of everyone  he leaned in close to my ear his breath sending shovers down my spine; but what he said scared me and turned me on at the same time if that is even possible.

"~Hey don't call me that in front of everyone else so watch what you call me Little Mouse, or I will have to punish you for that~".

Just then Kurogiri walked in with breakfest (Pancake, eggs, and sasage) on a plate, as he sat it down in front of me, my stomache growled making me blush "Hehehe, excuse me".

Touya started laughing at me, I blushed as I started eating, he grabbed my fork and said with his cocky grin.

"~Slow down Little Mouse or you'll on it~".

I blushed red, and started chocking on the sasage that I had in my mouth, he started to laugh at me saying "Hehehehe, I told you to slow down.......didn't I Little Mouse?"

"S-shut up *cough* Dabi, your *cough cough* the *cough* reason *cough cough* i'm chocking *cough cough cough* on a susage  *cough* right now" I said coughing.

My brother walked in the room with a look that could kill anyone if they looked at it hard enough......that is of looks could kill; but as he stopped in the door way there was pink on his cheeks.

"Wait? Is that a blush on his face?!?" I thought as I staresd back at him.

"[Your name]" he called clearly the blush on his face growing in size.

I stopped hitting Touya in his shoulder to face my brother and gave a cute smile as I tilted my saying "Yess, my nii-saan?"

"Can we talk?" he asked as he pointed of his shoulder to the hallway behind him which clearly made me nervous about what he wanted to talk about.

I stood up, as I went to walk away; but before I got out of his range he grabbed my ass making me squeak, and hurried over to my brothers form.

~Time Skip~

*Dabi/Touya's Pov*

After handyman and [your name] left the room, I heard Kurogiri was behind the counter cleaning a glass like always; but after a moment of silence he cleared his throat making me turn and look over at him; but what he said made caught me by surprise.

"Uhm....Dabi did you clean up the mess that you made?"

I looked overbat him, raising an eyebrow trying understand exactly what he was talking about; but I only spoke inna questioning tone of voice.

"What are you talking about?"

Toga got up in, and got in my face, she placed hee hands on my lap, which pissed me off big time; but what she said made me blush like crazy.

"Tee hehehe........we heard you having your fun with [nickname] in the bathroom this morning; but don't try and deny it was quite obvious on [nicknames] face when she walked in the room this morning".

And then [your name] walked back in the room with a blush on her face and handyman walked in behind her.

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